harlok44, В ссылке на скачку ВЭ4.0 в архиве было это дополнение. Я тоже подумал, почему мол версии разные, но раз в одном архиве, значит должны подходить, наверное.
Добро пожаловать на форум TRUCK-SIM.CLUB!
У нас Вы найдете лучшие моды для игр American Truck Simulator, Euro Truck Simulator 2 (Российские Просторы, RusMap, Southern Region, IWR), Fagrming Simulator и Spin Tires! Кроме этого, Вы сможете найти ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы о любимых играх, получить техническую поддержку, выиграть ценные призы в проводящихся на форуме конкурсах и розыгрышах, и просто приятно провести время! Для того, чтобы Вы могли полноценно пользоваться всеми функциями сайта, необходимо пройти быструю регистрацию, которая не займет и минуты. После регистрации Вы сможете создавать новые темы, общаться в уже существующих темах и чате, персонализировать свой личный профиль, участвовать в конкурсах и многое, многое другое! Вступайте в сообщество виртуальных дальнобойщиков ПРЯМО СЕЙЧАС! Если Вы уже зарегистрированы, то можете ВОЙТИ на форум под своим аккаунтом.

[ETS2] Вылеты из игры (часть 2)

, 03 Апр 2014 03:33
- Вы не можете создать новую тему
- Авторизуйтесь для ответа в теме
Отправлено 02 Ноябрь 2014 - 22:14

- 118 сообщений
- 23 благодарностей
- 0 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Саша Санек
- Грузовик в ETS2:Большая машина

Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Отправлено 02 Ноябрь 2014 - 22:23

- 1 239 сообщений
- 1842 благодарностей
- 0 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Александр
- Версия ETS2:Steam-aктуальная! ALL DLC!
- Грузовик в ETS2:MAN!
- Версия ATS:Steam-aктуальная! ALL DLC!
- Грузовик в ATS:Volvo VNL!
Любимая игра:

Скрытый текст************ : log created on : Saturday November 01 2014 @ 19:05:32
00:00:00.000 : [sys] running on x86_64 / Windows 7 x64 (version 6.1) / Service Pack 1
00:00:00.000 : [sys] DirectX version :
00:00:00.000 : [sys] Command line: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/bin/win_x64/eurotrucks2.exe -64bit
00:00:00.000 : [cpu] CPU0: GenuineIntel [ Intel® Core i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz] with 4 cores (4 threads) at ~3103MHz.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using 3 worker thread(s)
00:00:00.000 : [sys] and 3 worker threads for IO.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using QPC / TSC invariant timer, frequency 3030371Hz
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical total: 8150M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical avail: 5804M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual total: 8388607M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual avail: 8388436M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Trying to allocate memory pool (409600K)
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Allocated 5 temporary loading buffer(s)
00:00:00.013 : [steamctrl] Initialized Steam controller subsystem with config (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/controller.vdf)
00:00:00.045 : [hashfs] base.scs: Mounted and validated, 44927 entries (5584F6C3F421DC81501EC659729002DF3458749FBEDFB463E7858428352A014)
00:00:00.046 : [hashfs] core.scs: Mounted and validated, 4 entries (3C454D9439D60D12DE6DD244B17DBABDCB37C8CB22F5A42C86676B9777A1856)
00:00:00.099 : [hashfs] def.scs: Mounted and validated, 5515 entries (5CF86164DED56AC3836068905A2F1FCB09594D490EDCC34C1989748B7EF23A9)
00:00:00.153 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Mounted and validated, 168 entries (0B0A72F6F17184C5E1585443D6A9FA060B3DDBE0680D5B76EBECA5BCC3B6016)
00:00:00.154 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Mounted and validated, 1 entries (10CE0B9AD046C7BF459E966A2291108EA8F6903EC4C4CA629B968FE28B0072B)
00:00:00.154 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2'.
00:00:00.155 : exec /home/config.cfg
00:00:00.155 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
00:00:00.155 : uset r_full_resolution_corrections "0"
00:00:00.155 : uset r_force_color_shadowmaps "0"
00:00:00.155 : uset g_hw_info "1"
00:00:00.155 : uset g_line_sort "0"
00:00:00.155 : uset g_cargo_sort "2"
00:00:00.155 : uset g_tooltip_delay "0.4"
00:00:00.155 : uset g_global_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:00.155 : uset g_desktop_fadeout "60"
00:00:00.155 : uset r_wireframe "0"
00:00:00.155 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_right "0"
00:00:00.155 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_left "0"
00:00:00.155 : uset r_multimon_mode "0"
00:00:00.155 : uset r_segment_cache_static_buffers "1"
00:00:00.155 : uset r_segment_cache_behavior "3"
00:00:00.155 : uset r_use_depth_bounds "1"
00:00:00.155 : uset r_show_light_pixel_coverage "0"
00:00:00.155 : uset r_deferred_debug "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_mirror_scale_y "2"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_mirror_scale_x "2"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_scale_y "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_scale_x "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_normal_maps "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_sunshafts "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_color_saturation "1.0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_color_yellow_blue "0.0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_color_magenta_green "0.0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_color_cyan_red "0.0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_color_correction "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_dof_filter_size "0.5"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_dof_transition "400.0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_dof_start "200.0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_dof "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_mlaa_threshold "1.0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_mlaa "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_hdr "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_fake_shadows "2"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size "4096"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_sun_shadow_quality "4"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_mirror_view_distance "200"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_deferred_mirrors "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_deferred "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_nowmi "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_startup_progress "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_setup_done "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_gamma "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_manual_stereo_buffer_scale "1.0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game "100"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov "80"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game "0.5"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist "0.8"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_manual_stereo_in_menu "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_nv_stereo_mode "2"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_no_frame_tracking "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_msaa "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_fullscreen "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_mode "1920x1080x32x0"
00:00:00.156 : uset r_path ""
00:00:00.156 : uset r_device "dx9"
00:00:00.156 : uset i_virtual_cursor_speed "500.0"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_trackir "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_pedestrian "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_light_span_factor "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_light_distance_factor "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_vehicle_flare_lights "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_auto_traffic_headlights "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_traffic "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_kdop_preview "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_developer "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_wc_fps "0.0"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_wc_radius "-1.0"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_steam_rich_presence "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_steam_browser "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_steam_screenshots "2"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_artist_id "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_news "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_colbox "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_radio_mode "2"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_ignore_low_fps "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_truck_light_quality "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_truck_light_specular "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_gfx_all_scales "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_gfx_advanced "1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_gfx_quality "-1"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_hq_3d_screenshot "0"
00:00:00.156 : uset g_menu_aa_limit "8"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_additional_water_fov "20.0f"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_rain_reflect_hookups "1"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_rain_reflect_actor "1"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_rain_reflect_traffic "1"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_rain_reflect_cache "1"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_rain_reflection "3"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_reflection "3"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_grass_density "2"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_veg_detail "2"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_minicon "0"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_console "1"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_fps "0"
00:00:00.157 : uset g_stream_exts ".ogg;.mp3"
00:00:00.157 : uset r_vsync "1"
00:00:00.157 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "1"
00:00:00.157 : uset r_texture_detail "0"
00:00:00.157 : uset t_averaging_window_length "20"
00:00:00.161 : [lang] Language autodetection: 419
00:00:00.168 : Selected language: ru_ru
00:00:00.168 : Euro Truck Simulator 2 init ver. (rev. 41424f05d710)
00:00:00.175 : [net] LOG INFO: Started
00:00:00.176 : Setting UI reference mode to: 1440x900...
00:00:00.176 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx9
00:00:00.270 : [dx9] NVAPI initialized
00:00:00.313 : [dx9] Direct3D9 detected.
00:00:00.313 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
00:00:00.354 : [dx9] Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti / 977 (1024) MB (nvd3dumx.dll,, 20141016)
00:00:00.354 : [dx9] Using SM3X rendering path
00:00:00.370 : [gfx] Trying to set 1920x1080 32bpp 60Hz (fullscreen)
00:00:01.417 : [dx9] SLI not found.
00:00:01.417 : [dx9] Stereo fully allowed.
00:00:01.417 : [dx9] Unable to initialize stereo (-140), the stereo driver might be not installed
00:00:01.417 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
00:00:01.534 : [al] device: OpenAL Soft
00:00:01.534 : [al] context extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_loopback
00:00:01.573 : [al] vendor: OpenAL Community
00:00:01.573 : [al] version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.14
00:00:01.573 : [al] renderer: OpenAL Soft
00:00:01.573 : [al] extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFTX_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points
00:00:01.573 : [snd] Started sound update thread
00:00:01.578 : [di8] Initializing device '@@keyboard@@' as 'keyboard'
00:00:01.579 : [di8] Initializing device '@@i_mouse@@' as 'mouse'
00:00:01.606 : [di8] Initializing device 'Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2 USB' as '{032E8450-4A65-11E4-8001-444553540000}|{C219046D-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}'
00:00:01.607 : [di8] FF Constant force supported
00:00:01.608 : [di8] FF Ramp force supported
00:00:01.608 : [di8] FF Square force supported
00:00:01.608 : [di8] FF Sine force supported
00:00:01.608 : [di8] FF Triangle force supported
00:00:01.608 : [di8] FF SawtoothUp force supported
00:00:01.608 : [di8] FF SawtoothDown force supported
00:00:01.608 : [di8] FF Spring force supported
00:00:01.608 : [di8] FF Damper force supported
00:00:01.608 : [di8] FF Inertia force supported
00:00:01.608 : [di8] FF Friction force supported
00:00:01.608 : [di8] FF Axis 'x' 'Ось X' reports force 10N with resolution of 256
00:00:01.608 : [di8] FF Axis 'y' 'Ось Y' reports force 10N with resolution of 256
00:00:01.757 : [net] LINK ERRO: Not found.
00:00:01.780 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 726 entries (D31890B65A81127A25A36B4C1841C398701CF4AAA50426E160F543525A7AF5A)
00:00:02.404 : dispatch
00:00:02.404 : exit
00:00:03.942 : [ui] Controller setup start
00:00:03.943 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:03.943 : [inp] Analyzing "Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2 USB" "di8.'{032E8450-4A65-11E4-8001-444553540000}|{C219046D-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}'"
00:00:03.944 : [inp] Applying input.steer.logitech.f710.di
00:00:03.944 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:00:03.945 : [inp] Applying input.look.logitech.f710.di
00:00:03.945 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.logitech.f710.di
00:00:03.945 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:00:03.946 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:00:03.946 : [inp] Applying input.menu.logitech.f710.di
00:00:03.946 : [inp] Applying input.info.logitech.f710.di
00:00:03.946 : [inp] Classified as: gamepad
00:00:03.947 : [ui] Using '{032E8450-4A65-11E4-8001-444553540000}|{C219046D-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}' ('Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2 USB') for UI control: known compatible
00:00:03.947 : [ui] Controller setup done
00:00:04.185 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 726 entries (D31890B65A81127A25A36B4C1841C398701CF4AAA50426E160F543525A7AF5A)
00:00:04.193 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:04.193 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:04.194 : uset s_music_volume "0.513158"
00:00:04.194 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:04.194 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.19"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_adviser "2"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_police "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:04.194 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:04.194 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:04.194 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:04.194 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:04.194 : uset s_rumble_enabled "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_cam_blinker "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_cam_steering_value "0.96"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_cam_steering "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_fuel_simulation "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_axle_drop_auto "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_trailer_stability "1"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_brake_intensity "2.15767"
00:00:04.194 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:04.195 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:04.195 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:04.195 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:04.195 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:04.195 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:04.195 : uset g_trans "0"
00:00:04.195 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:04.195 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
00:00:04.294 : [net] LINK ERRO: Not found.
00:00:06.804 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:06.804 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:06.804 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:06.805 : uset s_music_volume "0.513158"
00:00:06.805 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:06.805 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.19"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_adviser "2"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_police "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:06.805 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:06.805 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:06.805 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:06.805 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:06.805 : uset s_rumble_enabled "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_cam_blinker "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_cam_steering_value "0.96"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_cam_steering "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_fuel_simulation "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_axle_drop_auto "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_trailer_stability "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_brake_intensity "2.15767"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_trans "0"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:06.805 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
00:00:06.815 : New profile selected: 'Cанек'
00:00:06.815 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs
00:00:15.082 : [zipfs] 01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 20538 entries [0xd6d4798e]
00:00:15.082 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs
00:00:18.945 : [zipfs] 02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 9035 entries [0xb7988264]
00:00:18.945 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Daf Euro 6 Realistic skin Kriechbaum.scs
00:00:18.946 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Daf Euro 6 Realistic skin Kriechbaum.scs: Created with ETS2 Studio v.
00:00:18.946 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Daf Euro 6 Realistic skin Kriechbaum.scs: www.ets2studio.com
00:00:18.946 : [zipfs] Daf Euro 6 Realistic skin Kriechbaum.scs: read ok, 24 entries [0xed15e039]
00:00:18.946 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Engines - 750HP & 1010HP UPD 1.2 by adison8 (v1.14.x).scs
00:00:18.947 : [zipfs] Engines - 750HP & 1010HP UPD 1.2 by adison8 (v1.14.x).scs: read ok, 61 entries [0x864e5e96]
00:00:18.947 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/No empty return for AI adapted by adison8 (v1.14.x).scs
00:00:18.948 : [zipfs] No empty return for AI adapted by adison8 (v1.14.x).scs: read ok, 4 entries [0x3e992215]
00:00:18.948 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TRUCK_-_Mercedes_Actros_2009_real_logo (Mod_by_Daltontune).scs
00:00:18.949 : [zipfs] TRUCK_-_Mercedes_Actros_2009_real_logo (Mod_by_Daltontune).scs: read ok, 114 entries [0x7eb92809]
00:00:18.949 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.8.scs
00:00:21.851 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.8.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:21.851 : [zipfs] ai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.8.scs: read ok, 8970 entries [0x6dc15bd5]
00:00:21.851 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/smaller_ui_mirrors.scs
00:00:21.852 : [zipfs] smaller_ui_mirrors.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x5563600a]
00:00:21.852 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs
00:00:28.404 : [zipfs] trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs: read ok, 14443 entries [0xeb09d267]
00:00:28.404 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs
00:00:38.747 : [zipfs] trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs: read ok, 6070 entries [0xffc923ad]
00:00:38.747 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs
00:00:38.752 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:38.752 : [zipfs] trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs: read ok, 393 entries [0xf2206c1e]
00:00:38.752 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/vnl_670.scs
00:00:39.398 : [zipfs] vnl_670.scs: read ok, 472 entries [0xbb9650fd]
00:00:39.398 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/z_snowy_road.scs
00:00:39.399 : [zipfs] z_snowy_road.scs: read ok, 13 entries [0x7f198f6b]
00:00:39.399 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_fix.scs
00:00:39.399 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_fix.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:39.399 : [zipfs] ztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_fix.scs: read ok, 2 entries [0x83c26783]
00:00:39.399 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzIWR20HD_r4.scs
00:00:40.234 : [zipfs] zzIWR20HD_r4.scs: read ok, 256 entries [0x55831532]
00:00:40.235 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzIWR_r4.scs
00:00:40.237 : [zipfs] zzzIWR_r4.scs: read ok, 240 entries [0x7f8faf45]
00:00:40.237 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs
00:00:40.238 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs: read ok, 2 entries [0x827d8851]
00:00:40.238 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs
00:00:40.238 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs: read ok, 5 entries [0x41563236]
00:00:40.238 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Sasha/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/яяяяяяяя_load_pic.zip
00:00:40.439 : [zipfs] яяяяяяяя_load_pic.zip: read ok, 60 entries [0xad5c1893]
00:00:40.448 : game
00:00:40.691 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet
00:00:40.895 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/model/skybox/skybox.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:41.196 : Loaded trailers: 613
00:00:41.205 : Loaded small traffic vehicles: 114
00:00:41.207 : Loaded truck traffic vehicles: 21
00:00:41.236 : Loaded traffic trailers: 406
00:00:41.237 : Loaded addon hookups: 16
00:00:41.237 : Loading resource server data ....
00:00:41.237 : Loading road data ....
00:00:41.263 : Loading terrain data ....
00:00:41.268 : Loading railing data ....
00:00:41.270 : Loading building data ....
00:00:41.285 : Loading model data ....
00:00:41.326 : Loading prefab data ....
00:00:44.193 : Loading traffic rule data ....
00:00:44.194 : Loading sign data ....
00:00:44.235 : Loading city data ....
00:00:44.250 : Loading traffic semaphore data ....
00:00:44.252 : Loading traffic signs data ....
00:00:44.255 : Loading vegetation data ....
00:00:44.268 : Loading hinges data ....
00:00:44.272 : Loading stamp data ....
00:00:44.275 : Loading movers data ....
00:00:44.285 : Loading ferry data ....
00:00:44.302 : Loading country data ....
00:00:44.416 : Loading sound item data ....
00:00:44.417 : Loading live stream data ....
00:00:44.417 : Loading game condition data ....
00:00:44.418 : Loading trigger action data ....
00:00:44.418 : Loading cutscene data ....
00:00:44.554 : Loading cargo data ....
00:00:44.571 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.acetylene': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.571 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.acid': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.571 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.alualk': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.571 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.ammunition': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.571 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.apples': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.571 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.arsenic': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.572 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.beverages': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.572 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bricks': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.572 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.cement': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.572 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.cheese': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.572 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.chemicals': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.572 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.chlorine': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.572 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.clothes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.573 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.coal': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.573 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.concrete': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.573 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.contamin': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.573 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.cyanide': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.573 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.diesel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.573 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.digger1000': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.573 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.digger500': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.573 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.diggers': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.573 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.dynamite': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.573 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.electronics': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.574 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.excavator': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.574 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.explosives': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.574 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.fertilizer': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.574 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.fireworks': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.574 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.flour': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.574 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.fluorine': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.574 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.frozen_food': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.575 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.furniture': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.575 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.glass_packed': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.575 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.gravel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.575 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.hipresstank': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.575 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.hmetal': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.575 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.hwaste': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.575 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.hydrochlor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.575 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.hydrogen': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.575 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.icecream': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.576 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.kerosene': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.576 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.lead': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.576 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.lpg': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.576 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.magnesium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.576 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.medicals': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.576 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.mercuric': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.577 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.neon': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.577 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.nitrocel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.577 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.nitrogen': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.577 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.oil': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.577 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.oranges': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.577 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.ore': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.577 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.paper': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.577 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.peas': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.577 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.pesticide': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.578 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.petrol': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.578 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.phosphor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.578 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.potahydro': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.578 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.potassium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.578 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.potatoes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.578 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.rice': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.578 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sand': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.578 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sodchlor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.578 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sodhydro': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.579 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sodium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.579 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sugar': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.579 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sulfuric': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.579 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.tableware': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.579 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.tomatoes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.579 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.toys': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.579 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.tyres': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.yogurt': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.can_fish': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.ironware': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bulldozer6': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.c_ntbk': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.rocket_part': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.petrol_j3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.barley': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.diesel_j1': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.c_cabbage': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.prams': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.deutz6095': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.car3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.choco': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.case70xt': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.exc_sm': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.drill_rig': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.car': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.argosy': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bigx1000': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.580 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.helicopter_j': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.turbine': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.forklift5': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.tanker_wreck': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.petrol_j2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.usina': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.gravel2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.containers': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.c_medob': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sw450': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.seed': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.man_serv': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.tectron415': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.forklift4': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.pipes3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.audi_a3c': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.beton_bl2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.pipes4': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.light_fixt': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.garbage': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.saab92_95': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.cookware': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.mack_plow': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.boiler': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.c_cofe': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.forklift3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.lumber3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.neoplan1': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.mining_dev': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.textile': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.schluter': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.cigars': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.cement_mesh': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.kater': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.deutz5465': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.e_drink': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.house': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.k701sa': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.power_st': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.excavator4': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.581 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.fund': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.volvo9700': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bulldozer7': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.logs_mid': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.c_bier_keg': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.crane': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.volvo_b7tl': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.turm': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.mopro': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.food_sup': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.cognac': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.deutz7545': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.krone1290xc': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.panels': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.crane3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.vgame_cons': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.c_carpet': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.century': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.log_cabin': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.car5': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.log_saw': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.airtrac': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.c_pccomp': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.mach_parts': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bamboo': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.logs2x': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.beer_j': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.veneer': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.car_man': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sterling9500': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bricks2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.beton_bl': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.case600s': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.challenger': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.pole': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.excavator6': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bier_bot': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.daf_two': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.mi8': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.582 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.brus': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.srb35': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.med_device': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.pipes2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.wind_blades': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.lumber2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.b_tech': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.scan_fire': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.wheat': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sausage': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.c_pla_meb': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.kvn': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.batteries': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.power_rl': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.profihopper': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.iveco_two': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.silosystem': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sand3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.big_tank2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.t_150': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.c_santech': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.m_rulon': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.beton_tr': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.agrofarm430': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.car_transit': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sca_two': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.house_roof': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.champagne': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.big_tank': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.office': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.small_logs': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.liebh1030': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.quan6800s': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.torgob': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.583 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.excavator_m': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.faun3500': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.barrels': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bus_wreck': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.b_bloki': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.potatoes2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.excavator5': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bigm500': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.margarine': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.logs_big': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.case9230': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.fabia': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.foto': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.olive_oil': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.car4': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.wire': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.barr_oil': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.forklift6': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.big_tyres': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.excavator_w': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.petrol_j1': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.metrobus': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.cosm': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.airtrac3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.excavator3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.catd7h': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.lift': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.pipe': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.flowers': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.beef': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sand2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.crush_stone': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.spaghetti': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bulldozer4': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.pilatus': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.cistern': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.forklift2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.mil_unif': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.boat2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.584 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.logs_small': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.pears': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bus': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.weid4270': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.case600q': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.lifter': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.mebof': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.scania_sp1': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.ws4900ex': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.exch2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.fish': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.paint': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bulldozer3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bell_pepper': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.clay': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.diapers': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.lumber1': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.big_balon': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.ketchup': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.faun8000': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.rotech': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.airtrac2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bier2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.katok': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.explosiv': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bier': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.maize': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.agrotron720': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.p_tank': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.buhrer': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.garantvtl': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.vino': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bier_can': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.baobab': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.belarus': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.ship_parts': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.doski': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.culvert': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.tiles': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.585 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.samosva': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.panshi_boat': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.beton_bl3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.c_mobtel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sameargon': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.c_wallpap': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.c_shoes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.pantera': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.seefood': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.palet': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.detergent': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.prem_two': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.excavator2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.rig_mats': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.ratrak': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.mb_two': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.const_sp': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.konfet': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.boat': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.firetr_dam': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.car_acces': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.tube_j': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.office_items': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.iveco_sp': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.vodka': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.cat_scra': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.exch': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.min_water': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.derrick': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.equipment': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.volvo8': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.tvs': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.raba': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bulldozer2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.dried_fruits': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.pork': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bulldozer5': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.zapch2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.figovina': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.586 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.yacht_j': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.gerador': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sport_cars': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.glass2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.sporttov': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.opalin': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.wallpanels2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.keramzit': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.honey': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.okor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.mb900': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.kuhnconfort': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.zapch': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.lizard': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.power_cable': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.cow': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.auto_batter': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.logger': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.cat_d': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.pig': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.diesel_j2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.rastv_cofe': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.bulldozer': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.volvo642': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.ka26': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.computer': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.agrovector': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.egg': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.beer_na': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.garlic': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.can_food': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.587 : <WARNING> Cargo 'cargo.brok_truck': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:44.591 : Loading company data ....
00:00:44.891 : Resources load time: 4214ms (10 MB)
00:00:44.891 : Map '/map/europe.mbd' loading started ....
00:00:47.387 : Map successfully loaded.
00:00:47.416 : Map load time: 2525ms (229 MB)
00:00:47.422 : Loading save '/home/profiles/43D0B0D0BDD0B5D0BA/save/autosave/game.sii'
00:00:47.985 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:00:48.238 : <WARNING> Unable to find route from: company.volatile.tree_et.birmingham to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:48.238 : <WARNING> Unable to find route from: company.volatile.sellplan.southampton to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:48.239 : <WARNING> Unable to find route from: company.volatile.fcp.poznan to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:48.266 : <WARNING> Unable to find route from: company.volatile.stokes.nurnberg to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:48.266 : <WARNING> Unable to find route from: company.volatile.quarry.salzburg to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:48.267 : <WARNING> More failures to find a route.
00:00:55.940 : <ERROR> Map link conflict for 0x3243CD9AC100274, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:00:55.992 : <ERROR> Map link conflict for 0x326C0A5B440015B, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:00:56.008 : <ERROR> Map link conflict for 0x326C0A61CC000D3, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:00:56.038 : Road network navigation caching finished.
00:00:56.051 : Garage update started.
00:00:56.567 : Garage update finished.
00:00:56.568 : Economy load time: 15891ms (66 MB)
00:01:00.009 : Create actor: (76 MB)
00:01:00.023 : Game init finished. (382 MB)
00:01:28.034 : g_mode dx9 1920x1080x32x0 1 0
00:01:28.310 : [dx9] NVAPI unloaded
00:01:28.310 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx9
00:01:28.312 : [dx9] NVAPI initialized
00:01:28.313 : [dx9] Direct3D9 detected.
00:01:28.313 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
00:01:28.359 : [dx9] Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti / 977 (1024) MB (nvd3dumx.dll,,
Ребята подскажите в чем может быть проблема,патч 1.14 + вэ 4.0,не могу изменить масштаб вылетает!
Сообщение отредактировал Малышаня: 02 Ноябрь 2014 - 22:23
- 0
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
☭ Taran KZ ☭
Отправлено 02 Ноябрь 2014 - 23:21

☭ Taran KZ ☭
- 31 669 сообщений
- 6135 благодарностей
- 122 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Саня
- Версия ETS2:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ETS2:Renault T
- Версия ATS:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ATS:Kenworth K100
Любимая игра:

Windows XP x86 (version 5.1) / Service Pack 3слишком слабо для такого количества модов, установи виндовс 7 и будет проще

Малышаня, свит фикс отключи и меняй масштаб сколько хочешь, тебе вчера ответили, читай там всё написано
- 0
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Отправлено 04 Ноябрь 2014 - 02:22

- 210 сообщений
- 6 благодарностей
- 0 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Михаил
- Версия ETS2:1.35... s DLC
- Грузовик в ETS2:maz
Любимая игра:

У меня такая проблема. Играю на последней карте ВЭ 4.0 версии. Вылет в Киеве, автосалон "универсальный" при попытке купить грузовик. Лог:
Скрытый текст
************ : log created on : Tuesday November 04 2014 @ 01:52:53
00:00:00.000 : [sys] running on x86 / Windows 7 x86 (version 6.1) / Service Pack 1
00:00:00.000 : [sys] DirectX version :
00:00:00.000 : [sys] Command line: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x86\eurotrucks2.exe 64bit
00:00:00.000 : [cpu] CPU0: GenuineIntel [Intel® Pentium® CPU P6200 @ 2.13GHz] with 2 cores (2 threads) at ~2128MHz.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using 1 worker thread(s)
00:00:00.000 : [sys] and 3 worker threads for IO.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using QPC / TSC invariant timer, frequency 2078144Hz
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical total: 1972M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical avail: 1226M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual total: 2047M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual avail: 1902M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Trying to allocate memory pool (307200K)
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Allocated 2 temporary loading buffer(s)
00:00:00.508 : [steamctrl] Initialized Steam controller subsystem with config (D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/controller.vdf)
00:00:01.215 : [hashfs] base.scs: Mounted and validated, 44927 entries (5584F6C3F421DC81501EC659729002DF3458749FBEDFB463E7858428352A014)
00:00:01.217 : [hashfs] core.scs: Mounted and validated, 4 entries (3C454D9439D60D12DE6DD244B17DBABDCB37C8CB22F5A42C86676B9777A1856)
00:00:01.360 : [hashfs] def.scs: Mounted and validated, 5515 entries (5CF86164DED56AC3836068905A2F1FCB09594D490EDCC34C1989748B7EF23A9)
00:00:01.449 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Mounted and validated, 168 entries (0B0A72F6F17184C5E1585443D6A9FA060B3DDBE0680D5B76EBECA5BCC3B6016)
00:00:01.452 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Mounted and validated, 1 entries (10CE0B9AD046C7BF459E966A2291108EA8F6903EC4C4CA629B968FE28B0072B)
00:00:01.452 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2'.
00:00:01.499 : exec /home/config.cfg
00:00:01.500 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
00:00:01.501 : uset r_full_resolution_corrections "0"
00:00:01.501 : uset r_force_color_shadowmaps "0"
00:00:01.501 : uset g_hw_info "1"
00:00:01.501 : uset g_line_sort "0"
00:00:01.501 : uset g_cargo_sort "0"
00:00:01.501 : uset g_tooltip_delay "0.4"
00:00:01.501 : uset g_global_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:01.501 : uset g_desktop_fadeout "60"
00:00:01.501 : uset r_wireframe "0"
00:00:01.501 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_right "0"
00:00:01.502 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_left "0"
00:00:01.502 : uset r_multimon_mode "0"
00:00:01.502 : uset r_segment_cache_static_buffers "1"
00:00:01.502 : uset r_segment_cache_behavior "3"
00:00:01.502 : uset r_use_depth_bounds "1"
00:00:01.502 : uset r_show_light_pixel_coverage "0"
00:00:01.502 : uset r_deferred_debug "0"
00:00:01.502 : uset r_mirror_scale_y "1"
00:00:01.502 : uset r_mirror_scale_x "1"
00:00:01.502 : uset r_scale_y "1"
00:00:01.502 : uset r_scale_x "0.75"
00:00:01.503 : uset r_normal_maps "1"
00:00:01.503 : uset r_sunshafts "1"
00:00:01.503 : uset r_color_saturation "1.0"
00:00:01.503 : uset r_color_yellow_blue "0.0"
00:00:01.503 : uset r_color_magenta_green "0.0"
00:00:01.503 : uset r_color_cyan_red "0.0"
00:00:01.503 : uset r_color_correction "1"
00:00:01.503 : uset r_dof_filter_size "0.5"
00:00:01.503 : uset r_dof_transition "400.0"
00:00:01.503 : uset r_dof_start "200.0"
00:00:01.503 : uset r_dof "1"
00:00:01.503 : uset r_mlaa_threshold "1.0"
00:00:01.504 : uset r_mlaa "0"
00:00:01.504 : uset r_hdr "0"
00:00:01.504 : uset r_fake_shadows "2"
00:00:01.504 : uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size "2048"
00:00:01.504 : uset r_sun_shadow_quality "2"
00:00:01.504 : uset r_mirror_view_distance "80"
00:00:01.504 : uset r_deferred_mirrors "0"
00:00:01.504 : uset r_deferred "1"
00:00:01.504 : uset r_nowmi "1"
00:00:01.504 : uset r_startup_progress "0"
00:00:01.505 : uset r_setup_done "1"
00:00:01.505 : uset r_gamma "1"
00:00:01.505 : uset r_manual_stereo_buffer_scale "1.0"
00:00:01.505 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game "100"
00:00:01.505 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov "80"
00:00:01.505 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game "0.5"
00:00:01.505 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist "0.8"
00:00:01.505 : uset r_manual_stereo_in_menu "0"
00:00:01.505 : uset r_nv_stereo_mode "2"
00:00:01.505 : uset r_no_frame_tracking "0"
00:00:01.506 : uset r_msaa "0"
00:00:01.506 : uset r_fullscreen "1"
00:00:01.506 : uset r_mode "1600x900x32x0"
00:00:01.506 : uset r_path ""
00:00:01.506 : uset r_device "dx9"
00:00:01.506 : uset i_virtual_cursor_speed "500.0"
00:00:01.506 : uset g_trackir "1"
00:00:01.506 : uset g_pedestrian "1"
00:00:01.506 : uset g_light_span_factor "0.25"
00:00:01.506 : uset g_light_distance_factor "0.25"
00:00:01.506 : uset g_vehicle_flare_lights "1"
00:00:01.506 : uset g_auto_traffic_headlights "1"
00:00:01.506 : uset g_traffic "1"
00:00:01.506 : uset g_kdop_preview "0"
00:00:01.506 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug "0"
00:00:01.506 : uset g_developer "1"
00:00:01.506 : uset g_wc_fps "0.0"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_wc_radius "-1.0"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_steam_rich_presence "1"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_steam_browser "1"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_steam_screenshots "2"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_artist_id "0"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_news "1"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_colbox "0"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_radio_mode "1"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_ignore_low_fps "0"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_truck_light_quality "1"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_truck_light_specular "1"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_gfx_all_scales "0"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_gfx_advanced "0"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_gfx_quality "1"
00:00:01.507 : uset g_hq_3d_screenshot "0"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_menu_aa_limit "8"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_additional_water_fov "20.0f"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_rain_reflect_hookups "0"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_rain_reflect_actor "0"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_rain_reflect_traffic "0"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_rain_reflect_cache "0"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_rain_reflection "1"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_reflection "1"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_grass_density "0"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_veg_detail "0"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_minicon "0"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_console "1"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_fps "0"
00:00:01.508 : uset g_stream_exts ".ogg;.mp3"
00:00:01.508 : uset r_vsync "1"
00:00:01.508 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "0.1875"
00:00:01.509 : uset r_texture_detail "1"
00:00:01.509 : uset t_averaging_window_length "20"
00:00:01.526 : [lang] Language autodetection: 419
00:00:01.546 : Selected language: ru_ru
00:00:01.547 : Euro Truck Simulator 2 init ver. (rev. 41424f05d710)
00:00:02.727 : [net] LOG INFO: Started
00:00:02.731 : Setting UI reference mode to: 1440x900...
00:00:02.731 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx9
00:00:03.377 : [dx9] NVAPI not detected. (-2)
00:00:03.377 : [dx9] Direct3D9Ex detected.
00:00:03.378 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
00:00:04.018 : [dx9] Adapter #0: AMD Radeon HD 6300M Series / 507 (0) MB (aticfx32.dll,, )
00:00:04.019 : [dx9] Using SM3X rendering path
00:00:04.020 : [gfx] Trying to set 1600x900 32bpp 60Hz (fullscreen)
00:00:04.656 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
00:00:10.165 : [al] device: OpenAL Soft
00:00:10.165 : [al] context extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_loopback
00:00:11.546 : [al] vendor: OpenAL Community
00:00:11.546 : [al] version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.14
00:00:11.546 : [al] renderer: OpenAL Soft
00:00:11.546 : [al] extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFTX_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points
00:00:11.547 : [snd] Started sound update thread
00:00:11.786 : [di8] Initializing device '@@keyboard@@' as 'keyboard'
00:00:12.249 : [di8] Initializing device '@@i_mouse@@' as 'mouse'
00:00:28.389 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 726 entries (D31890B65A81127A25A36B4C1841C398701CF4AAA50426E160F543525A7AF5A)
00:00:30.014 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Mounted and validated, 403 entries (4AB2B5E5CCD56FADF5C0453358CB7E0B4547C2CC883221F43709B820DD3DFC2)
00:00:31.140 : dispatch
00:00:31.140 : exit
00:00:52.112 : [ui] Controller setup start
00:00:52.115 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:52.116 : [ui] Controller setup done
00:00:52.924 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 726 entries (D31890B65A81127A25A36B4C1841C398701CF4AAA50426E160F543525A7AF5A)
00:00:53.060 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Mounted and validated, 403 entries (4AB2B5E5CCD56FADF5C0453358CB7E0B4547C2CC883221F43709B820DD3DFC2)
00:00:53.116 : [fs] Failed to open file "/home/profiles/38363738393936/profile.bak.sii" in the read_only mode
00:00:53.116 : load_unit_tree() - Failed to open file (/home/profiles/38363738393936/profile.bak.sii)
00:00:53.116 : [fs] Failed to open file "/home/profiles/477269736861/profile.sii" in the read_only mode
00:00:53.117 : load_unit_tree() - Failed to open file (/home/profiles/477269736861/profile.sii)
00:00:53.117 : [fs] Failed to open file "/home/profiles/477269736861/profile.bak.sii" in the read_only mode
00:00:53.117 : load_unit_tree() - Failed to open file (/home/profiles/477269736861/profile.bak.sii)
00:00:53.871 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:53.871 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:53.871 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:53.871 : uset s_music_volume "1"
00:00:53.871 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:53.871 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:53.871 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:53.872 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:53.872 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:53.872 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:53.872 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:53.872 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:53.872 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:53.872 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:53.872 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:53.873 : uset g_adviser "1"
00:00:53.873 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:53.873 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:53.873 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:00:53.873 : uset g_police "1"
00:00:53.873 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:53.873 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:53.873 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:53.873 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:53.874 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:53.874 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:53.874 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:53.874 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:53.874 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:53.874 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:53.874 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:53.874 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:53.874 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:53.874 : uset g_cam_blinker "1"
00:00:53.874 : uset g_cam_steering_value "0.54"
00:00:53.874 : uset g_cam_steering "0"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_fuel_simulation "1"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "1"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "0"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_axle_drop_auto "1"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.53"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_brake_intensity "0.719223"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_trans "3"
00:00:53.875 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:53.876 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
00:00:55.905 : [fs] Failed to open file "/home/profiles/38363738393936/profile.bak.sii" in the read_only mode
00:00:55.905 : load_unit_tree() - Failed to open file (/home/profiles/38363738393936/profile.bak.sii)
00:00:55.906 : [fs] Failed to open file "/home/profiles/477269736861/profile.sii" in the read_only mode
00:00:55.906 : load_unit_tree() - Failed to open file (/home/profiles/477269736861/profile.sii)
00:00:55.906 : [fs] Failed to open file "/home/profiles/477269736861/profile.bak.sii" in the read_only mode
00:00:55.906 : load_unit_tree() - Failed to open file (/home/profiles/477269736861/profile.bak.sii)
00:00:56.353 : loading 'mp_launch_helper' 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/bin/win_x86/plugins/mp_launch_helper.dll'
00:01:06.078 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:01:06.078 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:01:06.078 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:01:06.078 : uset s_music_volume "1"
00:01:06.078 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:01:06.078 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_currency "0"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_adviser "1"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_police "1"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:01:06.078 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:01:06.079 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:01:06.079 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:01:06.079 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:01:06.079 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:01:06.079 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:01:06.079 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:01:06.079 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_cam_blinker "1"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_cam_steering_value "0.54"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_cam_steering "0"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_fuel_simulation "1"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "1"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "0"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_axle_drop_auto "1"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.53"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_brake_intensity "0.719223"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_mph "0"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_trans "3"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:01:06.079 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
00:01:06.096 : New profile selected: 'Макс'
00:01:06.096 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs
00:01:26.856 : [zipfs] 01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 20538 entries [0xd6d4798e]
00:01:26.856 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs
00:01:35.376 : [zipfs] 02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 9035 entries [0xb7988264]
00:01:35.376 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/50k_wheels_pack_edit_petr.voltr.scs
00:01:35.511 : [zipfs] 50k_wheels_pack_edit_petr.voltr.scs: read ok, 80 entries [0x42e1d6b3]
00:01:35.511 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Camera Externa Afastada.scs
00:01:35.512 : [zipfs] Camera Externa Afastada.scs: read ok, 4 entries [0x37084eb]
00:01:35.512 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Garage Custom Sovtransavto.scs
00:01:35.575 : [zipfs] Garage Custom Sovtransavto.scs: read ok, 59 entries [0xcdf54ca4]
00:01:35.575 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/KAMAЗ 5460 V.3.scs
00:01:36.250 : [zipfs] KAMAЗ 5460 V.3.scs: read ok, 720 entries [0xd0171705]
00:01:36.250 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Kamaz_ 4410-6450_JAWA_Smith_dmitry68_Stas556-part1.scs
00:01:37.101 : [zipfs] Kamaz_ 4410-6450_JAWA_Smith_dmitry68_Stas556-part1.scs: read ok, 484 entries [0x491a7955]
00:01:37.101 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Kamaz_ 4410-6450_JAWA_Smith_dmitry68_Stas556-part2.scs
00:01:37.751 : [zipfs] Kamaz_ 4410-6450_JAWA_Smith_dmitry68_Stas556-part2.scs: read ok, 5008 entries [0xea57803a]
00:01:37.751 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Logo virtfirm.scs
00:01:37.754 : [zipfs] Logo virtfirm.scs: read ok, 11 entries [0xd52e5670]
00:01:37.754 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Maz 5432-6422 part 1.scs
00:01:38.402 : [zipfs] Maz 5432-6422 part 1.scs: read ok, 397 entries [0x5ee0eac5]
00:01:38.402 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Maz 5432-6422 part 2.scs
00:01:38.491 : [zipfs] Maz 5432-6422 part 2.scs: read ok, 225 entries [0x46b566b]
00:01:38.491 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Maz 5432-6422 wheels.scs
00:01:38.609 : [zipfs] Maz 5432-6422 wheels.scs: read ok, 87 entries [0x36a824a]
00:01:38.610 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/NewTrailerWeight.scs
00:01:38.616 : [zipfs] NewTrailerWeight.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0xa4b3dcd3]
00:01:38.616 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Open accessories for v1.11.x by adison8.scs
00:01:38.700 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Open accessories for v1.11.x by adison8.scs: Author by adison8
00:01:38.700 : [zipfs] Open accessories for v1.11.x by adison8.scs: read ok, 1511 entries [0xe96b4146]
00:01:38.701 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Real_Stations_Gas.scs
00:01:38.915 : [zipfs] Real_Stations_Gas.scs: read ok, 76 entries [0x96ee86fe]
00:01:38.915 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Service_symbolfix_edit_by_Nikon.scs
00:01:38.917 : [zipfs] Service_symbolfix_edit_by_Nikon.scs: read ok, 37 entries [0x27d3a2f6]
00:01:38.917 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Trailer Krone Coolliner Dixon.scs
00:01:39.210 : [zipfs] Trailer Krone Coolliner Dixon.scs: read ok, 73 entries [0xb0bfbf8f]
00:01:39.210 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Trailer Krone Profiliner Dixon.scs
00:01:39.410 : [zipfs] Trailer Krone Profiliner Dixon.scs: read ok, 91 entries [0x733b1212]
00:01:39.411 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Trailer Schmitz Cistern Dixon.scs
00:01:39.569 : [zipfs] Trailer Schmitz Cistern Dixon.scs: read ok, 71 entries [0x5153d3d]
00:01:39.569 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Trailer Schmitz Universal Dixon.scs
00:01:39.735 : [zipfs] Trailer Schmitz Universal Dixon.scs: read ok, 91 entries [0x71011131]
00:01:39.735 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Willi_Betz_Schmitz_Hupa_curtain.scs
00:01:39.898 : [zipfs] Willi_Betz_Schmitz_Hupa_curtain.scs: read ok, 137 entries [0xfd0d7d2d]
00:01:39.899 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/[MOD-ETS2] Mercedes Benz Multi Mod for All Patches (by KacaK).scs
00:01:40.035 : [zipfs] [MOD-ETS2] Mercedes Benz Multi Mod for All Patches (by KacaK).scs: read ok, 231 entries [0x53e13c3f]
00:01:40.035 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/transmission_unlock_&_gearbox_v1.14.x (UPD 1.2).scs
00:01:40.046 : [zipfs] transmission_unlock_&_gearbox_v1.14.x (UPD 1.2).scs: read ok, 171 entries [0xdbc02768]
00:01:40.046 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzCompanys.scs
00:01:40.049 : [zipfs] zzzCompanys.scs: read ok, 28 entries [0xed447686]
00:01:40.050 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Пользователь/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/яяяяincreases engine sound x3 (v1.14.x) by adison8.scs
00:01:40.052 : [zipfs] яяяяincreases engine sound x3 (v1.14.x) by adison8.scs: read ok, 41 entries [0xb0b888e0]
00:01:51.750 : Missing mods or dlcs [12]: Mb Actros Real Logo By Djebbar Fares .scs,New_Lights_fh2013.scs,Volvo FH 2012 by TosteR.scs,Volvo_FH12_by_pirs_v2.0.scs,Willi_Betz_mercedes_MP3.scs,[TRAILER] Schmitz_tandem.scs,[TRUCK] Volvo_FH13.scs,scania 420.scs,scania r124.scs,zzz_Maz_5432_part_2.scs,zzz_interior_volvo.scs,zzzzzzzzzzzVolvo_VNL_780_Reworked v3.scs
00:01:54.710 : game /home/profiles/D09CD0B0D0BAD181/save/33
00:01:57.799 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet
00:01:59.171 : Loaded trailers: 105
00:01:59.192 : Loaded small traffic vehicles: 30
00:01:59.196 : Loaded truck traffic vehicles: 21
00:01:59.201 : Loaded traffic trailers: 34
00:01:59.203 : Loaded addon hookups: 21
00:01:59.204 : Loading resource server data ....
00:01:59.204 : Loading road data ....
00:01:59.268 : Loading terrain data ....
00:01:59.348 : Loading railing data ....
00:01:59.353 : Loading building data ....
00:01:59.397 : Loading model data ....
00:01:59.510 : Loading prefab data ....
00:02:00.413 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_small/gasstation_small_2_2.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:02:01.286 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas/gas_station.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:02:01.286 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas/gas_station_uk.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:02:01.711 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_small/gasstation_small.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:02:02.163 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/garage/garage_expensive.ppd' version 19 to current version (21)
00:02:03.349 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_small/gasstation_small_uk.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:02:03.931 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:02:04.803 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big_3lane.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:02:05.665 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big_uk.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:02:06.323 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big_3lane_uk.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:02:07.602 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_small/gasstation_small_2_2_uk.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:02:09.925 : Loading traffic rule data ....
00:02:09.927 : Loading sign data ....
00:02:10.011 : Loading city data ....
00:02:10.087 : Loading traffic semaphore data ....
00:02:10.092 : Loading traffic signs data ....
00:02:10.103 : Loading vegetation data ....
00:02:10.126 : Loading hinges data ....
00:02:10.138 : Loading stamp data ....
00:02:10.152 : Loading movers data ....
00:02:10.157 : Loading ferry data ....
00:02:10.174 : Loading country data ....
00:02:10.254 : Loading sound item data ....
00:02:10.256 : Loading live stream data ....
00:02:10.258 : Loading game condition data ....
00:02:10.274 : Loading trigger action data ....
00:02:10.291 : Loading cutscene data ....
00:02:10.341 : Loading cargo data ....
00:02:10.367 : Cargo 'cargo.acetylene': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.367 : Cargo 'cargo.acid': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.368 : Cargo 'cargo.alualk': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.369 : Cargo 'cargo.ammunition': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.369 : Cargo 'cargo.apples': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.370 : Cargo 'cargo.arsenic': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.371 : Cargo 'cargo.beverages': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.371 : Cargo 'cargo.cement': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.372 : Cargo 'cargo.cheese': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.373 : Cargo 'cargo.chemicals': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.373 : Cargo 'cargo.chlorine': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.374 : Cargo 'cargo.clothes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.375 : Cargo 'cargo.coal': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.375 : Cargo 'cargo.concrete': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.376 : Cargo 'cargo.contamin': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.376 : Cargo 'cargo.cyanide': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.377 : Cargo 'cargo.diesel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.378 : Cargo 'cargo.digger1000': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.378 : Cargo 'cargo.digger500': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.379 : Cargo 'cargo.diggers': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.379 : Cargo 'cargo.dynamite': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.379 : Cargo 'cargo.electronics': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.380 : Cargo 'cargo.excavator': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.381 : Cargo 'cargo.explosives': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.381 : Cargo 'cargo.fertilizer': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.381 : Cargo 'cargo.fireworks': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.382 : Cargo 'cargo.flour': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.382 : Cargo 'cargo.fluorine': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.383 : Cargo 'cargo.forklifts': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.383 : Cargo 'cargo.frozen_food': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.383 : Cargo 'cargo.furniture': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.384 : Cargo 'cargo.glass': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.384 : Cargo 'cargo.glass_packed': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.384 : Cargo 'cargo.gravel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.384 : Cargo 'cargo.hipresstank': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.384 : Cargo 'cargo.hmetal': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.385 : Cargo 'cargo.hwaste': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.385 : Cargo 'cargo.hydrochlor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.385 : Cargo 'cargo.hydrogen': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.385 : Cargo 'cargo.icecream': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.385 : Cargo 'cargo.pipes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.385 : Cargo 'cargo.kerosene': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.386 : Cargo 'cargo.lead': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.386 : Cargo 'cargo.logs': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.386 : Cargo 'cargo.lpg': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.387 : Cargo 'cargo.lumber': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.387 : Cargo 'cargo.magnesium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.387 : Cargo 'cargo.medicals': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.387 : Cargo 'cargo.mercuric': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.388 : Cargo 'cargo.mondeos': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.388 : Cargo 'cargo.neon': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.388 : Cargo 'cargo.nitrocel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.389 : Cargo 'cargo.nitrogen': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.389 : Cargo 'cargo.oil': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.389 : Cargo 'cargo.oranges': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.390 : Cargo 'cargo.ore': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.390 : Cargo 'cargo.paper': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.390 : Cargo 'cargo.peas': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.391 : Cargo 'cargo.pesticide': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.391 : Cargo 'cargo.petrol': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.391 : Cargo 'cargo.phosphor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.391 : Cargo 'cargo.potahydro': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.391 : Cargo 'cargo.potassium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.392 : Cargo 'cargo.potatoes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.392 : Cargo 'cargo.rice': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.392 : Cargo 'cargo.sand': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.392 : Cargo 'cargo.sodchlor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.393 : Cargo 'cargo.sodhydro': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.393 : Cargo 'cargo.sodium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.393 : Cargo 'cargo.sugar': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.393 : Cargo 'cargo.sulfuric': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.393 : Cargo 'cargo.tableware': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.394 : Cargo 'cargo.tomatoes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.394 : Cargo 'cargo.toys': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.394 : Cargo 'cargo.tractors': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.395 : Cargo 'cargo.tyres': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.396 : Cargo 'cargo.yogurt': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:02:10.405 : Loading company data ....
00:02:10.976 : Resources load time: 13405ms (10 MB)
00:02:10.976 : Map '/map/rus.mbd' loading started ....
00:02:13.094 : Map successfully loaded.
00:02:13.112 : Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.dover)
00:02:13.112 : Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.tyne)
00:02:13.114 : Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.calais)
00:02:13.117 : Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.tyne)
00:02:13.117 : Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.ijmuiden)
00:02:13.119 : Map load time: 2143ms (82 MB)
00:02:13.124 : Loading save '/home/profiles/D09CD0B0D0BAD181/save/33/game.sii'
00:02:13.718 : load_unit() - Expected exactly one top-level unit in file (/def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros/interior/exclusive.sii), got 2
00:02:13.719 : load_unit() - Expected exactly one top-level unit in file (/def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros/interior/standard.sii), got 2
00:02:14.088 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/daf.xf_euro6/data.sii':
00:02:14.088 : [unit] The unit 'vehicle.daf.xf_euro6' of type 'accessory_truck_data' has dangling pointer (to 'camera.interior.daf.xf_euro6') in the attribute named 'interior_camera'.
00:02:14.088 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/daf.xf_euro6/data.sii':
00:02:14.088 : [unit] The pointer to 'camera.interior.daf.xf_euro6' looks like dangling pointer.
00:02:14.088 : load_unit() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/truck/daf.xf_euro6/data.sii)
00:02:14.132 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/km/accessory/curtain/shape1.sii', line 14:
00:02:14.132 : Expecting end of file, found '}'
00:02:14.133 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/km/accessory/reshotki/shape1.sii', line 14:
00:02:14.133 : Expecting end of file, found '}'
00:02:14.134 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/km/accessory/vimpela/shape1.sii', line 14:
00:02:14.134 : Expecting end of file, found '}'
00:02:14.134 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/km/accessory/visor/shape1.sii', line 14:
00:02:14.134 : Expecting end of file, found '}'
00:02:14.134 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/km/accessory/visor/shape2.sii', line 14:
00:02:14.134 : Expecting end of file, found '}'
00:02:14.185 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:02:14.410 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.transinet.belomorsk to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:02:14.412 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.transinet.belomorsk to damco_jazzy(v4)!
00:02:14.412 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.transinet.belomorsk to damco_jazzy(berlin)!
00:02:14.444 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.trameri.piter to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:02:14.445 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.trameri.piter to damco_jazzy(v4)!
00:02:14.445 : More failures to find a route.
00:02:26.582 : Map link conflict for 0x3243CD9AC100274, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:02:26.711 : Map link conflict for 0x326C0A5B440015B, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:02:26.742 : Map link conflict for 0x326C0A61CC000D3, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:02:26.818 : Road network navigation caching finished.
00:02:26.856 : Garage update started.
00:02:27.507 : Garage update finished.
00:02:27.510 : Economy load time: 29939ms (24 MB)
00:02:34.254 : Create actor: (54 MB)
00:02:34.388 : Game init finished. (172 MB)
00:02:57.543 : Trailer position is occupied by player! 85089;246.522;1286.77
00:03:22.070 : ui t console:system_02
00:03:24.794 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:03:24.996 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:03:25.162 : ui t console:system_02
00:03:27.742 : ui t console:system_02
00:03:31.221 : ui t console:system_02
00:03:58.368 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_small/gasstation_small_2_2.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:03:58.507 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas/gas_station.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:03:58.628 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big_3lane.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:03:59.151 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:04:01.138 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_small/gasstation_small.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:04:10.081 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D09CD0B0D0BAD181/save/autosave_job_5/game.sii) ...
00:04:10.334 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:04:29.214 : ui t console:system_02
00:04:30.113 : ui t console:system_02
00:05:06.895 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:05:06.895 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:05:48.116 : [model] Unknown look name 'ukrtat' on model '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big_3lane.pmd'
00:05:49.961 : [model] Unknown look name 'ukrtat' on model '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big_3lane.pmd'
00:06:06.900 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/garage/garage_expensive.ppd' version 19 to current version (21)
00:06:41.828 : [model] Unknown look name 'thk' on model '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big_3lane.pmd'
00:06:42.846 : [model] Unknown look name 'thk' on model '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big_3lane.pmd'
00:07:02.236 : [model] Unknown look name 'luk' on model '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big_3lane.pmd'
00:07:02.542 : [model] Unknown look name 'luk' on model '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big_3lane.pmd'
00:07:53.355 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:07:53.432 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:07:54.648 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:07:54.648 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:07:54.807 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:07:54.807 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:07:54.880 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:07:54.880 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:08:11.177 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:08:11.177 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:08:11.245 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:08:11.246 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:08:19.662 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:08:19.697 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:08:19.944 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:08:19.944 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:08:19.995 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:08:19.995 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:08:29.774 : [model] Unknown look name 'ukrtat' on model '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big.pmd'
00:08:31.496 : [model] Unknown look name 'ukrtat' on model '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big.pmd'
00:08:42.381 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D09CD0B0D0BAD181/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:08:42.645 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:08:49.093 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:08:49.094 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:08:49.158 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:08:49.158 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:08:50.121 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:08:50.122 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:09:14.881 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:09:14.882 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:09:15.462 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:09:15.462 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:09:15.530 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:09:15.530 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:09:28.306 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas/gas_station.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:09:28.588 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_small/gasstation_small_2_2.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:09:29.392 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:09:31.400 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/garage/garage_expensive.ppd' version 19 to current version (21)
00:09:31.445 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_small/gasstation_small.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:11:14.209 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:11:14.209 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:11:15.037 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:11:15.037 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:11:24.476 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:11:24.476 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:11:24.594 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:11:24.594 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:11:24.662 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:11:24.662 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmd
00:11:40.348 : ui t console:system_02
00:11:41.397 : ui t console:system_02
00:11:47.140 : [model] Unknown look name 'ukrtat' on model '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big_3lane.pmd'
00:11:47.640 : [model] Unknown look name 'ukrtat' on model '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big_3lane.pmd'
00:13:14.740 : [fs] Failed to open file "/def/vehicle/truck/km/accessory/f_mirror/shape1_long_c.sii" in the read_only mode
00:13:14.760 : load_unit() - Failed to open file (/def/vehicle/truck/km/accessory/f_mirror/shape1_long_c.sii)
00:13:14.781 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/km/accessory/visor/shape2.sii', line 14:
00:13:14.782 : Expecting end of file, found '}'
00:13:19.921 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/wheel/kamazz/wheel.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:13:19.954 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/wheel/kamazz/wheel_r.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:14:12.711 : [fs] Failed to open file "/def/vehicle/truck/km/accessory/f_mirror/shape1_long_c.sii" in the read_only mode
00:14:13.337 : [unit] File '', line 14:
00:14:13.364 : Expecting end of file, found '}'
00:14:13.370 : [unit] File '', line 14:
00:14:13.370 : Expecting end of file, found '}'
00:14:13.537 : [resource_task] Default temporary buffer is insufficient while reading '/vehicle/truck/km/truck.pmg' with size 26438534
00:14:14.002 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/km_mirror/mirror_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:14:14.135 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/km_mirror/side_mirror_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:14:18.083 : [resource_task] Default temporary buffer is insufficient while reading '/vehicle/truck/km/1km_vsal.dds' with size 22369776
00:14:18.580 : [resource_task] Default temporary buffer is insufficient while reading '/vehicle/truck/km/1km_salon.dds' with size 22369776
00:14:20.012 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/km_mirror/mirror_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:14:20.016 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/km_mirror/side_mirror_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:14:20.017 : Invalid addon data (/def/vehicle/truck/km/accessory/f_mirror/shape1_long_c.sii)!
00:15:37.439 : [prefab desc] Converting prefab descriptor '/prefab/gas_big/gas_big_3lane.ppd' version 20 to current version (21)
00:15:48.584 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:15:48.584 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:16:12.811 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D09CD0B0D0BAD181/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:16:13.116 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:16:37.991 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:16:37.991 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:17:01.416 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:17:01.416 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:17:40.791 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:17:40.791 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/profi_liner/profiliner.pmd
00:19:15.520 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D09CD0B0D0BAD181/save/34/game.sii) ...
00:19:27.443 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/lod_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:19:27.547 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/lod_02.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:19:32.623 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/mercedes_actros_2009/truck.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:19:32.747 : [dx9] Failed to allocate vertex buffer of 8388608 bytes (pool: default). [0x8007000e]
00:19:32.747 : dx9_buffer.cpp(117): ??0vertex_buffer_t@dx9@prism@@QAE@QAVcontext_t@12@I_N@Z: Failed to allocate vertex buffer.
- 0
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Отправлено 04 Ноябрь 2014 - 07:47

- 2 868 сообщений
- 1605 благодарностей
- 0 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Алексей
- Версия ETS2:Последная+карты все
- Грузовик в ETS2:MB MP4
- Версия ATS:Последняя+карты все
- Грузовик в ATS:Mack
Любимая игра:

RUS@48, и будет вылетать, памяти мало. Сбрасывай настойки на самые низкие, если и это не поможет, то только запуск в режиме OpenGL и D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x86\eurotrucks2.exe 64bit. Во-первых не правильно должно быть -64bit. А ГЛАВНОЕ зачем это, у тебя стоит 32-битная система и запуск в 64-битной режиме не возможен.
Сообщение отредактировал alexanych: 04 Ноябрь 2014 - 07:51
- 3
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Отправлено 04 Ноябрь 2014 - 12:19

- 3 сообщений
- 0 благодарностей
- 0 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Сергей
- Версия ETS2:1.16.2s
- Грузовик в ETS2:man

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************ : log created on : Monday November 03 2014 @ 19:12:07
00:00:00.000 : [sys] running on x86 / Windows 7 x86 (version 6.1) / Service Pack 1
00:00:00.067 : [sys] DirectX version :
00:00:00.067 : [sys] Command line: D:\Games\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x86\eurotrucks2.exe
00:00:00.067 : [cpu] CPU0: AuthenticAMD [AMD Phenom 8650 Triple-Core Processor] with 3 cores (3 threads) at ~2299MHz.
00:00:00.067 : [sys] using 2 worker thread(s)
00:00:00.067 : [sys] using QPC / TSC invariant timer, frequency 2245263Hz
00:00:00.095 : [mem] physical total: 1791M
00:00:00.095 : [mem] physical avail: 1437M
00:00:00.095 : [mem] virtual total: 2047M
00:00:00.095 : [mem] virtual avail: 1980M
00:00:00.095 : [mem] Trying to allocate memory pool (307200K)
00:00:00.096 : [mem] Allocated 2 temporary loading buffer(s)
00:00:00.945 : [steamctrl] Initialized Steam controller subsystem with config (D:/Games/Euro Truck Simulator 2/controller.vdf)
00:00:01.142 : Disabling color wrap as both color strings are empty
00:00:01.592 : [hashfs] base.scs: Mounted and validated, 42650 entries (EB7E05C872A8DD86C4BE4AD6469F0805248D4F18D04985CF11CD828F5714761)
00:00:01.634 : [hashfs] core.scs: Mounted and validated, 3 entries (83E54DAF0E8A3253D4289CF5BD28283E6B27B4E19B34F050B6A230912105CA6)
00:00:01.962 : [hashfs] def.scs: Mounted and validated, 4962 entries (4C73C1A8D09D7C115ACAA8F105ABE2841B605AFCFF754BB53B11997B64DB07E)
00:00:02.383 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Mounted and validated, 168 entries (35DBEDBBCDB7300B566EC6C8527F59739DA50AF33A90C240C40DB720DF73E5B)
00:00:02.425 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Mounted and validated, 1 entries (BAD576BD914F0637D2D1CD8C4A81654F4D73FCEB28EA8361F714C713740310A)
00:00:02.461 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Users/серый/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2'.
00:00:02.504 : exec /home/config.cfg
00:00:02.505 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
00:00:02.528 : uset r_full_resolution_corrections "0"
00:00:02.528 : uset r_force_color_shadowmaps "0"
00:00:02.528 : uset g_hw_info "1"
00:00:02.528 : uset g_line_sort "0"
00:00:02.528 : uset g_cargo_sort "2"
00:00:02.528 : uset g_tooltip_delay "0.4"
00:00:02.529 : uset g_global_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:02.529 : uset g_desktop_fadeout "60"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_wireframe "0"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_right "0"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_left "0"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_multimon_mode "0"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_segment_cache_static_buffers "1"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_segment_cache_behavior "3"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_use_depth_bounds "1"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_show_light_pixel_coverage "0"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_deferred_debug "0"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_mirror_scale_y "1.0"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_mirror_scale_x "1.0"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_scale_y "1"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_scale_x "1"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_normal_maps "1"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_sunshafts "1"
00:00:02.529 : uset r_color_saturation "1.0"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_color_yellow_blue "0.0"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_color_magenta_green "0.0"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_color_cyan_red "0.0"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_color_correction "0"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_dof_filter_size "0.5"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_dof_transition "400.0"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_dof_start "200.0"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_dof "0"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_mlaa_threshold "1.0"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_mlaa "0"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_hdr "0"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_fake_shadows "2"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size "2048"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_sun_shadow_quality "2"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_mirror_view_distance "120"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_deferred_mirrors "0"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_deferred "1"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_nowmi "0"
00:00:02.530 : uset r_startup_progress "0"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_setup_done "1"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_gamma "1.1"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_manual_stereo_buffer_scale "1.0"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game "100"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov "80"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game "0.5"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist "0.8"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_manual_stereo_in_menu "1"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_nv_stereo_mode "2"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_no_frame_tracking "0"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_msaa "0"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_fullscreen "1"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_mode "1440x900x32x60"
00:00:02.531 : uset r_path ""
00:00:02.531 : uset r_device "dx9"
00:00:02.531 : uset i_virtual_cursor_speed "500.0"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_trackir "1"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_pedestrian "1"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_light_span_factor "0.5"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_light_distance_factor "0.5"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_vehicle_flare_lights "1"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_auto_traffic_headlights "1"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_traffic "1"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_kdop_preview "0"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug "0"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_developer "0"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_wc_fps "0.0"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_wc_radius "-1.0"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_steam_browser "1"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_steam_screenshots "2"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_artist_id "0"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_news "0"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_colbox "0"
00:00:02.532 : uset g_radio_mode "1"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_ignore_low_fps "0"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_truck_light_quality "1"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_truck_light_specular "1"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_gfx_all_scales "0"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_gfx_advanced "1"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_gfx_quality "-1"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_hq_3d_screenshot "0"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_menu_aa_limit "8"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_additional_water_fov "20.0f"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_rain_reflect_hookups "0"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_rain_reflect_actor "0"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_rain_reflect_traffic "0"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_rain_reflect_cache "0"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_rain_reflection "1"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_reflection "1"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_grass_density "1"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_veg_detail "1"
00:00:02.533 : uset g_minicon "0"
00:00:02.534 : uset g_console "0"
00:00:02.534 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
00:00:02.534 : uset g_fps "0"
00:00:02.534 : uset g_stream_exts ".ogg;.mp3"
00:00:02.534 : uset r_vsync "0"
00:00:02.534 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "0.125"
00:00:02.534 : uset r_texture_detail "1"
00:00:02.534 : uset t_averaging_window_length "20"
00:00:02.595 : [lang] Language autodetection: 419
00:00:02.622 : Selected language: ru_ru
00:00:02.622 : Euro Truck Simulator 2 init ver.1.12.1s (rev. de4127dc1e1e)
00:00:02.907 : [net] LOG INFO: Started
00:00:02.910 : Setting UI reference mode to: 1440x900...
00:00:02.910 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx9
00:00:03.273 : [dx9] NVAPI not detected. (-2)
00:00:03.273 : [dx9] Direct3D9Ex detected.
00:00:03.273 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 2
00:00:07.433 : [dx9] Adapter #0: ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series / 253 (256) MB (atiumdag.dll,, 20090817)
00:00:07.519 : [dx9] Adapter #1: ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics / 253 (256) MB (atiumdag.dll,, 20090817)
00:00:07.550 : [dx9] Using SM3X rendering path
00:00:07.551 : [gfx] Trying to set 1440x900 32bpp 60Hz (fullscreen)
00:00:07.740 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
00:00:08.904 : [al] device: OpenAL Soft
00:00:08.904 : [al] context extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_loopback
00:00:09.844 : [al] vendor: OpenAL Community
00:00:09.845 : [al] version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.14
00:00:09.845 : [al] renderer: OpenAL Soft
00:00:09.845 : [al] extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFTX_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points
00:00:09.845 : [snd] Started sound update thread
00:00:09.918 : [di8] Initializing device '@@keyboard@@' as 'keyboard'
00:00:10.013 : [di8] Initializing device '@@i_mouse@@' as 'mouse'
00:00:10.856 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 725 entries (49DF991C0B018C0AEA6309D1E32B1262D5382C93010D4DA60BF55F9A6083BF0)
00:00:10.908 : [hashfs] dlc_fantasy.scs: Mounted and validated, 256 entries (3CD94AFC93BA79B1B35E5C45209D45B878DCFEC0E4F53C90DFC2C0AFCEE8974)
00:00:10.954 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bz.scs: Mounted and validated, 157 entries (CBCA1E20D9CD0AA74E1F181FD3A774F797280A7F245F92E67701890436CC66E)
00:00:10.974 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ca.scs: Mounted and validated, 187 entries (2594196585EAA458442E78BC76B0859DF81B31B0F8F026B9D0F0F73B597C9BC)
00:00:11.005 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ie.scs: Mounted and validated, 181 entries (B537ACD4A0F53A69AC53ECDCDB59E831FEBE3326AA2B8D30D893B3EFC00D40D)
00:00:11.029 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pl.scs: Mounted and validated, 173 entries (C80051629093CA787CA84754569EB3C41968EEA7D5A1EA2491018907FB9E043)
00:00:11.074 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sc.scs: Mounted and validated, 204 entries (DBDFE69C89B028040378BDE0C54DF83FD7A9D33CBB0E1854D053D383751E322)
00:00:11.126 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_uk.scs: Mounted and validated, 175 entries (E74BA5AF72139E5B048883F194B47D6457400A8C4C82FC83EBD3D124004BEB6)
00:00:11.162 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_us.scs: Mounted and validated, 200 entries (B775A15A59C614E3A5F74743F76950067D8A682AFCC24129393C0FC2099B4F6)
00:00:11.183 : [hashfs] dlc_halloween.scs: Mounted and validated, 315 entries (D919BF01DE0BFB4FAB739997B4952AE9726042F3FCB7C031FBE38AB2A6587E0)
00:00:11.203 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics.scs: Mounted and validated, 190 entries (8D34F2C449E91887B8674865B75FBBBCB4F74E19CCD2C158A385EEF2C193F7D)
00:00:11.218 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics2.scs: Mounted and validated, 222 entries (0184399208C64DBDEEA2F99E27C40D891A553A083FC532FBFE0D999AB5CA8B4)
00:00:11.244 : [hashfs] dlc_nature.scs: Mounted and validated, 411 entries (FAD7EA4D5E8F3642D26C88AB88BCE4E2106F9886128348DB5C3A57F731CA5CF)
00:00:11.942 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Mounted and validated, 392 entries (32D1F40BB94FCADDA6DCFA9E6D8B928487C011C51B4EA00AFA19EE4AAAE241C)
00:00:11.969 : [hashfs] dlc_winter.scs: Mounted and validated, 406 entries (36C02C3E52A5AAE207ABFB3F75552C3381204A92A8E893636541E0A0A50E79C)
00:00:12.081 : dispatch
00:00:12.081 : exit
00:00:18.015 : [ui] Controller setup start
00:00:18.058 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:18.059 : [ui] Controller setup done
00:00:18.635 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 725 entries (49DF991C0B018C0AEA6309D1E32B1262D5382C93010D4DA60BF55F9A6083BF0)
00:00:18.645 : [hashfs] dlc_fantasy.scs: Mounted and validated, 256 entries (3CD94AFC93BA79B1B35E5C45209D45B878DCFEC0E4F53C90DFC2C0AFCEE8974)
00:00:18.650 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bz.scs: Mounted and validated, 157 entries (CBCA1E20D9CD0AA74E1F181FD3A774F797280A7F245F92E67701890436CC66E)
00:00:18.656 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ca.scs: Mounted and validated, 187 entries (2594196585EAA458442E78BC76B0859DF81B31B0F8F026B9D0F0F73B597C9BC)
00:00:18.663 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ie.scs: Mounted and validated, 181 entries (B537ACD4A0F53A69AC53ECDCDB59E831FEBE3326AA2B8D30D893B3EFC00D40D)
00:00:18.670 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pl.scs: Mounted and validated, 173 entries (C80051629093CA787CA84754569EB3C41968EEA7D5A1EA2491018907FB9E043)
00:00:18.676 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sc.scs: Mounted and validated, 204 entries (DBDFE69C89B028040378BDE0C54DF83FD7A9D33CBB0E1854D053D383751E322)
00:00:18.682 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_uk.scs: Mounted and validated, 175 entries (E74BA5AF72139E5B048883F194B47D6457400A8C4C82FC83EBD3D124004BEB6)
00:00:18.688 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_us.scs: Mounted and validated, 200 entries (B775A15A59C614E3A5F74743F76950067D8A682AFCC24129393C0FC2099B4F6)
00:00:18.698 : [hashfs] dlc_halloween.scs: Mounted and validated, 315 entries (D919BF01DE0BFB4FAB739997B4952AE9726042F3FCB7C031FBE38AB2A6587E0)
00:00:18.704 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics.scs: Mounted and validated, 190 entries (8D34F2C449E91887B8674865B75FBBBCB4F74E19CCD2C158A385EEF2C193F7D)
00:00:18.712 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics2.scs: Mounted and validated, 222 entries (0184399208C64DBDEEA2F99E27C40D891A553A083FC532FBFE0D999AB5CA8B4)
00:00:18.723 : [hashfs] dlc_nature.scs: Mounted and validated, 411 entries (FAD7EA4D5E8F3642D26C88AB88BCE4E2106F9886128348DB5C3A57F731CA5CF)
00:00:18.935 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Mounted and validated, 392 entries (32D1F40BB94FCADDA6DCFA9E6D8B928487C011C51B4EA00AFA19EE4AAAE241C)
00:00:18.942 : [hashfs] dlc_winter.scs: Mounted and validated, 406 entries (36C02C3E52A5AAE207ABFB3F75552C3381204A92A8E893636541E0A0A50E79C)
00:00:19.077 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:19.077 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:19.077 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:19.077 : uset s_music_volume "0.8"
00:00:19.077 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:19.077 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:19.077 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:19.077 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:19.077 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_save_idx "2"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_adviser "2"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_fatigue "0"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_police "0"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:19.078 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:19.079 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:19.079 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:19.079 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:19.079 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:19.079 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:19.079 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:19.079 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:19.079 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:19.079 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:19.079 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:19.079 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:19.079 : uset g_fuel_simulation "0"
00:00:19.079 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:19.079 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:19.079 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "0"
00:00:19.079 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:00:19.079 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:19.079 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:19.080 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:19.080 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:00:19.080 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0"
00:00:19.080 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:19.080 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:19.080 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:19.080 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:19.080 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:19.080 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:19.080 : uset g_trans "0"
00:00:19.080 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:28.990 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:28.991 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:28.991 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:28.991 : uset s_music_volume "0.8"
00:00:28.991 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:28.991 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:28.991 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:28.991 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:28.991 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:28.991 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:28.991 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:28.991 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:28.991 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:28.991 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:28.991 : uset g_save_idx "2"
00:00:28.991 : uset g_adviser "2"
00:00:28.992 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:28.992 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:28.992 : uset g_fatigue "0"
00:00:28.992 : uset g_police "0"
00:00:28.992 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:28.992 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:28.992 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:28.992 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:28.992 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:28.992 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:28.992 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:28.992 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:28.992 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:28.992 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:28.992 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:28.992 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:28.992 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_fuel_simulation "0"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "0"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:29.006 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:29.007 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:29.007 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:29.007 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:29.007 : uset g_trans "0"
00:00:29.007 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:29.075 : New profile selected: 'Сергей'
00:00:29.400 : game
00:00:30.302 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet
00:00:31.270 : Loaded trailers: 82
00:00:31.292 : Loaded small traffic vehicles: 29
00:00:31.300 : Loaded truck traffic vehicles: 15
00:00:31.304 : Loaded traffic trailers: 14
00:00:31.306 : Loaded addon hookups: 16
00:00:31.352 : Loading resource server data ....
00:00:31.352 : Loading road data ....
00:00:31.381 : Loading terrain data ....
00:00:31.418 : Loading railing data ....
00:00:31.422 : Loading building data ....
00:00:31.436 : Loading model data ....
00:00:31.462 : Loading prefab data ....
00:00:34.749 : Loading traffic rule data ....
00:00:34.752 : Loading sign data ....
00:00:34.802 : Loading traffic semaphore data ....
00:00:34.809 : Loading traffic signs data ....
00:00:34.809 : Loading vegetation data ....
00:00:34.837 : Loading hinges data ....
00:00:34.839 : Loading stamp data ....
00:00:34.843 : Loading movers data ....
00:00:34.846 : Loading ferry data ....
00:00:34.856 : Loading country data ....
00:00:34.930 : Loading sound item data ....
00:00:34.931 : Loading live stream data ....
00:00:34.932 : Loading game condition data ....
00:00:34.938 : Loading trigger action data ....
00:00:34.947 : Loading cutscene data ....
00:00:35.066 : Loading cargo data ....
00:00:35.081 : Loading company data ....
00:00:35.193 : Loading city data ....
00:00:35.375 : Resources load time: 5115ms (10 MB)
00:00:35.400 : Map '/map/europe.mbd' loading started ....
00:00:37.788 : Map successfully loaded.
00:00:37.824 : Map load time: 2423ms (90 MB)
00:00:39.150 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:00:45.702 : Road network navigation caching finished.
00:00:45.721 : Garage update started.
00:00:46.704 : Garage update finished.
00:00:46.707 : Economy load time: 16447ms (23 MB)
00:00:51.985 : Create actor: (69 MB)
00:00:52.074 : Game init finished. (201 MB)
00:00:59.160 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
00:00:59.815 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:01:00.387 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
00:01:00.951 : [startup] spawned 3 vehicles
00:01:01.000 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:01:01.070 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
00:01:01.103 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
00:01:01.241 : [startup] spawned 3 vehicles
00:01:01.323 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
00:01:01.439 : [startup] spawned 3 vehicles
00:01:01.489 : [startup] spawned 3 vehicles
00:01:01.532 : [startup] spawned 3 vehicles
00:01:01.647 : [startup] spawned 3 vehicles
00:01:01.719 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
00:01:01.738 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:01:13.477 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
00:06:14.379 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:06:14.504 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:09:04.212 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
00:09:19.035 : <WARNING> [di8] Input buffer overflow for device 'mouse' (error code: 0x1).
00:11:49.148 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:11:49.284 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:13:07.365 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
00:15:47.914 : Nothing to activate
00:16:04.549 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
00:17:28.084 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:17:28.222 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:22:13.377 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
00:22:19.330 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:22:26.055 : Road network navigation caching finished.
00:22:26.064 : Garage update started.
00:22:26.065 : Garage update finished.
00:22:43.819 : [startup] spawned 8 vehicles
00:22:44.886 : [startup] spawned 11 vehicles
00:22:45.025 : [startup] spawned 9 vehicles
00:22:45.111 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
00:22:45.380 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:23:09.586 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:23:09.739 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:27:10.720 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
00:28:08.014 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:28:14.824 : Road network navigation caching finished.
00:28:14.830 : Garage update started.
00:28:14.830 : Garage update finished.
00:28:17.693 : [startup] spawned 7 vehicles
00:28:20.498 : [startup] spawned 7 vehicles
00:28:20.960 : [startup] spawned 5 vehicles
00:28:21.420 : [startup] spawned 5 vehicles
00:28:21.645 : [startup] spawned 5 vehicles
00:28:21.699 : [startup] spawned 3 vehicles
00:28:21.767 : [startup] spawned 6 vehicles
00:28:21.798 : [startup] spawned 5 vehicles
00:28:21.833 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
00:28:21.923 : [startup] spawned 5 vehicles
00:28:21.953 : [startup] spawned 5 vehicles
00:28:21.995 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
00:28:22.046 : [startup] spawned 5 vehicles
00:28:22.072 : [startup] spawned 5 vehicles
00:28:22.101 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
00:28:22.129 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:28:22.173 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:28:22.219 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:28:22.277 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:28:58.694 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:28:58.864 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:30:09.478 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
00:34:23.545 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:34:23.656 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:37:14.060 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:37:14.275 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:37:14.649 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:37:14.865 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:37:15.096 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
00:37:15.126 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:37:15.172 : [startup] spawned 3 vehicles
00:37:15.255 : [startup] spawned 3 vehicles
00:37:15.312 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
00:37:15.391 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:39:52.473 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:39:52.601 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:45:09.085 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:45:09.269 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:50:27.026 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:50:27.223 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:51:27.026 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
00:56:04.804 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:56:04.959 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:56:53.965 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:57:00.951 : Road network navigation caching finished.
00:57:00.957 : Garage update started.
00:57:00.974 : Garage update finished.
00:57:06.232 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
00:57:09.280 : [startup] spawned 5 vehicles
00:57:10.737 : [startup] spawned 8 vehicles
00:57:11.196 : [startup] spawned 8 vehicles
00:57:11.474 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
00:57:11.520 : [startup] spawned 3 vehicles
00:57:11.589 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
00:57:11.627 : [startup] spawned 5 vehicles
00:57:11.658 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
00:57:11.753 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:59:37.124 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
01:01:42.621 : Road network navigation caching started.
01:01:49.290 : Road network navigation caching finished.
01:01:49.296 : Garage update started.
01:01:49.297 : Garage update finished.
01:01:50.861 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
01:01:52.104 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
01:01:52.828 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
01:01:52.905 : [startup] spawned 8 vehicles
01:01:52.934 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
01:01:52.968 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
01:02:08.662 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:02:08.845 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:03:23.369 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
01:06:35.082 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
01:08:16.331 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:08:16.464 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:10:09.426 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave/game.sii) ...
01:10:09.552 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:10:19.021 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
01:15:45.597 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:15:45.722 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:16:16.387 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
01:16:25.185 : Road network navigation caching started.
01:16:31.851 : Road network navigation caching finished.
01:16:31.857 : Garage update started.
01:16:31.858 : Garage update finished.
01:16:41.540 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
01:16:41.966 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
01:16:42.259 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
01:16:42.317 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
01:16:42.398 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
01:16:42.432 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
01:16:42.804 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
01:16:43.091 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
01:16:43.224 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
01:16:43.355 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
01:16:43.377 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
01:17:25.676 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave_job_4/game.sii) ...
01:17:25.831 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:19:32.471 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/2/game.sii) ...
01:19:37.909 : quit
01:19:37.909 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/D0A1D0B5D180D0B3D0B5D0B9/save/autosave/game.sii) ...
01:19:38.066 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:19:46.817 : [net] LOG INFO: Stopped
01:19:49.032 : [sys] process shutdown
- 0
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Отправлено 04 Ноябрь 2014 - 13:20

- 210 сообщений
- 6 благодарностей
- 0 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Михаил
- Версия ETS2:1.35... s DLC
- Грузовик в ETS2:maz
Любимая игра:

alexanych,64 bit убрал. А на Open GL жутко тормозит ,даже на низких. Вернул как было,средние настройки.
- 0
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Отправлено 04 Ноябрь 2014 - 13:39

Martini, судя по логу игра завершена корректно. Касаемо железа: очень мало оперативной памяти.
- 0
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
☭ Taran KZ ☭
Отправлено 04 Ноябрь 2014 - 17:21

☭ Taran KZ ☭
- 31 669 сообщений
- 6135 благодарностей
- 122 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Саня
- Версия ETS2:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ETS2:Renault T
- Версия ATS:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ATS:Kenworth K100
Любимая игра:

Maz 5432-6422 part 1.scsв топку, мод старый
моды на отдельные прицепы тоже в топку, они старые
[MOD-ETS2] Mercedes Benz Multi Mod for All Patches (by KacaK).scsтоже в топку, да и вообще убери все моды что сделаны до обновления 1.9.х

00:00:00.000 : [sys] Command line: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x86\eurotrucks2.exe 64bitпервое не правильно вписал параметр, пишется он -64bit, во вторых у тебя винда на 32 бита и ты ну никак не запустишь игру под 64 бита

Martini, винда на 32 бита, плюс железо слабое, а главный косяк это пиратская игра
- 0
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Отправлено 04 Ноябрь 2014 - 17:44

- 210 сообщений
- 6 благодарностей
- 0 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Михаил
- Версия ETS2:1.35... s DLC
- Грузовик в ETS2:maz
Любимая игра:

Taran KZ,MOD-ETS2] Mercedes Benz Multi Mod for All Patches (by KacaK).scs уже отключил. С мазом пока подумаю,т.к ничего нового нет чтобы его заменить.
- 0
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
☭ Taran KZ ☭
Отправлено 04 Ноябрь 2014 - 17:50

☭ Taran KZ ☭
- 31 669 сообщений
- 6135 благодарностей
- 122 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Саня
- Версия ETS2:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ETS2:Renault T
- Версия ATS:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ATS:Kenworth K100
Любимая игра:

Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Отправлено 07 Ноябрь 2014 - 01:44

- 1 476 сообщений
- 121 благодарностей
- 0 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Александр
- Версия ETS2:Steam
- Грузовик в ETS2:Renault Magnum 2012
Любимая игра:

Обновился до 1.14 и теперь на загрузке профиля вылет.
Скрытый текст
************ : log created on : Friday November 07 2014 @ 01:40:16
00:00:00.000 : [sys] running on x86_64 / Windows 7 x64 (version 6.1) / Service Pack 1
00:00:00.000 : [sys] DirectX version :
00:00:00.000 : [sys] Command line: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/bin/win_x64/eurotrucks2.exe -64bit
00:00:00.000 : [cpu] CPU0: GenuineIntel [ Intel® Core i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz] with 4 cores (4 threads) at ~3096MHz.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using 3 worker thread(s)
00:00:00.000 : [sys] and 3 worker threads for IO.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using QPC / TSC invariant timer, frequency 3023486Hz
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical total: 4078M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical avail: 1481M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual total: 8388607M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual avail: 8388445M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Trying to allocate memory pool (409600K)
00:00:00.001 : [mem] Allocated 5 temporary loading buffer(s)
00:00:00.013 : [steamctrl] Initialized Steam controller subsystem with config (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/controller.vdf)
00:00:00.080 : [hashfs] base.scs: Mounted and validated, 44931 entries (D970CF4A8C523B2BC2E271DE31C481AE38B6178BC441B4F5B4E9F731536CA71)
00:00:00.081 : [hashfs] core.scs: Mounted and validated, 4 entries (A2F263423F2DE8F6F389E173D552B1E0D40907808CDC5AE659154AF72DA7113)
00:00:00.173 : [hashfs] def.scs: Mounted and validated, 5515 entries (D95670A3161DD40ED2BAEEABBFCDF8D7F02939FEA1ED28DC6DA116E5A21A80D)
00:00:00.308 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Mounted and validated, 168 entries (4B1F7433779EA0D1791525525F8DE080840729586A29732A677C36C2FF1F6B9)
00:00:00.309 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Mounted and validated, 1 entries (8795B5F169C00BBE39A5894A84A58BBF36C2BE1774EFAA115408F4F450937F6)
00:00:00.309 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2'.
00:00:00.309 : exec /home/config.cfg
00:00:00.309 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
00:00:00.309 : uset r_full_resolution_corrections "0"
00:00:00.309 : uset r_force_color_shadowmaps "0"
00:00:00.309 : uset g_hw_info "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset g_line_sort "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset g_cargo_sort "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset g_tooltip_delay "0.4"
00:00:00.310 : uset g_global_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset g_desktop_fadeout "60"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_wireframe "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_right "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_left "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_multimon_mode "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_segment_cache_static_buffers "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_segment_cache_behavior "3"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_use_depth_bounds "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_show_light_pixel_coverage "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_deferred_debug "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_mirror_scale_y "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_mirror_scale_x "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_scale_y "2"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_scale_x "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_normal_maps "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_sunshafts "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_color_saturation "1.0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_color_yellow_blue "0.0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_color_magenta_green "0.0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_color_cyan_red "0.0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_color_correction "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_dof_filter_size "0.5"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_dof_transition "400.0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_dof_start "200.0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_dof "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_mlaa_threshold "1.0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_mlaa "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_hdr "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_fake_shadows "2"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size "2048"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_sun_shadow_quality "2"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_mirror_view_distance "200"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_deferred_mirrors "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_deferred "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_nowmi "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_startup_progress "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_setup_done "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_gamma "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_manual_stereo_buffer_scale "1.0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game "100"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov "80"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game "0.5"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist "0.8"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_manual_stereo_in_menu "1"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_nv_stereo_mode "2"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_no_frame_tracking "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_msaa "0"
00:00:00.310 : uset r_fullscreen "0"
00:00:00.311 : uset r_mode "1920x810x32x0"
00:00:00.311 : uset r_path ""
00:00:00.311 : uset r_device "dx9"
00:00:00.311 : uset i_virtual_cursor_speed "500.0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_trackir "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_pedestrian "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_light_span_factor "0.5"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_light_distance_factor "0.5"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_vehicle_flare_lights "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_auto_traffic_headlights "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_traffic "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_kdop_preview "0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug "0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_developer "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_wc_fps "0.0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_wc_radius "-1.0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_steam_rich_presence "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_steam_browser "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_steam_screenshots "2"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_artist_id "0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_flyspeed "10"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_news "0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_colbox "0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_radio_mode "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_ignore_low_fps "0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_truck_light_quality "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_truck_light_specular "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_gfx_all_scales "0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_gfx_advanced "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_gfx_quality "2"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_hq_3d_screenshot "0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_menu_aa_limit "8"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_additional_water_fov "20.0f"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_rain_reflect_hookups "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_rain_reflect_actor "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_rain_reflect_traffic "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_rain_reflect_cache "0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_rain_reflection "3"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_reflection "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_grass_density "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_veg_detail "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_minicon "0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_console "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_fps "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset g_stream_exts ".ogg;.mp3"
00:00:00.311 : uset r_vsync "1"
00:00:00.311 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "0.5"
00:00:00.311 : uset r_texture_detail "0"
00:00:00.311 : uset t_averaging_window_length "20"
00:00:00.317 : [lang] Language autodetection: 419
00:00:00.325 : Selected language: ru_ru
00:00:00.325 : Euro Truck Simulator 2 init ver. (rev. 6a1ac69d9643)
00:00:00.336 : [net] LOG INFO: Started
00:00:00.337 : Setting UI reference mode to: 1440x900...
00:00:00.337 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx9
00:00:00.348 : [dx9] NVAPI initialized
00:00:00.380 : [dx9] Direct3D9 detected.
00:00:00.380 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
00:00:00.386 : [dx9] Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti / 977 (0) MB (nvd3dumx.dll,, )
00:00:00.386 : [dx9] Using SM3X rendering path
00:00:00.387 : [gfx] Trying to set 1920x810 32bpp (windowed)
00:00:01.988 : [dx9] SLI not found.
00:00:01.988 : [dx9] Stereo fully allowed.
00:00:01.988 : [dx9] Unable to initialize stereo (-140), the stereo driver might be not installed
00:00:01.988 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
00:00:02.121 : [al] device: OpenAL Soft
00:00:02.121 : [al] context extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_loopback
00:00:02.126 : [al] vendor: OpenAL Community
00:00:02.126 : [al] version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.14
00:00:02.126 : [al] renderer: OpenAL Soft
00:00:02.126 : [al] extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFTX_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points
00:00:02.127 : [snd] Started sound update thread
00:00:02.131 : [di8] Initializing device '@@keyboard@@' as 'keyboard'
00:00:02.132 : [di8] Initializing device '@@i_mouse@@' as 'mouse'
00:00:02.165 : [di8] Initializing device 'Logitech Driving Force GT USB' as '{76CEAD60-4339-11E3-8004-444553540000}|{C29A046D-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}'
00:00:02.168 : [di8] FF Constant force supported
00:00:02.168 : [di8] FF Ramp force supported
00:00:02.168 : [di8] FF Square force supported
00:00:02.168 : [di8] FF Sine force supported
00:00:02.168 : [di8] FF Triangle force supported
00:00:02.168 : [di8] FF SawtoothUp force supported
00:00:02.168 : [di8] FF SawtoothDown force supported
00:00:02.168 : [di8] FF Spring force supported
00:00:02.168 : [di8] FF Damper force supported
00:00:02.168 : [di8] FF Inertia force supported
00:00:02.168 : [di8] FF Friction force supported
00:00:02.168 : [di8] FF Axis 'x' 'Wheel axis' reports force 10N with resolution of 256
00:00:02.169 : [TrackIR] Device initialized. TrackIR software version 5.00.
00:00:02.745 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 726 entries (0DBFFF8E27EC0AC80359B2F8DF3F80D59B687A1ED9BC1DC2605B0BAD184AF84)
00:00:02.857 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Mounted and validated, 408 entries (0478DFD68DF060C599DB379335ED97F8E9B6604454DEBE784051595DB076DFE)
00:00:02.877 : dispatch
00:00:02.877 : exit
00:00:06.289 : [ui] Controller setup start
00:00:06.291 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:06.291 : [inp] Analyzing "Logitech Driving Force GT USB" "di8.'{76CEAD60-4339-11E3-8004-444553540000}|{C29A046D-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}'"
00:00:06.291 : [inp] Applying input.steer.logitech.driving.force.gt
00:00:06.293 : [inp] Applying input.pedals.logitech.driving.force.gt.combined
00:00:06.293 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:00:06.294 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:00:06.294 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.logitech.driving.force.gt
00:00:06.295 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:00:06.295 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:00:06.295 : [inp] Applying input.info.logitech.driving.force.gt
00:00:06.295 : [inp] Classified as: wheel
00:00:06.296 : [ui] Controller setup done
00:00:06.558 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 726 entries (0DBFFF8E27EC0AC80359B2F8DF3F80D59B687A1ED9BC1DC2605B0BAD184AF84)
00:00:06.645 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Mounted and validated, 408 entries (0478DFD68DF060C599DB379335ED97F8E9B6604454DEBE784051595DB076DFE)
00:00:06.649 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:06.649 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:06.649 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:06.649 : uset s_music_volume "0.8"
00:00:06.649 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:06.649 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_adviser "1"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "1"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_tutorial "1"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_police "1"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:06.649 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:06.649 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:06.649 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:06.649 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:06.649 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:06.649 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_cam_blinker "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_cam_steering_value "1.0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_cam_steering "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_fuel_simulation "0"
00:00:06.649 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "1"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_axle_drop_auto "1"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_trans "3"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:06.650 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
00:00:13.025 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/1snow ETC2_v4.scs
00:00:13.029 : [zipfs] 1snow ETC2_v4.scs: read ok, 253 entries [0x8e6b06e5]
00:00:13.029 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/50k_addons.scs
00:00:13.032 : [zipfs] 50k_addons.scs: read ok, 274 entries [0xc0ba06d0]
00:00:13.032 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/50k_wheels_pack.scs
00:00:13.033 : [zipfs] 50k_wheels_pack.scs: read ok, 72 entries [0x4d2ce61a]
00:00:13.033 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ALCOA_WheelsPack_by50k.scs
00:00:13.035 : [zipfs] ALCOA_WheelsPack_by50k.scs: read ok, 150 entries [0x323d3be6]
00:00:13.035 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Accessory parts all truck.scs
00:00:13.039 : [zipfs] Accessory parts all truck.scs: read ok, 412 entries [0x5f5fb2b5]
00:00:13.039 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/MB_Actros_MP3_MTP.scs
00:00:13.061 : [zipfs] MB_Actros_MP3_MTP.scs: read ok, 2023 entries [0xdb50c100]
00:00:13.061 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Michelin_XВ®_Multiway3D(BigT).scs
00:00:13.062 : [zipfs] Michelin_XВ®_Multiway3D(BigT).scs: read ok, 122 entries [0x2ac68d44]
00:00:13.062 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Scania Steel Wheelpack.scs
00:00:13.063 : [zipfs] Scania Steel Wheelpack.scs: read ok, 41 entries [0xf050d4de]
00:00:13.063 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs
00:00:13.195 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:13.195 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs: read ok, 13125 entries [0xaa921b83]
00:00:13.195 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_map.scs
00:00:13.244 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_map.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:13.244 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_map.scs: read ok, 2055 entries [0x1014aad2]
00:00:13.244 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs
00:00:13.306 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:13.306 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs: read ok, 5450 entries [0x2fb45f8d]
00:00:13.306 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs
00:00:13.334 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:13.334 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs: read ok, 2552 entries [0x3c465906]
00:00:13.334 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs
00:00:13.437 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:13.437 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs: read ok, 8358 entries [0xca814485]
00:00:13.437 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs
00:00:13.683 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs: 01-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1Beta - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:13.683 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs: read ok, 20196 entries [0x6d09a985]
00:00:13.683 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Volvo_Wheels_Pack_v_0_1_2_a.scs
00:00:13.684 : [zipfs] Volvo_Wheels_Pack_v_0_1_2_a.scs: read ok, 113 entries [0x5b3e7d3b]
00:00:13.684 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/material.scs
00:00:13.684 : [zipfs] material.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0xe6b62ad7]
00:00:13.685 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzz_rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1_def.scs
00:00:13.691 : [zipfs] zzzzz_rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1_def.scs: read ok, 676 entries [0x28d95c20]
00:00:13.691 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzz_rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1_map.scs
00:00:13.696 : [zipfs] zzzzz_rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1_map.scs: read ok, 381 entries [0xb9ba9c6d]
00:00:13.696 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzz_rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1_model.scs
00:00:13.775 : [zipfs] zzzzz_rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1_model.scs: read ok, 7438 entries [0xcebed844]
00:00:13.775 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzz_RusMap+TSM_Map_terrain_FIX.scs
00:00:13.775 : [zipfs] zzzzzzz_RusMap+TSM_Map_terrain_FIX.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x7c55b149]
00:00:13.775 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part1.scs
00:00:13.788 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part1.scs: read ok, 1242 entries [0x54778f5a]
00:00:13.788 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part2.scs
00:00:13.856 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part2.scs: read ok, 6700 entries [0xfa8dd622]
00:00:13.856 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzXP-Bz-Beta-v_1.scs
00:00:13.857 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzXP-Bz-Beta-v_1.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x1c38ec9a]
00:00:13.857 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaerodynamic_cargo_vetaha.scs
00:00:13.858 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaerodynamic_cargo_vetaha.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0xe849d4ee]
00:00:13.858 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzkrone_coolliner_cargo_vetaha.scs
00:00:13.859 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzkrone_coolliner_cargo_vetaha.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0x81d6ac6]
00:00:13.859 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzakcesoria_do_tuningu_(24.06.14).scs
00:00:13.886 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzakcesoria_do_tuningu_(24.06.14).scs: read ok, 2597 entries [0x8a218b16]
00:00:13.886 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs
00:00:13.888 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs: read ok, 240 entries [0x7f8faf45]
00:00:13.888 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs
00:00:13.888 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs: read ok, 2 entries [0xffc9053f]
00:00:13.888 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs
00:00:13.889 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs: read ok, 5 entries [0x41563236]
00:00:21.154 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/1snow ETC2_v4.scs
00:00:21.158 : [zipfs] 1snow ETC2_v4.scs: read ok, 253 entries [0x8e6b06e5]
00:00:21.158 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/50k_addons.scs
00:00:21.160 : [zipfs] 50k_addons.scs: read ok, 274 entries [0xc0ba06d0]
00:00:21.160 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/50k_wheels_pack.scs
00:00:21.161 : [zipfs] 50k_wheels_pack.scs: read ok, 72 entries [0x4d2ce61a]
00:00:21.161 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ALCOA_WheelsPack_by50k.scs
00:00:21.163 : [zipfs] ALCOA_WheelsPack_by50k.scs: read ok, 150 entries [0x323d3be6]
00:00:21.163 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Accessory parts all truck.scs
00:00:21.167 : [zipfs] Accessory parts all truck.scs: read ok, 412 entries [0x5f5fb2b5]
00:00:21.167 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/MB_Actros_MP3_MTP.scs
00:00:21.188 : [zipfs] MB_Actros_MP3_MTP.scs: read ok, 2023 entries [0xdb50c100]
00:00:21.188 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Michelin_XВ®_Multiway3D(BigT).scs
00:00:21.189 : [zipfs] Michelin_XВ®_Multiway3D(BigT).scs: read ok, 122 entries [0x2ac68d44]
00:00:21.189 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Scania Steel Wheelpack.scs
00:00:21.190 : [zipfs] Scania Steel Wheelpack.scs: read ok, 41 entries [0xf050d4de]
00:00:21.190 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs
00:00:21.324 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:21.324 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs: read ok, 13125 entries [0xaa921b83]
00:00:21.324 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_map.scs
00:00:21.372 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_map.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:21.372 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_map.scs: read ok, 2055 entries [0x1014aad2]
00:00:21.372 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs
00:00:21.434 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:21.434 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs: read ok, 5450 entries [0x2fb45f8d]
00:00:21.434 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs
00:00:21.461 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:21.461 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs: read ok, 2552 entries [0x3c465906]
00:00:21.462 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs
00:00:21.566 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:21.566 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs: read ok, 8358 entries [0xca814485]
00:00:21.566 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs
00:00:21.826 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs: 01-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1Beta - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:21.826 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs: read ok, 20196 entries [0x6d09a985]
00:00:21.826 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Volvo_Wheels_Pack_v_0_1_2_a.scs
00:00:21.828 : [zipfs] Volvo_Wheels_Pack_v_0_1_2_a.scs: read ok, 113 entries [0x5b3e7d3b]
00:00:21.828 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/material.scs
00:00:21.828 : [zipfs] material.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0xe6b62ad7]
00:00:21.828 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzz_rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1_map.scs
00:00:21.834 : [zipfs] zzzzz_rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1_map.scs: read ok, 381 entries [0xb9ba9c6d]
00:00:21.834 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzz_rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1_model.scs
00:00:21.922 : [zipfs] zzzzz_rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1_model.scs: read ok, 7438 entries [0xcebed844]
00:00:21.922 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzz_RusMap+TSM_Map_terrain_FIX.scs
00:00:21.922 : [zipfs] zzzzzzz_RusMap+TSM_Map_terrain_FIX.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x7c55b149]
00:00:21.923 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part1.scs
00:00:21.935 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part1.scs: read ok, 1242 entries [0x54778f5a]
00:00:21.935 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part2.scs
00:00:22.007 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part2.scs: read ok, 6700 entries [0xfa8dd622]
00:00:22.007 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzXP-Bz-Beta-v_1.scs
00:00:22.008 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzXP-Bz-Beta-v_1.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x1c38ec9a]
00:00:22.008 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaerodynamic_cargo_vetaha.scs
00:00:22.009 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaerodynamic_cargo_vetaha.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0xe849d4ee]
00:00:22.009 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzkrone_coolliner_cargo_vetaha.scs
00:00:22.010 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzkrone_coolliner_cargo_vetaha.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0x81d6ac6]
00:00:22.010 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzakcesoria_do_tuningu_(24.06.14).scs
00:00:22.038 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzakcesoria_do_tuningu_(24.06.14).scs: read ok, 2597 entries [0x8a218b16]
00:00:22.038 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs
00:00:22.041 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs: read ok, 240 entries [0x7f8faf45]
00:00:22.041 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs
00:00:22.041 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs: read ok, 2 entries [0xffc9053f]
00:00:22.041 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs
00:00:22.041 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs: read ok, 5 entries [0x41563236]
00:00:22.954 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/1snow ETC2_v4.scs
00:00:22.958 : [zipfs] 1snow ETC2_v4.scs: read ok, 253 entries [0x8e6b06e5]
00:00:22.958 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/50k_addons.scs
00:00:22.961 : [zipfs] 50k_addons.scs: read ok, 274 entries [0xc0ba06d0]
00:00:22.961 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/50k_wheels_pack.scs
00:00:22.962 : [zipfs] 50k_wheels_pack.scs: read ok, 72 entries [0x4d2ce61a]
00:00:22.962 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ALCOA_WheelsPack_by50k.scs
00:00:22.964 : [zipfs] ALCOA_WheelsPack_by50k.scs: read ok, 150 entries [0x323d3be6]
00:00:22.964 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Accessory parts all truck.scs
00:00:22.970 : [zipfs] Accessory parts all truck.scs: read ok, 412 entries [0x5f5fb2b5]
00:00:22.970 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/MB_Actros_MP3_MTP.scs
00:00:22.992 : [zipfs] MB_Actros_MP3_MTP.scs: read ok, 2023 entries [0xdb50c100]
00:00:22.992 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Michelin_XВ®_Multiway3D(BigT).scs
00:00:22.993 : [zipfs] Michelin_XВ®_Multiway3D(BigT).scs: read ok, 122 entries [0x2ac68d44]
00:00:22.993 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Scania Steel Wheelpack.scs
00:00:22.994 : [zipfs] Scania Steel Wheelpack.scs: read ok, 41 entries [0xf050d4de]
00:00:22.994 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs
00:00:23.140 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:23.140 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs: read ok, 13125 entries [0xaa921b83]
00:00:23.140 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_map.scs
00:00:23.190 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_map.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:23.190 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_map.scs: read ok, 2055 entries [0x1014aad2]
00:00:23.190 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs
00:00:23.258 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:23.258 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs: read ok, 5450 entries [0x2fb45f8d]
00:00:23.258 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs
00:00:23.288 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:23.288 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs: read ok, 2552 entries [0x3c465906]
00:00:23.288 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs
00:00:23.402 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:23.402 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs: read ok, 8358 entries [0xca814485]
00:00:23.402 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs
00:00:23.676 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs: 01-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1Beta - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:23.676 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs: read ok, 20196 entries [0x6d09a985]
00:00:23.676 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Volvo_Wheels_Pack_v_0_1_2_a.scs
00:00:23.678 : [zipfs] Volvo_Wheels_Pack_v_0_1_2_a.scs: read ok, 113 entries [0x5b3e7d3b]
00:00:23.678 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/material.scs
00:00:23.678 : [zipfs] material.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0xe6b62ad7]
00:00:23.678 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzz_rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1_model.scs
00:00:23.767 : [zipfs] zzzzz_rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1_model.scs: read ok, 7438 entries [0xcebed844]
00:00:23.767 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzz_RusMap+TSM_Map_terrain_FIX.scs
00:00:23.768 : [zipfs] zzzzzzz_RusMap+TSM_Map_terrain_FIX.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x7c55b149]
00:00:23.768 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part1.scs
00:00:23.780 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part1.scs: read ok, 1242 entries [0x54778f5a]
00:00:23.780 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part2.scs
00:00:23.852 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part2.scs: read ok, 6700 entries [0xfa8dd622]
00:00:23.852 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzXP-Bz-Beta-v_1.scs
00:00:23.853 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzXP-Bz-Beta-v_1.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x1c38ec9a]
00:00:23.853 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaerodynamic_cargo_vetaha.scs
00:00:23.854 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaerodynamic_cargo_vetaha.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0xe849d4ee]
00:00:23.854 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzkrone_coolliner_cargo_vetaha.scs
00:00:23.855 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzkrone_coolliner_cargo_vetaha.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0x81d6ac6]
00:00:23.855 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzakcesoria_do_tuningu_(24.06.14).scs
00:00:23.885 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzakcesoria_do_tuningu_(24.06.14).scs: read ok, 2597 entries [0x8a218b16]
00:00:23.885 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs
00:00:23.887 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs: read ok, 240 entries [0x7f8faf45]
00:00:23.887 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs
00:00:23.888 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs: read ok, 2 entries [0xffc9053f]
00:00:23.888 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs
00:00:23.888 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs: read ok, 5 entries [0x41563236]
00:00:24.954 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/1snow ETC2_v4.scs
00:00:24.959 : [zipfs] 1snow ETC2_v4.scs: read ok, 253 entries [0x8e6b06e5]
00:00:24.959 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/50k_addons.scs
00:00:24.963 : [zipfs] 50k_addons.scs: read ok, 274 entries [0xc0ba06d0]
00:00:24.963 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/50k_wheels_pack.scs
00:00:24.964 : [zipfs] 50k_wheels_pack.scs: read ok, 72 entries [0x4d2ce61a]
00:00:24.964 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ALCOA_WheelsPack_by50k.scs
00:00:24.966 : [zipfs] ALCOA_WheelsPack_by50k.scs: read ok, 150 entries [0x323d3be6]
00:00:24.966 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Accessory parts all truck.scs
00:00:24.971 : [zipfs] Accessory parts all truck.scs: read ok, 412 entries [0x5f5fb2b5]
00:00:24.971 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/MB_Actros_MP3_MTP.scs
00:00:24.994 : [zipfs] MB_Actros_MP3_MTP.scs: read ok, 2023 entries [0xdb50c100]
00:00:24.994 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Michelin_XВ®_Multiway3D(BigT).scs
00:00:24.995 : [zipfs] Michelin_XВ®_Multiway3D(BigT).scs: read ok, 122 entries [0x2ac68d44]
00:00:24.995 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Scania Steel Wheelpack.scs
00:00:24.996 : [zipfs] Scania Steel Wheelpack.scs: read ok, 41 entries [0xf050d4de]
00:00:24.996 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs
00:00:25.137 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:25.137 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs: read ok, 13125 entries [0xaa921b83]
00:00:25.137 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_map.scs
00:00:25.188 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_map.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:25.188 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_map.scs: read ok, 2055 entries [0x1014aad2]
00:00:25.188 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs
00:00:25.253 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:25.253 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs: read ok, 5450 entries [0x2fb45f8d]
00:00:25.253 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs
00:00:25.283 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:25.283 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs: read ok, 2552 entries [0x3c465906]
00:00:25.283 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs
00:00:25.395 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:25.395 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs: read ok, 8358 entries [0xca814485]
00:00:25.395 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs
00:00:25.662 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs: 01-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1Beta - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:25.662 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs: read ok, 20196 entries [0x6d09a985]
00:00:25.662 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Volvo_Wheels_Pack_v_0_1_2_a.scs
00:00:25.663 : [zipfs] Volvo_Wheels_Pack_v_0_1_2_a.scs: read ok, 113 entries [0x5b3e7d3b]
00:00:25.663 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/material.scs
00:00:25.663 : [zipfs] material.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0xe6b62ad7]
00:00:25.663 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzz_RusMap+TSM_Map_terrain_FIX.scs
00:00:25.664 : [zipfs] zzzzzzz_RusMap+TSM_Map_terrain_FIX.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x7c55b149]
00:00:25.664 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part1.scs
00:00:25.675 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part1.scs: read ok, 1242 entries [0x54778f5a]
00:00:25.675 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part2.scs
00:00:25.744 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part2.scs: read ok, 6700 entries [0xfa8dd622]
00:00:25.745 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzXP-Bz-Beta-v_1.scs
00:00:25.745 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzXP-Bz-Beta-v_1.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x1c38ec9a]
00:00:25.745 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaerodynamic_cargo_vetaha.scs
00:00:25.746 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaerodynamic_cargo_vetaha.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0xe849d4ee]
00:00:25.746 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzkrone_coolliner_cargo_vetaha.scs
00:00:25.747 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzkrone_coolliner_cargo_vetaha.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0x81d6ac6]
00:00:25.747 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzakcesoria_do_tuningu_(24.06.14).scs
00:00:25.774 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzakcesoria_do_tuningu_(24.06.14).scs: read ok, 2597 entries [0x8a218b16]
00:00:25.774 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs
00:00:25.777 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs: read ok, 240 entries [0x7f8faf45]
00:00:25.777 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs
00:00:25.777 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs: read ok, 2 entries [0xffc9053f]
00:00:25.777 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs
00:00:25.777 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs: read ok, 5 entries [0x41563236]
00:00:26.354 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/1snow ETC2_v4.scs
00:00:26.359 : [zipfs] 1snow ETC2_v4.scs: read ok, 253 entries [0x8e6b06e5]
00:00:26.359 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/50k_addons.scs
00:00:26.363 : [zipfs] 50k_addons.scs: read ok, 274 entries [0xc0ba06d0]
00:00:26.363 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/50k_wheels_pack.scs
00:00:26.364 : [zipfs] 50k_wheels_pack.scs: read ok, 72 entries [0x4d2ce61a]
00:00:26.364 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ALCOA_WheelsPack_by50k.scs
00:00:26.366 : [zipfs] ALCOA_WheelsPack_by50k.scs: read ok, 150 entries [0x323d3be6]
00:00:26.366 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Accessory parts all truck.scs
00:00:26.370 : [zipfs] Accessory parts all truck.scs: read ok, 412 entries [0x5f5fb2b5]
00:00:26.370 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/MB_Actros_MP3_MTP.scs
00:00:26.392 : [zipfs] MB_Actros_MP3_MTP.scs: read ok, 2023 entries [0xdb50c100]
00:00:26.392 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Michelin_XВ®_Multiway3D(BigT).scs
00:00:26.393 : [zipfs] Michelin_XВ®_Multiway3D(BigT).scs: read ok, 122 entries [0x2ac68d44]
00:00:26.393 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Scania Steel Wheelpack.scs
00:00:26.394 : [zipfs] Scania Steel Wheelpack.scs: read ok, 41 entries [0xf050d4de]
00:00:26.394 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs
00:00:26.528 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:26.528 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs: read ok, 13125 entries [0xaa921b83]
00:00:26.528 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_map.scs
00:00:26.579 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_map.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:26.579 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_map.scs: read ok, 2055 entries [0x1014aad2]
00:00:26.579 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs
00:00:26.643 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:26.643 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs: read ok, 5450 entries [0x2fb45f8d]
00:00:26.643 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs
00:00:26.671 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:26.671 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs: read ok, 2552 entries [0x3c465906]
00:00:26.671 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs
00:00:26.773 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:26.773 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs: read ok, 8358 entries [0xca814485]
00:00:26.773 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs
00:00:27.027 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs: 01-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1Beta - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:27.027 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs: read ok, 20196 entries [0x6d09a985]
00:00:27.027 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Volvo_Wheels_Pack_v_0_1_2_a.scs
00:00:27.029 : [zipfs] Volvo_Wheels_Pack_v_0_1_2_a.scs: read ok, 113 entries [0x5b3e7d3b]
00:00:27.029 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/material.scs
00:00:27.029 : [zipfs] material.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0xe6b62ad7]
00:00:27.029 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part1.scs
00:00:27.042 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part1.scs: read ok, 1242 entries [0x54778f5a]
00:00:27.042 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part2.scs
00:00:27.113 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part2.scs: read ok, 6700 entries [0xfa8dd622]
00:00:27.113 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzXP-Bz-Beta-v_1.scs
00:00:27.113 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzXP-Bz-Beta-v_1.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x1c38ec9a]
00:00:27.113 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaerodynamic_cargo_vetaha.scs
00:00:27.114 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaerodynamic_cargo_vetaha.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0xe849d4ee]
00:00:27.114 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzkrone_coolliner_cargo_vetaha.scs
00:00:27.115 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzkrone_coolliner_cargo_vetaha.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0x81d6ac6]
00:00:27.115 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzakcesoria_do_tuningu_(24.06.14).scs
00:00:27.143 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzakcesoria_do_tuningu_(24.06.14).scs: read ok, 2597 entries [0x8a218b16]
00:00:27.143 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs
00:00:27.145 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs: read ok, 240 entries [0x7f8faf45]
00:00:27.145 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs
00:00:27.147 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs: read ok, 2 entries [0xffc9053f]
00:00:27.147 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs
00:00:27.147 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs: read ok, 5 entries [0x41563236]
00:00:29.895 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:29.895 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:29.895 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:29.895 : uset s_music_volume "0.8"
00:00:29.895 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:29.895 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_adviser "1"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "1"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_tutorial "1"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_police "1"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:29.895 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:29.895 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:29.895 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:29.895 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:29.895 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:29.895 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:29.895 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_cam_blinker "0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_cam_steering_value "1.0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_cam_steering "0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:29.895 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_fuel_simulation "0"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "1"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_axle_drop_auto "1"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_trans "3"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:29.896 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
00:00:31.418 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:31.418 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:31.418 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:31.418 : uset s_music_volume "0.8"
00:00:31.418 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:31.418 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:31.418 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:31.418 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:31.418 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:31.418 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_adviser "1"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "1"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_tutorial "1"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_police "1"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:31.419 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:31.419 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:31.419 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:31.419 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:31.419 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:31.419 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:31.419 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_cam_blinker "0"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_cam_steering_value "1.0"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_cam_steering "0"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_fuel_simulation "0"
00:00:31.419 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "1"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_axle_drop_auto "1"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_trans "3"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:31.420 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
00:00:31.446 : New profile selected: 'GUNNER161'
00:00:31.446 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/1snow ETC2_v4.scs
00:00:31.449 : [zipfs] 1snow ETC2_v4.scs: read ok, 253 entries [0x8e6b06e5]
00:00:31.449 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/50k_addons.scs
00:00:31.452 : [zipfs] 50k_addons.scs: read ok, 274 entries [0xc0ba06d0]
00:00:31.452 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/50k_wheels_pack.scs
00:00:31.453 : [zipfs] 50k_wheels_pack.scs: read ok, 72 entries [0x4d2ce61a]
00:00:31.453 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ALCOA_WheelsPack_by50k.scs
00:00:31.455 : [zipfs] ALCOA_WheelsPack_by50k.scs: read ok, 150 entries [0x323d3be6]
00:00:31.455 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Accessory parts all truck.scs
00:00:31.459 : [zipfs] Accessory parts all truck.scs: read ok, 412 entries [0x5f5fb2b5]
00:00:31.459 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/MB_Actros_MP3_MTP.scs
00:00:31.479 : [zipfs] MB_Actros_MP3_MTP.scs: read ok, 2023 entries [0xdb50c100]
00:00:31.479 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Michelin_XВ®_Multiway3D(BigT).scs
00:00:31.481 : [zipfs] Michelin_XВ®_Multiway3D(BigT).scs: read ok, 122 entries [0x2ac68d44]
00:00:31.481 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Scania Steel Wheelpack.scs
00:00:31.482 : [zipfs] Scania Steel Wheelpack.scs: read ok, 41 entries [0xf050d4de]
00:00:31.482 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs
00:00:31.612 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:31.612 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs: read ok, 13125 entries [0xaa921b83]
00:00:31.612 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_map.scs
00:00:31.660 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_map.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:31.660 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_map.scs: read ok, 2055 entries [0x1014aad2]
00:00:31.660 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs
00:00:31.719 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:31.719 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_01.scs: read ok, 5450 entries [0x2fb45f8d]
00:00:31.719 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs
00:00:31.745 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:31.745 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_02.scs: read ok, 2552 entries [0x3c465906]
00:00:31.745 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs
00:00:31.846 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs: 13-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1.2 - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:31.846 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_model_03.scs: read ok, 8358 entries [0xca814485]
00:00:31.846 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs
00:00:32.091 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs: 01-08-2014 © TSM-Map 5.1Beta - www.trucksim-map.com
00:00:32.091 : [zipfs] TSM_Map_5_prefab&more.scs: read ok, 20196 entries [0x6d09a985]
00:00:32.091 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/Volvo_Wheels_Pack_v_0_1_2_a.scs
00:00:32.093 : [zipfs] Volvo_Wheels_Pack_v_0_1_2_a.scs: read ok, 113 entries [0x5b3e7d3b]
00:00:32.093 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/material.scs
00:00:32.093 : [zipfs] material.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0xe6b62ad7]
00:00:32.093 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part1.scs
00:00:32.105 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part1.scs: read ok, 1242 entries [0x54778f5a]
00:00:32.105 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part2.scs
00:00:32.176 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzmagnum_updates_v9.26_by_knox_xss_part2.scs: read ok, 6700 entries [0xfa8dd622]
00:00:32.176 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzXP-Bz-Beta-v_1.scs
00:00:32.176 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzXP-Bz-Beta-v_1.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x1c38ec9a]
00:00:32.176 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaerodynamic_cargo_vetaha.scs
00:00:32.178 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaerodynamic_cargo_vetaha.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0xe849d4ee]
00:00:32.178 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzkrone_coolliner_cargo_vetaha.scs
00:00:32.179 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzkrone_coolliner_cargo_vetaha.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0x81d6ac6]
00:00:32.179 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzakcesoria_do_tuningu_(24.06.14).scs
00:00:32.206 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzakcesoria_do_tuningu_(24.06.14).scs: read ok, 2597 entries [0x8a218b16]
00:00:32.206 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs
00:00:32.208 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs: read ok, 240 entries [0x7f8faf45]
00:00:32.209 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs
00:00:32.209 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_fixmap_1_14.scs: read ok, 2 entries [0xffc9053f]
00:00:32.209 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Alexandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs
00:00:32.209 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4_for_1_14.scs: read ok, 5 entries [0x41563236]
00:00:32.236 : game
00:00:32.385 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet
00:00:32.397 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.397 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.01n' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.n') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.397 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.397 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.01n' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.n') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.397 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.397 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.01n' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.n') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.397 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.397 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.01n' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.n') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.397 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.397 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.01n' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.n') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.397 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.397 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.01n' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.n') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'hdr.n' looks like dangling pointer.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.02ppr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.ppr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.02ppr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.ppr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.02ppr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.ppr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.02ppr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.ppr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.02ppr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.ppr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.02ppr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.ppr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.02ppr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.ppr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.02ppr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.ppr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'hdr.ppr' looks like dangling pointer.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.03pr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.03pr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.03pr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.03pr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.03pr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.03pr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.398 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.03pr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.03pr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.03pr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.03pr' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pr') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'hdr.pr' looks like dangling pointer.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.04r' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.r') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.399 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'hdr.r' looks like dangling pointer.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.05d1' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.d') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'hdr.d' looks like dangling pointer.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.06d2' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.d') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.07d3' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.d') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.08z' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.z') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'hdr.z' looks like dangling pointer.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.400 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.09pz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.pz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'hdr.pz' looks like dangling pointer.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.10ppz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.ppz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.10ppz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.ppz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.10ppz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.ppz') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'hdr.ppz' looks like dangling pointer.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.11pppz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.n') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.11pppz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.n') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/climate/default/nice.sii':
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit 'nice.11pppz' of type 'sun_profile' has dangling pointer (to 'hdr.n') in the attribute named 'hdr_parameters'.
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/climate/default/nice.sii)
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> /def/climate/default/nice.sii read failed!
00:00:32.401 : <ERROR> Loading default/nice weather failed
00:00:32.486 : Loaded trailers: 82
00:00:32.488 : Loaded small traffic vehicles: 30
00:00:32.490 : Loaded truck traffic vehicles: 22
00:00:32.492 : Loaded traffic trailers: 14
00:00:32.497 : Loaded addon hookups: 218
00:00:32.500 : Loading resource server data ....
00:00:32.500 : Loading road data ....
00:00:32.500 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/world/road_material.mario.sii', line 31:
00:00:32.500 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name 'road_mat.33' is already taken by an existing unit (of type 'road_material_def').
00:00:32.500 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/world/road_material.mario.sii)
00:00:32.500 : <ERROR> management\core_resource_server.cpp(482): ?init_full@core_resource_server_u@prism@@UEAAXXZ: Data error.
- 0
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
☭ Taran KZ ☭
Отправлено 07 Ноябрь 2014 - 05:57

☭ Taran KZ ☭
- 31 669 сообщений
- 6135 благодарностей
- 122 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Саня
- Версия ETS2:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ETS2:Renault T
- Версия ATS:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ATS:Kenworth K100
Любимая игра:

Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Отправлено 09 Ноябрь 2014 - 20:32

- 17 сообщений
- 0 благодарностей
- 0 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Alex
- Версия ETS2:1.14
- Грузовик в ETS2:scas

Скрытый текст
************ : log created on : Sunday November 09 2014 @ 18:52:35
00:00:00.000 : [sys] running on x86_64 / Windows 7 x64 (version 6.1) / Service Pack 1
00:00:00.000 : [sys] DirectX version :
00:00:00.000 : [sys] Command line: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/bin/win_x64/eurotrucks2.exe -64bit
00:00:00.000 : [cpu] CPU0: GenuineIntel [Intel® Core i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz] with 4 cores (4 threads) at ~2798MHz.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using 3 worker thread(s)
00:00:00.000 : [sys] and 3 worker threads for IO.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using QPC / TSC invariant timer, frequency 2732480Hz
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical total: 8183M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical avail: 5743M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual total: 8388607M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual avail: 8388445M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Trying to allocate memory pool (409600K)
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Allocated 5 temporary loading buffer(s)
00:00:00.009 : [steamctrl] Initialized Steam controller subsystem with config (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/controller.vdf)
00:00:00.058 : [hashfs] base.scs: Mounted and validated, 44931 entries (CFA30522604C60B6FFEFAA930FA7FAD01FF24AFE28B1E116E74A285145AF6B7)
00:00:00.060 : [hashfs] core.scs: Mounted and validated, 4 entries (C17C93BCBFE2F6ACCAE36E4955144C67D092A2CCFE4FE798DAB29F0855DCF29)
00:00:00.127 : [hashfs] def.scs: Mounted and validated, 5515 entries (26CEF54E4B9C58D7D5741146D56538C29D95A84CD1D0FD7D09A42EB4151C51C)
00:00:00.188 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Mounted and validated, 168 entries (4297CCA5CC9185AF1043084A2792110669BE405ED10A875D43C1E701786FCD9)
00:00:00.190 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Mounted and validated, 1 entries (70E0EC25BB8D317BACFD74EF20990864680D7F210796136F49DECB974485B5E)
00:00:00.190 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2'.
00:00:00.192 : exec /home/config.cfg
00:00:00.192 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
00:00:00.193 : uset r_full_resolution_corrections "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_force_color_shadowmaps "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_hw_info "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_line_sort "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_cargo_sort "2"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_tooltip_delay "0.4"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_global_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_desktop_fadeout "60"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_wireframe "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_right "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_left "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_multimon_mode "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_segment_cache_static_buffers "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_segment_cache_behavior "3"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_use_depth_bounds "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_show_light_pixel_coverage "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_deferred_debug "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_mirror_scale_y "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_mirror_scale_x "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_scale_y "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_scale_x "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_normal_maps "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_sunshafts "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_color_saturation "1.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_color_yellow_blue "0.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_color_magenta_green "0.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_color_cyan_red "0.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_color_correction "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_dof_filter_size "0.5"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_dof_transition "400.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_dof_start "200.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_dof "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_mlaa_threshold "1.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_mlaa "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_hdr "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_fake_shadows "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size "4096"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_sun_shadow_quality "4"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_mirror_view_distance "200"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_deferred_mirrors "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_deferred "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_nowmi "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_startup_progress "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_setup_done "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_gamma "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_manual_stereo_buffer_scale "1.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game "100"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov "80"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game "0.5"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist "0.8"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_manual_stereo_in_menu "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_nv_stereo_mode "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_no_frame_tracking "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_msaa "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_fullscreen "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_mode "1920x1080x32x0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_path ""
00:00:00.194 : uset r_device "dx9"
00:00:00.194 : uset i_virtual_cursor_speed "500.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_trackir "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_pedestrian "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_light_span_factor "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_light_distance_factor "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_vehicle_flare_lights "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_auto_traffic_headlights "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_traffic "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_kdop_preview "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_developer "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_wc_fps "0.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_wc_radius "-1.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_steam_rich_presence "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_steam_browser "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_steam_screenshots "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_artist_id "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_news "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_colbox "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_radio_mode "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_ignore_low_fps "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_truck_light_quality "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_truck_light_specular "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_gfx_all_scales "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_gfx_advanced "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_gfx_quality "2"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_hq_3d_screenshot "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_menu_aa_limit "8"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_additional_water_fov "20.0f"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_rain_reflect_hookups "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_rain_reflect_actor "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_rain_reflect_traffic "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_rain_reflect_cache "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_rain_reflection "3"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_reflection "3"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_grass_density "2"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_veg_detail "2"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_minicon "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_console "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_fps "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_stream_exts ".ogg;.mp3"
00:00:00.195 : uset r_vsync "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset r_texture_detail "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset t_averaging_window_length "20"
00:00:00.201 : [lang] Language autodetection: 419
00:00:00.209 : Selected language: ru_ru
00:00:00.209 : Euro Truck Simulator 2 init ver. (rev. 8e177abd8473)
00:00:00.216 : [net] LOG INFO: Started
00:00:00.217 : Setting UI reference mode to: 1440x900...
00:00:00.217 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx9
00:00:00.232 : [dx9] NVAPI initialized
00:00:00.324 : [dx9] Direct3D9Ex detected.
00:00:00.324 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
00:00:00.420 : [dx9] Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 / 2048 (2048) MB (nvd3dumx.dll,, 20141029)
00:00:00.421 : [dx9] Using SM3X rendering path
00:00:00.422 : [gfx] Trying to set 1920x1080 32bpp 60Hz (fullscreen)
00:00:00.658 : [dx9] SLI not found.
00:00:00.658 : [dx9] Stereo fully allowed.
00:00:00.659 : [dx9] Unable to initialize stereo (-140), the stereo driver might be not installed
00:00:00.659 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
00:00:00.792 : [al] device: OpenAL Soft
00:00:00.792 : [al] context extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_loopback
00:00:00.819 : [al] vendor: OpenAL Community
00:00:00.819 : [al] version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.14
00:00:00.819 : [al] renderer: OpenAL Soft
00:00:00.819 : [al] extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFTX_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points
00:00:00.819 : [snd] Started sound update thread
00:00:00.826 : [di8] Initializing device '@@keyboard@@' as 'keyboard'
00:00:00.829 : [di8] Initializing device '@@i_mouse@@' as 'mouse'
00:00:01.143 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 726 entries (2F6C96EAA68E52B9EB4155CBDD311027B8E146D66F8F4DD683F274BF8D0C7D0)
00:00:01.147 : [hashfs] dlc_fantasy.scs: Mounted and validated, 276 entries (D72F4BC369CF32829139FB4AC96745E0D187BE1627A0E5FE71D23EDE8DC8C4C)
00:00:01.151 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bz.scs: Mounted and validated, 171 entries (DBA217626D96B0ACCCD6D7D6F46CE13900299A6466593A7DDB3FF27ADA097C0)
00:00:01.154 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ca.scs: Mounted and validated, 207 entries (3D8BE42DD306509479CB6A3DF188372F6EADA328803A2DAA20F9BAD70C266A1)
00:00:01.158 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cz.scs: Mounted and validated, 224 entries (7E57241B8C7F101B9226AD2583C5450D863558F86A21271A5DA38CA146A15EC)
00:00:01.161 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_de.scs: Mounted and validated, 233 entries (6A969B46EF0AEAF3271DECA8829F07B94856119F4534D8BC6CAB1CBE868D202)
00:00:01.165 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fr.scs: Mounted and validated, 245 entries (6815F7BAA55D83699B1285DBBF582CBEEA9C9CEA218216C40569E5E9BA92E91)
00:00:01.169 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ie.scs: Mounted and validated, 195 entries (2006214FDE5735BCD8CBA3CAE1385CBE0DEBF77FA4972715F969BA69E3F56F4)
00:00:01.172 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pl.scs: Mounted and validated, 187 entries (8D2C7BE84AE6850AE7FAFF8A7B1CFAFAF6A5AFDA98F0CE3250286B4ADEAE225)
00:00:01.176 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sc.scs: Mounted and validated, 221 entries (DFC68428723F67AB1E69DE20FE4DCECE169E111DDAF4DA5525820D793E2FC03)
00:00:01.179 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_uk.scs: Mounted and validated, 192 entries (A3CD19FB2B5AA066CA6B9A300BB9CF26762318CA025059356E6FDC154CA4216)
00:00:01.182 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_us.scs: Mounted and validated, 214 entries (5ACCD5F00166560D818842DF642937AB535CBBEC0E9E0B7F3B82ABDD42F942D)
00:00:01.186 : [hashfs] dlc_halloween.scs: Mounted and validated, 338 entries (2991ACF17D9E4D2AA97DE541ED67C326F5D9E89B6EABBFD7D758FF91D0D2159)
00:00:01.190 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics.scs: Mounted and validated, 202 entries (0BB3BB5A600E58BF9D85E14219ABD4CBF0C6DF5266CAD9B9AD1750CE4B34CD5)
00:00:01.194 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics2.scs: Mounted and validated, 235 entries (8E6B2C2221F8688324B89D19BFB1D1724AD1FCC403B61610DBB0A8D201F6292)
00:00:01.199 : [hashfs] dlc_nature.scs: Mounted and validated, 443 entries (3B7E4CB7CBF99196E29AC233A247077D70C5B3C74534F158DFCE405DA35CE70)
00:00:01.214 : [net] LINK ERRO: Not found.
00:00:01.291 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Mounted and validated, 410 entries (8DCD8747B59991EA82765BB0F537FEC7A47AB380D422CCCFC0557547C673DD1)
00:00:01.296 : [hashfs] dlc_winter.scs: Mounted and validated, 441 entries (175E29530E2F79CD3673DCAA5DB8C4BB6BCCCF23DF6483F0D1709E9ED82246A)
00:00:01.314 : dispatch
00:00:01.314 : exit
00:00:18.428 : [ui] Controller setup start
00:00:18.432 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:18.432 : [ui] Controller setup done
00:00:18.679 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 726 entries (2F6C96EAA68E52B9EB4155CBDD311027B8E146D66F8F4DD683F274BF8D0C7D0)
00:00:18.682 : [hashfs] dlc_fantasy.scs: Mounted and validated, 276 entries (D72F4BC369CF32829139FB4AC96745E0D187BE1627A0E5FE71D23EDE8DC8C4C)
00:00:18.684 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bz.scs: Mounted and validated, 171 entries (DBA217626D96B0ACCCD6D7D6F46CE13900299A6466593A7DDB3FF27ADA097C0)
00:00:18.686 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ca.scs: Mounted and validated, 207 entries (3D8BE42DD306509479CB6A3DF188372F6EADA328803A2DAA20F9BAD70C266A1)
00:00:18.689 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cz.scs: Mounted and validated, 224 entries (7E57241B8C7F101B9226AD2583C5450D863558F86A21271A5DA38CA146A15EC)
00:00:18.691 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_de.scs: Mounted and validated, 233 entries (6A969B46EF0AEAF3271DECA8829F07B94856119F4534D8BC6CAB1CBE868D202)
00:00:18.694 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fr.scs: Mounted and validated, 245 entries (6815F7BAA55D83699B1285DBBF582CBEEA9C9CEA218216C40569E5E9BA92E91)
00:00:18.696 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ie.scs: Mounted and validated, 195 entries (2006214FDE5735BCD8CBA3CAE1385CBE0DEBF77FA4972715F969BA69E3F56F4)
00:00:18.698 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pl.scs: Mounted and validated, 187 entries (8D2C7BE84AE6850AE7FAFF8A7B1CFAFAF6A5AFDA98F0CE3250286B4ADEAE225)
00:00:18.700 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sc.scs: Mounted and validated, 221 entries (DFC68428723F67AB1E69DE20FE4DCECE169E111DDAF4DA5525820D793E2FC03)
00:00:18.702 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_uk.scs: Mounted and validated, 192 entries (A3CD19FB2B5AA066CA6B9A300BB9CF26762318CA025059356E6FDC154CA4216)
00:00:18.704 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_us.scs: Mounted and validated, 214 entries (5ACCD5F00166560D818842DF642937AB535CBBEC0E9E0B7F3B82ABDD42F942D)
00:00:18.707 : [hashfs] dlc_halloween.scs: Mounted and validated, 338 entries (2991ACF17D9E4D2AA97DE541ED67C326F5D9E89B6EABBFD7D758FF91D0D2159)
00:00:18.710 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics.scs: Mounted and validated, 202 entries (0BB3BB5A600E58BF9D85E14219ABD4CBF0C6DF5266CAD9B9AD1750CE4B34CD5)
00:00:18.713 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics2.scs: Mounted and validated, 235 entries (8E6B2C2221F8688324B89D19BFB1D1724AD1FCC403B61610DBB0A8D201F6292)
00:00:18.717 : [hashfs] dlc_nature.scs: Mounted and validated, 443 entries (3B7E4CB7CBF99196E29AC233A247077D70C5B3C74534F158DFCE405DA35CE70)
00:00:18.805 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Mounted and validated, 410 entries (8DCD8747B59991EA82765BB0F537FEC7A47AB380D422CCCFC0557547C673DD1)
00:00:18.809 : [hashfs] dlc_winter.scs: Mounted and validated, 441 entries (175E29530E2F79CD3673DCAA5DB8C4BB6BCCCF23DF6483F0D1709E9ED82246A)
00:00:18.898 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_music_volume "0.5"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_reverse_stereo "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_adviser "2"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_fatigue "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_police "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:18.898 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:18.898 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:18.898 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_cam_blinker "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_cam_steering_value "1.0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_cam_steering "1"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_fuel_simulation "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_axle_drop_auto "1"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "1"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_trans "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
00:00:19.241 : [net] LINK ERRO: Not found.
00:00:32.880 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_music_volume "0.5"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_reverse_stereo "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_adviser "2"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_fatigue "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_police "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:32.880 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:32.880 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:32.880 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_cam_blinker "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_cam_steering_value "1.0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_cam_steering "1"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_fuel_simulation "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_axle_drop_auto "1"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "1"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_trans "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
00:00:32.898 : New profile selected: 'Alex_mchs'
00:00:32.898 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/001-eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs
00:00:34.684 : [zipfs] 001-eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 20538 entries [0xd6d4798e]
00:00:34.684 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/002-morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs
00:00:35.335 : [zipfs] 002-morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 9035 entries [0xb7988264]
00:00:35.335 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/003-z_snowy_road.scs
00:00:35.337 : [zipfs] 003-z_snowy_road.scs: read ok, 13 entries [0x7f198f6b]
00:00:35.337 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/007-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs
00:00:35.978 : [zipfs] 007-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs: read ok, 14443 entries [0xeb09d267]
00:00:35.978 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/008-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs
00:00:37.049 : [zipfs] 008-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs: read ok, 6070 entries [0xffc923ad]
00:00:37.049 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/009-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs
00:00:37.060 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/009-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:37.060 : [zipfs] 009-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs: read ok, 393 entries [0xf2206c1e]
00:00:37.061 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/010-military_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5.1.scs
00:00:37.471 : [zipfs] 010-military_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5.1.scs: read ok, 2204 entries [0x4f3018bb]
00:00:37.471 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/011-military_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5.1_rus.scs
00:00:37.475 : [zipfs] 011-military_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5.1_rus.scs: read ok, 102 entries [0x5ae78fe7]
00:00:37.475 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/012-railway_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5_rus.scs
00:00:37.478 : [zipfs] 012-railway_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5_rus.scs: read ok, 67 entries [0xe307cc94]
00:00:37.479 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/013-railway_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5_traffic.scs
00:00:37.480 : [zipfs] 013-railway_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5_traffic.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x5903938d]
00:00:37.480 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/014-[Trailer-ETS2] Agricultural Mod Pack v1.1.scs
00:00:37.583 : [zipfs] 014-[Trailer-ETS2] Agricultural Mod Pack v1.1.scs: read ok, 599 entries [0x3595b94f]
00:00:37.583 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/015-ai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.8.scs
00:00:38.078 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/015-ai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.8.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:38.078 : [zipfs] 015-ai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.8.scs: read ok, 8970 entries [0x6dc15bd5]
00:00:38.078 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/016-american_truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.0.scs
00:00:38.180 : [zipfs] 016-american_truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.0.scs: read ok, 545 entries [0x92d0509c]
00:00:38.181 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/017-bus_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1.scs
00:00:38.306 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/017-bus_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:38.306 : [zipfs] 017-bus_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1.scs: read ok, 568 entries [0xc6c6a8cb]
00:00:38.306 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/018-truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.6.scs
00:00:38.744 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/018-truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.6.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:38.744 : [zipfs] 018-truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.6.scs: read ok, 2853 entries [0x5e1c56e]
00:00:38.744 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/019-tuned_truck_traffic_by_Jazzycat.scs
00:00:38.747 : [zipfs] 019-tuned_truck_traffic_by_Jazzycat.scs: read ok, 32 entries [0x278091a]
00:00:38.747 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/020-russian_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1_base.scs
00:00:39.130 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/020-russian_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1_base.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:39.130 : [zipfs] 020-russian_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1_base.scs: read ok, 2544 entries [0xa917f36f]
00:00:39.130 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/021-russian_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1_def_for_non-russian_maps.scs
00:00:39.153 : [zipfs] 021-russian_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1_def_for_non-russian_maps.scs: read ok, 1058 entries [0x3d6029b0]
00:00:39.153 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/FH16_2013_v17.0s_ohaha.scs
00:00:39.272 : [zipfs] FH16_2013_v17.0s_ohaha.scs: read ok, 1183 entries [0xdb7f5d]
00:00:39.273 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ZX-Brutal-Environment-ONLY-HD-GRAPHIC-ENGINE-Gold-whi-by-Stewen.scs
00:00:40.771 : [zipfs] ZX-Brutal-Environment-ONLY-HD-GRAPHIC-ENGINE-Gold-whi-by-Stewen.scs: read ok, 3504 entries [0xb00d4363]
00:00:40.772 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ZX-Brutal-Environment-ONLY-SOUND-ENGINE-Gold-by-Stewen.scs
00:00:41.321 : [zipfs] ZX-Brutal-Environment-ONLY-SOUND-ENGINE-Gold-by-Stewen.scs: read ok, 1148 entries [0x5d23ff0c]
00:00:41.321 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ZX-Brutal-Environment-Patch1.14-SOUND-EXT-VOLUME-UP.scs
00:00:41.324 : [zipfs] ZX-Brutal-Environment-Patch1.14-SOUND-EXT-VOLUME-UP.scs: read ok, 2 entries [0x8a84e159]
00:00:41.324 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/dlc_cargo_traffic.scs
00:00:41.326 : [zipfs] dlc_cargo_traffic.scs: read ok, 11 entries [0x1f20d69f]
00:00:41.326 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/real_engine_pack_for_all_trucks_by_adison8_(v1.14.x).scs
00:00:41.337 : [zipfs] real_engine_pack_for_all_trucks_by_adison8_(v1.14.x).scs: read ok, 338 entries [0xdbae05c5]
00:00:41.337 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/transmission_unlock_&_gearbox_v1.14.x (UPD 1.2).scs
00:00:41.343 : [zipfs] transmission_unlock_&_gearbox_v1.14.x (UPD 1.2).scs: read ok, 171 entries [0xdbc02768]
00:00:41.343 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzscaniamegastore.scs
00:00:41.779 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzscaniamegastore.scs: read ok, 6262 entries [0xd2a98f2a]
00:00:44.039 : game
00:00:44.266 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet
00:00:44.469 : Loaded trailers: 714
00:00:44.482 : Loaded small traffic vehicles: 144
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.mag_a4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.vol_a4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.str_b6x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic2.vo2_b4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.man_b4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.man_c4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.mer_a6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.volvo.vo2_a6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.daf_a4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.str_a4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.pre_b4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.daf_c4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.sca_c4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.str_c4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.mer_b6x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic3.vo2_c4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.daf_b6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.hiw_c6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.vol_c6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.scs_a6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.man_a6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.hiw_a4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.hiw_b4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.mer_c4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.pre_a4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.vol_b4x2_tun'
00:00:44.504 : Loaded truck traffic vehicles: 159
00:00:44.548 : [fs] Failed to open file "/def/vehicle/trailer/wagon_traffic.sii" in the read_only mode
00:00:44.548 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/trailer_traffic_storage.railway.sii', line 4:
00:00:44.548 : Failed to open the file '/def/vehicle/trailer/wagon_traffic.sii'.
00:00:44.548 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/trailer_traffic_storage.railway.sii)
00:00:44.550 : Loaded traffic trailers: 413
00:00:44.555 : Loaded addon hookups: 136
00:00:44.565 : Loading resource server data ....
00:00:44.565 : Loading road data ....
00:00:44.583 : Loading terrain data ....
00:00:44.589 : Loading railing data ....
00:00:44.591 : Loading building data ....
00:00:44.597 : Loading model data ....
00:00:44.631 : Loading prefab data ....
00:00:45.015 : Loading traffic rule data ....
00:00:45.022 : Loading sign data ....
00:00:45.072 : Loading city data ....
00:00:45.091 : Loading traffic semaphore data ....
00:00:45.093 : Loading traffic signs data ....
00:00:45.098 : Loading vegetation data ....
00:00:45.113 : Loading hinges data ....
00:00:45.123 : Loading stamp data ....
00:00:45.139 : Loading movers data ....
00:00:45.156 : Loading ferry data ....
00:00:45.173 : Loading country data ....
00:00:45.380 : Loading sound item data ....
00:00:45.391 : Loading live stream data ....
00:00:45.400 : Loading game condition data ....
00:00:45.402 : Loading trigger action data ....
00:00:45.406 : Loading cutscene data ....
00:00:45.435 : Loading cargo data ....
00:00:45.472 : [unit] File '/def/cargo/bricks.sii', line 5:
00:00:45.472 : Included at '/def/cargo.jazzycat.sii', line 3:
00:00:45.472 : [unit] The unit name 'cargo.bricks' is already taken by an existing unit (of type 'cargo_data').
00:00:45.472 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/cargo.jazzycat.sii)
00:00:45.473 : Cargo 'cargo.acetylene': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.473 : Cargo 'cargo.acid': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.473 : Cargo 'cargo.alualk': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.473 : Cargo 'cargo.ammunition': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.473 : Cargo 'cargo.apples': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.473 : Cargo 'cargo.arsenic': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.474 : Cargo 'cargo.beverages': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.474 : Cargo 'cargo.bricks': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.474 : Cargo 'cargo.cement': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.474 : Cargo 'cargo.cheese': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.475 : Cargo 'cargo.chemicals': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.475 : Cargo 'cargo.chlorine': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.475 : Cargo 'cargo.clothes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.475 : Cargo 'cargo.coal': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.475 : Cargo 'cargo.concrete': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.contamin': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.cyanide': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.diesel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.digger1000': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.digger500': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.diggers': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.dynamite': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.477 : Cargo 'cargo.electronics': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.477 : Cargo 'cargo.excavator': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.477 : Cargo 'cargo.explosives': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.477 : Cargo 'cargo.fertilizer': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.477 : Cargo 'cargo.fireworks': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.477 : Cargo 'cargo.flour': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.478 : Cargo 'cargo.fluorine': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.478 : Cargo 'cargo.frozen_food': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.478 : Cargo 'cargo.furniture': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.479 : Cargo 'cargo.glass_packed': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.479 : Cargo 'cargo.gravel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.479 : Cargo 'cargo.hipresstank': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.479 : Cargo 'cargo.hmetal': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.479 : Cargo 'cargo.hwaste': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.480 : Cargo 'cargo.hydrochlor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.480 : Cargo 'cargo.hydrogen': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.480 : Cargo 'cargo.icecream': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.480 : Cargo 'cargo.kerosene': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.480 : Cargo 'cargo.lead': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.480 : Cargo 'cargo.lpg': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.481 : Cargo 'cargo.magnesium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.481 : Cargo 'cargo.medicals': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.481 : Cargo 'cargo.mercuric': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.481 : Cargo 'cargo.neon': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.482 : Cargo 'cargo.nitrocel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.482 : Cargo 'cargo.nitrogen': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.482 : Cargo 'cargo.oil': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.482 : Cargo 'cargo.oranges': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.482 : Cargo 'cargo.ore': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.482 : Cargo 'cargo.paper': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.483 : Cargo 'cargo.peas': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.483 : Cargo 'cargo.pesticide': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.483 : Cargo 'cargo.petrol': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.483 : Cargo 'cargo.phosphor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.483 : Cargo 'cargo.potahydro': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.483 : Cargo 'cargo.potassium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.484 : Cargo 'cargo.potatoes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.484 : Cargo 'cargo.rice': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.484 : Cargo 'cargo.sand': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.484 : Cargo 'cargo.sodchlor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.484 : Cargo 'cargo.sodhydro': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.484 : Cargo 'cargo.sodium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.485 : Cargo 'cargo.sugar': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.485 : Cargo 'cargo.sulfuric': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.485 : Cargo 'cargo.tableware': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.485 : Cargo 'cargo.tomatoes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.485 : Cargo 'cargo.toys': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.486 : Cargo 'cargo.tyres': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.486 : Cargo 'cargo.yogurt': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.486 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.ampa': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.486 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.buehrer': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.486 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.deu60': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.486 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.fahrm66': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.grma': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.kuhnspv': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.magn': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.ursu': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.ca92': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.kobu_cc': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.topol': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.aml90': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.bmp2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.gaz2975': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.t62': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.t72': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.leopard': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.maz535': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.sprut': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.fv510': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.leopard2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.m270': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.shilka': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.tunguska': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.abrams': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.bm21': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.bmp3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.bradley': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.btr80': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.btr90': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.kub': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.m60': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.pgz95': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.plz05': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.stryker_mgs': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.t90': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.type92': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.type99': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.brdm2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.himars': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.hmmwv': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.hmmwv2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.wz213': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.amtrack': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.boxer': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.fennek': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.jackal': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.lav25': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.m113': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.m978': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.osa': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.stryker': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.vodnik': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.ka60': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.marder': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.pzh2000': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.wiesel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.ah1': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.ah6': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.ah64d': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.uh1': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.akacia': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.challenger2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.leclerc': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.nona': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.strela': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.m163': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.gvozdika': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.t80': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.gepard': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.btr_d': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.bmd1': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.bmp1': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.m48': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.leopard1a3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.cascavel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.m119': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.iveco_lmv': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.t55': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.un_truck': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.m109': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.msta': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.mtlb': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.pt76': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.tor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.zu23': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.topolm': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.dingo': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.fv101': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.amx30': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.hmmwv3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.hmmwv4': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.artemis30': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.mk23': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.matv': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.nh90': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.aas72': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.gun_boat': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.tatra_t815': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.m551': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.d30': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.bj2022': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.zil135': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.seal_boat': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.m1134': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.m6': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.m151': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.nk_truck': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.m49': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.ch46': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.aircond': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.driller': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.493 : Cargo 'cargo.helicopter': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.493 : Cargo 'cargo.tracks': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.493 : Cargo 'cargo.tractor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.493 : Cargo 'cargo.tube': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.493 : Cargo 'cargo.yacht': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.493 : Loading company data ....
00:00:45.921 : Resources load time: 1676ms (36 MB)
00:00:45.921 : Map '/map/europe.mbd' loading started ....
00:00:47.857 : Map successfully loaded.
00:00:47.890 : Map load time: 1969ms (213 MB)
00:00:47.897 : Loading save '/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave/game.sii'
00:00:49.190 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:00:49.481 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.tree_et.birmingham to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:49.481 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.sellplan.southampton to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:49.481 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.fcp.poznan to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:49.516 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.stokes.nurnberg to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:49.516 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.quarry.salzburg to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:49.517 : More failures to find a route.
00:00:59.035 : Map link conflict for 0x3243CD9AC100274, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:00:59.091 : Map link conflict for 0x326C0A5B440015B, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:00:59.108 : Map link conflict for 0x326C0A61CC000D3, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:00:59.127 : Road network navigation caching finished.
00:00:59.157 : Garage update started.
00:01:00.068 : Garage update finished.
00:01:00.072 : Economy load time: 15827ms (80 MB)
00:01:01.830 : Create actor: (68 MB)
00:01:01.857 : Game init finished. (399 MB)
00:03:12.415 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_job_2/game.sii) ...
00:03:12.538 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:06:22.055 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:06:22.161 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:07:51.932 : [music] DirectShow graph: WMAsfReader -> WMAudio Decoder DMO -> AC3Filter -> Default DirectSound Device
00:08:43.360 : [traffic] Vehicle 4 blinks.
00:08:46.264 : [traffic] Vehicle 7 blinks.
00:12:34.026 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:12:34.133 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:15:05.416 : [traffic] Vehicle 10 blinks.
00:15:20.618 : [traffic] Vehicle 2 blinks.
00:16:41.205 : [traffic] Vehicle 3 blinks.
00:17:47.991 : [traffic] Vehicle 7 blinks.
00:17:55.743 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:17:55.849 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:23:05.042 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:23:05.148 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:26:25.555 : [music] DirectShow graph: WMAsfReader -> MP3 Decoder DMO -> AC3Filter -> Default DirectSound Device
00:27:52.806 : [music] DirectShow graph: WMAsfReader -> MP3 Decoder DMO -> AC3Filter -> Default DirectSound Device
00:28:36.476 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:28:36.584 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:30:21.213 : [traffic] Vehicle 1 blinks.
00:31:18.533 : [traffic] Vehicle 3 blinks.
00:32:39.724 : [traffic] Vehicle 3 blinks.
00:33:09.957 : Nothing to activate
00:33:09.974 : Nothing to activate
00:33:42.793 : Nothing to activate
00:33:42.810 : Nothing to activate
00:33:42.842 : Nothing to activate
00:33:42.860 : Nothing to activate
00:33:42.892 : Nothing to activate
00:33:45.376 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:33:45.482 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:38:53.475 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:38:53.582 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:44:02.664 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:44:02.771 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:44:15.242 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave/game.sii) ...
00:44:15.349 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:50:00.748 : Loading save '/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave/game.sii'
00:50:00.884 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:50:10.847 : Map link conflict for 0x3243CD9AC100274, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:50:10.904 : Map link conflict for 0x326C0A5B440015B, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:50:10.922 : Map link conflict for 0x326C0A61CC000D3, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:50:10.940 : Road network navigation caching finished.
00:50:10.954 : Garage update started.
00:50:10.993 : Garage update finished.
00:51:16.182 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:51:16.289 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:56:38.916 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:56:39.022 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:56:45.328 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_job_3/game.sii) ...
00:56:45.442 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:01:46.005 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:01:46.112 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:06:53.574 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:06:53.681 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:12:01.429 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:12:01.536 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:17:08.876 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:17:08.984 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:22:20.448 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:22:20.555 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:27:28.160 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:27:28.267 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:32:38.604 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:32:38.712 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] running on x86_64 / Windows 7 x64 (version 6.1) / Service Pack 1
00:00:00.000 : [sys] DirectX version :
00:00:00.000 : [sys] Command line: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/bin/win_x64/eurotrucks2.exe -64bit
00:00:00.000 : [cpu] CPU0: GenuineIntel [Intel® Core i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz] with 4 cores (4 threads) at ~2798MHz.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using 3 worker thread(s)
00:00:00.000 : [sys] and 3 worker threads for IO.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using QPC / TSC invariant timer, frequency 2732480Hz
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical total: 8183M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical avail: 5743M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual total: 8388607M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual avail: 8388445M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Trying to allocate memory pool (409600K)
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Allocated 5 temporary loading buffer(s)
00:00:00.009 : [steamctrl] Initialized Steam controller subsystem with config (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/controller.vdf)
00:00:00.058 : [hashfs] base.scs: Mounted and validated, 44931 entries (CFA30522604C60B6FFEFAA930FA7FAD01FF24AFE28B1E116E74A285145AF6B7)
00:00:00.060 : [hashfs] core.scs: Mounted and validated, 4 entries (C17C93BCBFE2F6ACCAE36E4955144C67D092A2CCFE4FE798DAB29F0855DCF29)
00:00:00.127 : [hashfs] def.scs: Mounted and validated, 5515 entries (26CEF54E4B9C58D7D5741146D56538C29D95A84CD1D0FD7D09A42EB4151C51C)
00:00:00.188 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Mounted and validated, 168 entries (4297CCA5CC9185AF1043084A2792110669BE405ED10A875D43C1E701786FCD9)
00:00:00.190 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Mounted and validated, 1 entries (70E0EC25BB8D317BACFD74EF20990864680D7F210796136F49DECB974485B5E)
00:00:00.190 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2'.
00:00:00.192 : exec /home/config.cfg
00:00:00.192 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
00:00:00.193 : uset r_full_resolution_corrections "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_force_color_shadowmaps "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_hw_info "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_line_sort "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_cargo_sort "2"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_tooltip_delay "0.4"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_global_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_desktop_fadeout "60"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_wireframe "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_right "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_left "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_multimon_mode "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_segment_cache_static_buffers "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_segment_cache_behavior "3"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_use_depth_bounds "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_show_light_pixel_coverage "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_deferred_debug "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_mirror_scale_y "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_mirror_scale_x "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_scale_y "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_scale_x "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_normal_maps "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_sunshafts "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_color_saturation "1.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_color_yellow_blue "0.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_color_magenta_green "0.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_color_cyan_red "0.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_color_correction "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_dof_filter_size "0.5"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_dof_transition "400.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_dof_start "200.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_dof "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_mlaa_threshold "1.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_mlaa "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_hdr "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_fake_shadows "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size "4096"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_sun_shadow_quality "4"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_mirror_view_distance "200"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_deferred_mirrors "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_deferred "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_nowmi "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_startup_progress "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_setup_done "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_gamma "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_manual_stereo_buffer_scale "1.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game "100"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov "80"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game "0.5"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist "0.8"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_manual_stereo_in_menu "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_nv_stereo_mode "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_no_frame_tracking "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_msaa "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_fullscreen "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_mode "1920x1080x32x0"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_path ""
00:00:00.194 : uset r_device "dx9"
00:00:00.194 : uset i_virtual_cursor_speed "500.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_trackir "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_pedestrian "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_light_span_factor "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_light_distance_factor "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_vehicle_flare_lights "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_auto_traffic_headlights "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_traffic "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_kdop_preview "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_developer "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_wc_fps "0.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_wc_radius "-1.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_steam_rich_presence "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_steam_browser "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_steam_screenshots "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_artist_id "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_news "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_colbox "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_radio_mode "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_ignore_low_fps "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_truck_light_quality "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_truck_light_specular "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_gfx_all_scales "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_gfx_advanced "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_gfx_quality "2"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_hq_3d_screenshot "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_menu_aa_limit "8"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_additional_water_fov "20.0f"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_rain_reflect_hookups "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_rain_reflect_actor "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_rain_reflect_traffic "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_rain_reflect_cache "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_rain_reflection "3"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_reflection "3"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_grass_density "2"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_veg_detail "2"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_minicon "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_console "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_fps "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset g_stream_exts ".ogg;.mp3"
00:00:00.195 : uset r_vsync "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "1"
00:00:00.195 : uset r_texture_detail "0"
00:00:00.195 : uset t_averaging_window_length "20"
00:00:00.201 : [lang] Language autodetection: 419
00:00:00.209 : Selected language: ru_ru
00:00:00.209 : Euro Truck Simulator 2 init ver. (rev. 8e177abd8473)
00:00:00.216 : [net] LOG INFO: Started
00:00:00.217 : Setting UI reference mode to: 1440x900...
00:00:00.217 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx9
00:00:00.232 : [dx9] NVAPI initialized
00:00:00.324 : [dx9] Direct3D9Ex detected.
00:00:00.324 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
00:00:00.420 : [dx9] Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 / 2048 (2048) MB (nvd3dumx.dll,, 20141029)
00:00:00.421 : [dx9] Using SM3X rendering path
00:00:00.422 : [gfx] Trying to set 1920x1080 32bpp 60Hz (fullscreen)
00:00:00.658 : [dx9] SLI not found.
00:00:00.658 : [dx9] Stereo fully allowed.
00:00:00.659 : [dx9] Unable to initialize stereo (-140), the stereo driver might be not installed
00:00:00.659 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
00:00:00.792 : [al] device: OpenAL Soft
00:00:00.792 : [al] context extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_loopback
00:00:00.819 : [al] vendor: OpenAL Community
00:00:00.819 : [al] version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.14
00:00:00.819 : [al] renderer: OpenAL Soft
00:00:00.819 : [al] extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFTX_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points
00:00:00.819 : [snd] Started sound update thread
00:00:00.826 : [di8] Initializing device '@@keyboard@@' as 'keyboard'
00:00:00.829 : [di8] Initializing device '@@i_mouse@@' as 'mouse'
00:00:01.143 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 726 entries (2F6C96EAA68E52B9EB4155CBDD311027B8E146D66F8F4DD683F274BF8D0C7D0)
00:00:01.147 : [hashfs] dlc_fantasy.scs: Mounted and validated, 276 entries (D72F4BC369CF32829139FB4AC96745E0D187BE1627A0E5FE71D23EDE8DC8C4C)
00:00:01.151 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bz.scs: Mounted and validated, 171 entries (DBA217626D96B0ACCCD6D7D6F46CE13900299A6466593A7DDB3FF27ADA097C0)
00:00:01.154 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ca.scs: Mounted and validated, 207 entries (3D8BE42DD306509479CB6A3DF188372F6EADA328803A2DAA20F9BAD70C266A1)
00:00:01.158 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cz.scs: Mounted and validated, 224 entries (7E57241B8C7F101B9226AD2583C5450D863558F86A21271A5DA38CA146A15EC)
00:00:01.161 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_de.scs: Mounted and validated, 233 entries (6A969B46EF0AEAF3271DECA8829F07B94856119F4534D8BC6CAB1CBE868D202)
00:00:01.165 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fr.scs: Mounted and validated, 245 entries (6815F7BAA55D83699B1285DBBF582CBEEA9C9CEA218216C40569E5E9BA92E91)
00:00:01.169 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ie.scs: Mounted and validated, 195 entries (2006214FDE5735BCD8CBA3CAE1385CBE0DEBF77FA4972715F969BA69E3F56F4)
00:00:01.172 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pl.scs: Mounted and validated, 187 entries (8D2C7BE84AE6850AE7FAFF8A7B1CFAFAF6A5AFDA98F0CE3250286B4ADEAE225)
00:00:01.176 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sc.scs: Mounted and validated, 221 entries (DFC68428723F67AB1E69DE20FE4DCECE169E111DDAF4DA5525820D793E2FC03)
00:00:01.179 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_uk.scs: Mounted and validated, 192 entries (A3CD19FB2B5AA066CA6B9A300BB9CF26762318CA025059356E6FDC154CA4216)
00:00:01.182 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_us.scs: Mounted and validated, 214 entries (5ACCD5F00166560D818842DF642937AB535CBBEC0E9E0B7F3B82ABDD42F942D)
00:00:01.186 : [hashfs] dlc_halloween.scs: Mounted and validated, 338 entries (2991ACF17D9E4D2AA97DE541ED67C326F5D9E89B6EABBFD7D758FF91D0D2159)
00:00:01.190 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics.scs: Mounted and validated, 202 entries (0BB3BB5A600E58BF9D85E14219ABD4CBF0C6DF5266CAD9B9AD1750CE4B34CD5)
00:00:01.194 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics2.scs: Mounted and validated, 235 entries (8E6B2C2221F8688324B89D19BFB1D1724AD1FCC403B61610DBB0A8D201F6292)
00:00:01.199 : [hashfs] dlc_nature.scs: Mounted and validated, 443 entries (3B7E4CB7CBF99196E29AC233A247077D70C5B3C74534F158DFCE405DA35CE70)
00:00:01.214 : [net] LINK ERRO: Not found.
00:00:01.291 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Mounted and validated, 410 entries (8DCD8747B59991EA82765BB0F537FEC7A47AB380D422CCCFC0557547C673DD1)
00:00:01.296 : [hashfs] dlc_winter.scs: Mounted and validated, 441 entries (175E29530E2F79CD3673DCAA5DB8C4BB6BCCCF23DF6483F0D1709E9ED82246A)
00:00:01.314 : dispatch
00:00:01.314 : exit
00:00:18.428 : [ui] Controller setup start
00:00:18.432 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:18.432 : [ui] Controller setup done
00:00:18.679 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 726 entries (2F6C96EAA68E52B9EB4155CBDD311027B8E146D66F8F4DD683F274BF8D0C7D0)
00:00:18.682 : [hashfs] dlc_fantasy.scs: Mounted and validated, 276 entries (D72F4BC369CF32829139FB4AC96745E0D187BE1627A0E5FE71D23EDE8DC8C4C)
00:00:18.684 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bz.scs: Mounted and validated, 171 entries (DBA217626D96B0ACCCD6D7D6F46CE13900299A6466593A7DDB3FF27ADA097C0)
00:00:18.686 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ca.scs: Mounted and validated, 207 entries (3D8BE42DD306509479CB6A3DF188372F6EADA328803A2DAA20F9BAD70C266A1)
00:00:18.689 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cz.scs: Mounted and validated, 224 entries (7E57241B8C7F101B9226AD2583C5450D863558F86A21271A5DA38CA146A15EC)
00:00:18.691 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_de.scs: Mounted and validated, 233 entries (6A969B46EF0AEAF3271DECA8829F07B94856119F4534D8BC6CAB1CBE868D202)
00:00:18.694 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fr.scs: Mounted and validated, 245 entries (6815F7BAA55D83699B1285DBBF582CBEEA9C9CEA218216C40569E5E9BA92E91)
00:00:18.696 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ie.scs: Mounted and validated, 195 entries (2006214FDE5735BCD8CBA3CAE1385CBE0DEBF77FA4972715F969BA69E3F56F4)
00:00:18.698 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pl.scs: Mounted and validated, 187 entries (8D2C7BE84AE6850AE7FAFF8A7B1CFAFAF6A5AFDA98F0CE3250286B4ADEAE225)
00:00:18.700 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sc.scs: Mounted and validated, 221 entries (DFC68428723F67AB1E69DE20FE4DCECE169E111DDAF4DA5525820D793E2FC03)
00:00:18.702 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_uk.scs: Mounted and validated, 192 entries (A3CD19FB2B5AA066CA6B9A300BB9CF26762318CA025059356E6FDC154CA4216)
00:00:18.704 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_us.scs: Mounted and validated, 214 entries (5ACCD5F00166560D818842DF642937AB535CBBEC0E9E0B7F3B82ABDD42F942D)
00:00:18.707 : [hashfs] dlc_halloween.scs: Mounted and validated, 338 entries (2991ACF17D9E4D2AA97DE541ED67C326F5D9E89B6EABBFD7D758FF91D0D2159)
00:00:18.710 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics.scs: Mounted and validated, 202 entries (0BB3BB5A600E58BF9D85E14219ABD4CBF0C6DF5266CAD9B9AD1750CE4B34CD5)
00:00:18.713 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics2.scs: Mounted and validated, 235 entries (8E6B2C2221F8688324B89D19BFB1D1724AD1FCC403B61610DBB0A8D201F6292)
00:00:18.717 : [hashfs] dlc_nature.scs: Mounted and validated, 443 entries (3B7E4CB7CBF99196E29AC233A247077D70C5B3C74534F158DFCE405DA35CE70)
00:00:18.805 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Mounted and validated, 410 entries (8DCD8747B59991EA82765BB0F537FEC7A47AB380D422CCCFC0557547C673DD1)
00:00:18.809 : [hashfs] dlc_winter.scs: Mounted and validated, 441 entries (175E29530E2F79CD3673DCAA5DB8C4BB6BCCCF23DF6483F0D1709E9ED82246A)
00:00:18.898 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_music_volume "0.5"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_reverse_stereo "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_adviser "2"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_fatigue "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_police "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:18.898 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:18.898 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:18.898 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_cam_blinker "0"
00:00:18.898 : uset g_cam_steering_value "1.0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_cam_steering "1"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_fuel_simulation "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_axle_drop_auto "1"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "1"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_trans "0"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:18.899 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
00:00:19.241 : [net] LINK ERRO: Not found.
00:00:32.880 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_music_volume "0.5"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_reverse_stereo "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_adviser "2"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_fatigue "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_police "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:32.880 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:32.880 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:32.880 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_cam_blinker "0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_cam_steering_value "1.0"
00:00:32.880 : uset g_cam_steering "1"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_fuel_simulation "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_axle_drop_auto "1"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "1"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_trans "0"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:32.881 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
00:00:32.898 : New profile selected: 'Alex_mchs'
00:00:32.898 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/001-eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs
00:00:34.684 : [zipfs] 001-eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 20538 entries [0xd6d4798e]
00:00:34.684 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/002-morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs
00:00:35.335 : [zipfs] 002-morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 9035 entries [0xb7988264]
00:00:35.335 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/003-z_snowy_road.scs
00:00:35.337 : [zipfs] 003-z_snowy_road.scs: read ok, 13 entries [0x7f198f6b]
00:00:35.337 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/007-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs
00:00:35.978 : [zipfs] 007-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs: read ok, 14443 entries [0xeb09d267]
00:00:35.978 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/008-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs
00:00:37.049 : [zipfs] 008-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs: read ok, 6070 entries [0xffc923ad]
00:00:37.049 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/009-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs
00:00:37.060 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/009-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:37.060 : [zipfs] 009-trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs: read ok, 393 entries [0xf2206c1e]
00:00:37.061 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/010-military_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5.1.scs
00:00:37.471 : [zipfs] 010-military_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5.1.scs: read ok, 2204 entries [0x4f3018bb]
00:00:37.471 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/011-military_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5.1_rus.scs
00:00:37.475 : [zipfs] 011-military_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5.1_rus.scs: read ok, 102 entries [0x5ae78fe7]
00:00:37.475 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/012-railway_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5_rus.scs
00:00:37.478 : [zipfs] 012-railway_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5_rus.scs: read ok, 67 entries [0xe307cc94]
00:00:37.479 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/013-railway_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5_traffic.scs
00:00:37.480 : [zipfs] 013-railway_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5_traffic.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x5903938d]
00:00:37.480 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/014-[Trailer-ETS2] Agricultural Mod Pack v1.1.scs
00:00:37.583 : [zipfs] 014-[Trailer-ETS2] Agricultural Mod Pack v1.1.scs: read ok, 599 entries [0x3595b94f]
00:00:37.583 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/015-ai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.8.scs
00:00:38.078 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/015-ai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.8.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:38.078 : [zipfs] 015-ai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.8.scs: read ok, 8970 entries [0x6dc15bd5]
00:00:38.078 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/016-american_truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.0.scs
00:00:38.180 : [zipfs] 016-american_truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.0.scs: read ok, 545 entries [0x92d0509c]
00:00:38.181 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/017-bus_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1.scs
00:00:38.306 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/017-bus_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:38.306 : [zipfs] 017-bus_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1.scs: read ok, 568 entries [0xc6c6a8cb]
00:00:38.306 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/018-truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.6.scs
00:00:38.744 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/018-truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.6.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:38.744 : [zipfs] 018-truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.6.scs: read ok, 2853 entries [0x5e1c56e]
00:00:38.744 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/019-tuned_truck_traffic_by_Jazzycat.scs
00:00:38.747 : [zipfs] 019-tuned_truck_traffic_by_Jazzycat.scs: read ok, 32 entries [0x278091a]
00:00:38.747 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/020-russian_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1_base.scs
00:00:39.130 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/020-russian_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1_base.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:39.130 : [zipfs] 020-russian_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1_base.scs: read ok, 2544 entries [0xa917f36f]
00:00:39.130 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/021-russian_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1_def_for_non-russian_maps.scs
00:00:39.153 : [zipfs] 021-russian_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1_def_for_non-russian_maps.scs: read ok, 1058 entries [0x3d6029b0]
00:00:39.153 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/FH16_2013_v17.0s_ohaha.scs
00:00:39.272 : [zipfs] FH16_2013_v17.0s_ohaha.scs: read ok, 1183 entries [0xdb7f5d]
00:00:39.273 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ZX-Brutal-Environment-ONLY-HD-GRAPHIC-ENGINE-Gold-whi-by-Stewen.scs
00:00:40.771 : [zipfs] ZX-Brutal-Environment-ONLY-HD-GRAPHIC-ENGINE-Gold-whi-by-Stewen.scs: read ok, 3504 entries [0xb00d4363]
00:00:40.772 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ZX-Brutal-Environment-ONLY-SOUND-ENGINE-Gold-by-Stewen.scs
00:00:41.321 : [zipfs] ZX-Brutal-Environment-ONLY-SOUND-ENGINE-Gold-by-Stewen.scs: read ok, 1148 entries [0x5d23ff0c]
00:00:41.321 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ZX-Brutal-Environment-Patch1.14-SOUND-EXT-VOLUME-UP.scs
00:00:41.324 : [zipfs] ZX-Brutal-Environment-Patch1.14-SOUND-EXT-VOLUME-UP.scs: read ok, 2 entries [0x8a84e159]
00:00:41.324 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/dlc_cargo_traffic.scs
00:00:41.326 : [zipfs] dlc_cargo_traffic.scs: read ok, 11 entries [0x1f20d69f]
00:00:41.326 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/real_engine_pack_for_all_trucks_by_adison8_(v1.14.x).scs
00:00:41.337 : [zipfs] real_engine_pack_for_all_trucks_by_adison8_(v1.14.x).scs: read ok, 338 entries [0xdbae05c5]
00:00:41.337 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/transmission_unlock_&_gearbox_v1.14.x (UPD 1.2).scs
00:00:41.343 : [zipfs] transmission_unlock_&_gearbox_v1.14.x (UPD 1.2).scs: read ok, 171 entries [0xdbc02768]
00:00:41.343 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Aleksandr/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzscaniamegastore.scs
00:00:41.779 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzscaniamegastore.scs: read ok, 6262 entries [0xd2a98f2a]
00:00:44.039 : game
00:00:44.266 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet
00:00:44.469 : Loaded trailers: 714
00:00:44.482 : Loaded small traffic vehicles: 144
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.mag_a4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.vol_a4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.str_b6x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic2.vo2_b4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.man_b4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.man_c4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.mer_a6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.volvo.vo2_a6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.daf_a4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.str_a4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.pre_b4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.daf_c4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.sca_c4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.str_c4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.mer_b6x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic3.vo2_c4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.daf_b6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.hiw_c6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.vol_c6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.scs_a6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.man_a6x4_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.hiw_a4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.hiw_b4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.mer_c4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.pre_a4x2_tun'
00:00:44.494 : [traffic_vehicle] Normalizing gear ratio coefficients for vehicle 'traffic.vol_b4x2_tun'
00:00:44.504 : Loaded truck traffic vehicles: 159
00:00:44.548 : [fs] Failed to open file "/def/vehicle/trailer/wagon_traffic.sii" in the read_only mode
00:00:44.548 : [unit] File '/def/vehicle/trailer_traffic_storage.railway.sii', line 4:
00:00:44.548 : Failed to open the file '/def/vehicle/trailer/wagon_traffic.sii'.
00:00:44.548 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/trailer_traffic_storage.railway.sii)
00:00:44.550 : Loaded traffic trailers: 413
00:00:44.555 : Loaded addon hookups: 136
00:00:44.565 : Loading resource server data ....
00:00:44.565 : Loading road data ....
00:00:44.583 : Loading terrain data ....
00:00:44.589 : Loading railing data ....
00:00:44.591 : Loading building data ....
00:00:44.597 : Loading model data ....
00:00:44.631 : Loading prefab data ....
00:00:45.015 : Loading traffic rule data ....
00:00:45.022 : Loading sign data ....
00:00:45.072 : Loading city data ....
00:00:45.091 : Loading traffic semaphore data ....
00:00:45.093 : Loading traffic signs data ....
00:00:45.098 : Loading vegetation data ....
00:00:45.113 : Loading hinges data ....
00:00:45.123 : Loading stamp data ....
00:00:45.139 : Loading movers data ....
00:00:45.156 : Loading ferry data ....
00:00:45.173 : Loading country data ....
00:00:45.380 : Loading sound item data ....
00:00:45.391 : Loading live stream data ....
00:00:45.400 : Loading game condition data ....
00:00:45.402 : Loading trigger action data ....
00:00:45.406 : Loading cutscene data ....
00:00:45.435 : Loading cargo data ....
00:00:45.472 : [unit] File '/def/cargo/bricks.sii', line 5:
00:00:45.472 : Included at '/def/cargo.jazzycat.sii', line 3:
00:00:45.472 : [unit] The unit name 'cargo.bricks' is already taken by an existing unit (of type 'cargo_data').
00:00:45.472 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/cargo.jazzycat.sii)
00:00:45.473 : Cargo 'cargo.acetylene': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.473 : Cargo 'cargo.acid': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.473 : Cargo 'cargo.alualk': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.473 : Cargo 'cargo.ammunition': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.473 : Cargo 'cargo.apples': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.473 : Cargo 'cargo.arsenic': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.474 : Cargo 'cargo.beverages': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.474 : Cargo 'cargo.bricks': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.474 : Cargo 'cargo.cement': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.474 : Cargo 'cargo.cheese': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.475 : Cargo 'cargo.chemicals': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.475 : Cargo 'cargo.chlorine': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.475 : Cargo 'cargo.clothes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.475 : Cargo 'cargo.coal': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.475 : Cargo 'cargo.concrete': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.contamin': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.cyanide': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.diesel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.digger1000': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.digger500': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.diggers': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.476 : Cargo 'cargo.dynamite': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.477 : Cargo 'cargo.electronics': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.477 : Cargo 'cargo.excavator': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.477 : Cargo 'cargo.explosives': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.477 : Cargo 'cargo.fertilizer': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.477 : Cargo 'cargo.fireworks': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.477 : Cargo 'cargo.flour': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.478 : Cargo 'cargo.fluorine': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.478 : Cargo 'cargo.frozen_food': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.478 : Cargo 'cargo.furniture': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.479 : Cargo 'cargo.glass_packed': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.479 : Cargo 'cargo.gravel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.479 : Cargo 'cargo.hipresstank': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.479 : Cargo 'cargo.hmetal': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.479 : Cargo 'cargo.hwaste': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.480 : Cargo 'cargo.hydrochlor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.480 : Cargo 'cargo.hydrogen': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.480 : Cargo 'cargo.icecream': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.480 : Cargo 'cargo.kerosene': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.480 : Cargo 'cargo.lead': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.480 : Cargo 'cargo.lpg': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.481 : Cargo 'cargo.magnesium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.481 : Cargo 'cargo.medicals': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.481 : Cargo 'cargo.mercuric': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.481 : Cargo 'cargo.neon': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.482 : Cargo 'cargo.nitrocel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.482 : Cargo 'cargo.nitrogen': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.482 : Cargo 'cargo.oil': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.482 : Cargo 'cargo.oranges': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.482 : Cargo 'cargo.ore': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.482 : Cargo 'cargo.paper': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.483 : Cargo 'cargo.peas': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.483 : Cargo 'cargo.pesticide': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.483 : Cargo 'cargo.petrol': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.483 : Cargo 'cargo.phosphor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.483 : Cargo 'cargo.potahydro': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.483 : Cargo 'cargo.potassium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.484 : Cargo 'cargo.potatoes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.484 : Cargo 'cargo.rice': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.484 : Cargo 'cargo.sand': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.484 : Cargo 'cargo.sodchlor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.484 : Cargo 'cargo.sodhydro': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.484 : Cargo 'cargo.sodium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.485 : Cargo 'cargo.sugar': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.485 : Cargo 'cargo.sulfuric': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.485 : Cargo 'cargo.tableware': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.485 : Cargo 'cargo.tomatoes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.485 : Cargo 'cargo.toys': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.486 : Cargo 'cargo.tyres': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.486 : Cargo 'cargo.yogurt': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.486 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.ampa': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.486 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.buehrer': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.486 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.deu60': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.486 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.fahrm66': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.grma': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.kuhnspv': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.magn': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.ursu': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.amp.ca92': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.kobu_cc': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.topol': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.aml90': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.bmp2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.gaz2975': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.t62': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.t72': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.leopard': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.maz535': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.sprut': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.fv510': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.487 : Cargo 'cargo.leopard2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.m270': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.shilka': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.tunguska': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.abrams': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.bm21': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.bmp3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.bradley': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.btr80': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.btr90': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.kub': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.m60': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.pgz95': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.plz05': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.stryker_mgs': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.488 : Cargo 'cargo.t90': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.type92': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.type99': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.brdm2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.himars': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.hmmwv': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.hmmwv2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.wz213': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.amtrack': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.boxer': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.fennek': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.jackal': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.lav25': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.m113': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.m978': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.osa': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.stryker': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.489 : Cargo 'cargo.vodnik': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.ka60': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.marder': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.pzh2000': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.wiesel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.ah1': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.ah6': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.ah64d': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.uh1': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.akacia': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.challenger2': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.leclerc': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.nona': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.strela': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.m163': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.gvozdika': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.t80': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.gepard': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.btr_d': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.bmd1': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.bmp1': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.m48': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.leopard1a3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.cascavel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.m119': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.490 : Cargo 'cargo.iveco_lmv': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.t55': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.un_truck': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.m109': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.msta': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.mtlb': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.pt76': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.tor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.zu23': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.topolm': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.dingo': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.fv101': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.amx30': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.hmmwv3': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.hmmwv4': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.artemis30': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.mk23': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.matv': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.nh90': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.491 : Cargo 'cargo.aas72': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.gun_boat': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.tatra_t815': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.m551': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.d30': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.bj2022': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.zil135': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.seal_boat': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.m1134': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.m6': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.m151': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.nk_truck': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.m49': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.ch46': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.aircond': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.492 : Cargo 'cargo.driller': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.493 : Cargo 'cargo.helicopter': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.493 : Cargo 'cargo.tracks': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.493 : Cargo 'cargo.tractor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.493 : Cargo 'cargo.tube': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.493 : Cargo 'cargo.yacht': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:00:45.493 : Loading company data ....
00:00:45.921 : Resources load time: 1676ms (36 MB)
00:00:45.921 : Map '/map/europe.mbd' loading started ....
00:00:47.857 : Map successfully loaded.
00:00:47.890 : Map load time: 1969ms (213 MB)
00:00:47.897 : Loading save '/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave/game.sii'
00:00:49.190 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:00:49.481 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.tree_et.birmingham to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:49.481 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.sellplan.southampton to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:49.481 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.fcp.poznan to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:49.516 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.stokes.nurnberg to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:49.516 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.quarry.salzburg to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:00:49.517 : More failures to find a route.
00:00:59.035 : Map link conflict for 0x3243CD9AC100274, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:00:59.091 : Map link conflict for 0x326C0A5B440015B, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:00:59.108 : Map link conflict for 0x326C0A61CC000D3, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:00:59.127 : Road network navigation caching finished.
00:00:59.157 : Garage update started.
00:01:00.068 : Garage update finished.
00:01:00.072 : Economy load time: 15827ms (80 MB)
00:01:01.830 : Create actor: (68 MB)
00:01:01.857 : Game init finished. (399 MB)
00:03:12.415 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_job_2/game.sii) ...
00:03:12.538 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:06:22.055 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:06:22.161 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:07:51.932 : [music] DirectShow graph: WMAsfReader -> WMAudio Decoder DMO -> AC3Filter -> Default DirectSound Device
00:08:43.360 : [traffic] Vehicle 4 blinks.
00:08:46.264 : [traffic] Vehicle 7 blinks.
00:12:34.026 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:12:34.133 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:15:05.416 : [traffic] Vehicle 10 blinks.
00:15:20.618 : [traffic] Vehicle 2 blinks.
00:16:41.205 : [traffic] Vehicle 3 blinks.
00:17:47.991 : [traffic] Vehicle 7 blinks.
00:17:55.743 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:17:55.849 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:23:05.042 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:23:05.148 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:26:25.555 : [music] DirectShow graph: WMAsfReader -> MP3 Decoder DMO -> AC3Filter -> Default DirectSound Device
00:27:52.806 : [music] DirectShow graph: WMAsfReader -> MP3 Decoder DMO -> AC3Filter -> Default DirectSound Device
00:28:36.476 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:28:36.584 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:30:21.213 : [traffic] Vehicle 1 blinks.
00:31:18.533 : [traffic] Vehicle 3 blinks.
00:32:39.724 : [traffic] Vehicle 3 blinks.
00:33:09.957 : Nothing to activate
00:33:09.974 : Nothing to activate
00:33:42.793 : Nothing to activate
00:33:42.810 : Nothing to activate
00:33:42.842 : Nothing to activate
00:33:42.860 : Nothing to activate
00:33:42.892 : Nothing to activate
00:33:45.376 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:33:45.482 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:38:53.475 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:38:53.582 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:44:02.664 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:44:02.771 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:44:15.242 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave/game.sii) ...
00:44:15.349 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:50:00.748 : Loading save '/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave/game.sii'
00:50:00.884 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:50:10.847 : Map link conflict for 0x3243CD9AC100274, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:50:10.904 : Map link conflict for 0x326C0A5B440015B, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:50:10.922 : Map link conflict for 0x326C0A61CC000D3, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:50:10.940 : Road network navigation caching finished.
00:50:10.954 : Garage update started.
00:50:10.993 : Garage update finished.
00:51:16.182 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:51:16.289 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:56:38.916 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:56:39.022 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:56:45.328 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_job_3/game.sii) ...
00:56:45.442 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:01:46.005 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:01:46.112 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:06:53.574 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:06:53.681 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:12:01.429 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:12:01.536 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:17:08.876 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:17:08.984 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:22:20.448 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:22:20.555 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:27:28.160 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:27:28.267 : Game has been auto-saved.
01:32:38.604 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/416C65785F6D636873/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
01:32:38.712 : Game has been auto-saved.
- 0
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
☭ Taran KZ ☭
Отправлено 09 Ноябрь 2014 - 20:38

☭ Taran KZ ☭
- 31 669 сообщений
- 6135 благодарностей
- 122 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Саня
- Версия ETS2:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ETS2:Renault T
- Версия ATS:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ATS:Kenworth K100
Любимая игра:

Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Отправлено 09 Ноябрь 2014 - 20:52

- 6 590 сообщений
- 1072 благодарностей
- 5 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
Космический пират
- Реальное имя:Анатолий
- Версия ETS2:всегда последняя
- Грузовик в ETS2:daf
- Версия ATS:всегда последняя
- Грузовик в ATS:pet
Любимая игра:

Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Отправлено 09 Ноябрь 2014 - 20:54

- 17 сообщений
- 0 благодарностей
- 0 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Alex
- Версия ETS2:1.14
- Грузовик в ETS2:scas

Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
☭ Taran KZ ☭
Отправлено 09 Ноябрь 2014 - 20:58

☭ Taran KZ ☭
- 31 669 сообщений
- 6135 благодарностей
- 122 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Саня
- Версия ETS2:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ETS2:Renault T
- Версия ATS:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ATS:Kenworth K100
Любимая игра:

Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Сынь Чо
Отправлено 10 Ноябрь 2014 - 18:07

Сынь Чо
- 73 сообщений
- 1 благодарностей
- 0 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Сергей
- Версия ETS2:ETS2:1.14.1(Steam)
- Грузовик в ETS2:daf

Помогите пожалуйста вылет из игры, вот лог:
Скрытый текст
************ : log created on : Monday November 10 2014 @ 18:05:10
00:00:00.000 : [sys] running on x86 / Windows 7 x64 (version 6.1)
00:00:00.000 : [sys] DirectX version :
00:00:00.000 : [sys] Command line: E:\Игры\Euro Truck Simulator steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x86\eurotrucks2.exe
00:00:00.000 : [cpu] CPU0: GenuineIntel [ Intel® Core i5-2550K CPU @ 3.40GHz] with 4 cores (4 threads) at ~3392MHz.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using 3 worker thread(s)
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using QPC / TSC invariant timer, frequency 3312851Hz
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical total: 8139M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical avail: 5489M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual total: 4095M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual avail: 3940M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Trying to allocate memory pool (409600K)
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Allocated 5 temporary loading buffer(s)
00:00:00.004 : [steamctrl] Initialized Steam controller subsystem with config (E:/Игры/Euro Truck Simulator steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/controller.vdf)
00:00:00.007 : Disabling color wrap as both color strings are empty
00:00:00.061 : [hashfs] base.scs: Mounted and validated, 42650 entries (7C6B25DE055B4F281F48A662749C7DDD8325DCDC3B093845C4DE77B2B2BE667)
00:00:00.062 : [hashfs] core.scs: Mounted and validated, 4 entries (6D1A52FDF4D3D4ED62BBCBBB8FE033AA748788130D0D252CF7D329CCA7BC94F)
00:00:00.120 : [hashfs] def.scs: Mounted and validated, 4962 entries (99851101BDC9F04912A6E34763254277B8AD5C5608307F6948C4A429EFFC17D)
00:00:00.189 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Mounted and validated, 168 entries (01DCF4FE0CDC2E56322ED9DC27894351E92BE9DA6608DCB5977B83518E2C4AF)
00:00:00.190 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Mounted and validated, 1 entries (138DA5F1CB71A9BD09AE706BA487F467F75FC4C57D350C054ECBF7C53EC2D71)
00:00:00.190 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2'.
00:00:00.191 : exec /home/config.cfg
00:00:00.191 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
00:00:00.192 : uset r_full_resolution_corrections "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_force_color_shadowmaps "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_hw_info "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_line_sort "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_cargo_sort "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_tooltip_delay "0.4"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_global_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_desktop_fadeout "60"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_wireframe "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_right "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_left "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_multimon_mode "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_segment_cache_static_buffers "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_segment_cache_behavior "3"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_use_depth_bounds "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_show_light_pixel_coverage "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_deferred_debug "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_mirror_scale_y "1.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_mirror_scale_x "1.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_scale_y "0.566406"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_scale_x "0.8"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_normal_maps "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_sunshafts "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_color_saturation "1.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_color_yellow_blue "0.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_color_magenta_green "0.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_color_cyan_red "0.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_color_correction "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_dof_filter_size "0.5"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_dof_transition "400.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_dof_start "200.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_dof "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_mlaa_threshold "1.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_mlaa "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_hdr "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_fake_shadows "2"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size "4096"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_sun_shadow_quality "3"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_mirror_view_distance "160"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_deferred_mirrors "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_deferred "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_nowmi "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_startup_progress "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_setup_done "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_gamma "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_manual_stereo_buffer_scale "1.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game "100"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov "80"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game "0.5"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist "0.8"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_manual_stereo_in_menu "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_nv_stereo_mode "2"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_no_frame_tracking "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_msaa "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_fullscreen "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_mode "1280x1024x32x0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_path ""
00:00:00.193 : uset r_device "dx9"
00:00:00.193 : uset i_virtual_cursor_speed "500.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_trackir "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_pedestrian "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_light_span_factor "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_light_distance_factor "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_vehicle_flare_lights "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_auto_traffic_headlights "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_traffic "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_kdop_preview "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_developer "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_wc_fps "0.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_wc_radius "-1.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_steam_browser "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_steam_screenshots "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_artist_id "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_news "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_colbox "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_radio_mode "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_ignore_low_fps "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_truck_light_quality "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_truck_light_specular "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_gfx_all_scales "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_gfx_advanced "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_gfx_quality "-1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_hq_3d_screenshot "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_menu_aa_limit "8"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_additional_water_fov "20.0f"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_rain_reflect_hookups "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_rain_reflect_actor "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_rain_reflect_traffic "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_rain_reflect_cache "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_rain_reflection "3"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_reflection "3"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_grass_density "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_veg_detail "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_minicon "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_console "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_fps "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_stream_exts ".ogg;.mp3"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_vsync "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "0.2"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_texture_detail "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset t_averaging_window_length "20"
00:00:00.198 : [lang] Language autodetection: 419
00:00:00.206 : Selected language: ru_ru
00:00:00.206 : Euro Truck Simulator 2 init ver. (rev. a8bcd4592461)
00:00:00.212 : [net] LOG INFO: Started
00:00:00.213 : Setting UI reference mode to: 1440x900...
00:00:00.213 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx9
00:00:00.221 : [dx9] NVAPI initialized
00:00:00.241 : [dx9] Direct3D9Ex detected.
00:00:00.241 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
00:00:00.266 : [dx9] Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 / 1990 (2048) MB (nvd3dum.dll,, 20141029)
00:00:00.267 : [dx9] Using SM3X rendering path
00:00:00.267 : [gfx] Trying to set 1280x1024 32bpp 60Hz (fullscreen)
00:00:00.331 : [dx9] SLI not found.
00:00:00.331 : [dx9] Stereo fully allowed.
00:00:00.331 : [dx9] Unable to initialize stereo (-140), the stereo driver might be not installed
00:00:00.331 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
00:00:00.455 : [al] device: OpenAL Soft
00:00:00.455 : [al] context extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_loopback
00:00:00.464 : [al] vendor: OpenAL Community
00:00:00.464 : [al] version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.14
00:00:00.464 : [al] renderer: OpenAL Soft
00:00:00.464 : [al] extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFTX_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points
00:00:00.464 : [snd] Started sound update thread
00:00:00.485 : [di8] Initializing device '@@keyboard@@' as 'keyboard'
00:00:00.486 : [di8] Initializing device '@@i_mouse@@' as 'mouse'
00:00:00.881 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 725 entries (FE41BCF5BD63FF5573EF4C707E11A58D611225F851692F9205249795A1C1E8F)
00:00:00.895 : dispatch
00:00:00.895 : exit
00:00:02.849 : [ui] Controller setup start
00:00:02.851 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:02.851 : [ui] Controller setup done
00:00:03.087 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 725 entries (FE41BCF5BD63FF5573EF4C707E11A58D611225F851692F9205249795A1C1E8F)
00:00:03.090 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_music_enabled "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_music_volume "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_save_idx "2"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_adviser "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_fatigue "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_police "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:03.090 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:03.090 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:03.090 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_reverse_enabled "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_fuel_simulation "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_brake_intensity "0.333333"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_trans "1"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:10.147 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/promods-def-v171.scs
00:00:10.177 : [zipfs] promods-def-v171.scs: read ok, 1536 entries [0xb858583c]
00:00:10.177 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/promods-map-v171.scs
00:00:10.590 : [zipfs] promods-map-v171.scs: read ok, 1102 entries [0xab53687d]
00:00:10.590 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/promods-v171.scs
00:00:13.764 : [zipfs] promods-v171.scs: read ok, 24674 entries [0xf7d806ea]
00:00:13.764 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzz Pol_Rebuild_def_v1.62.scs
00:00:13.775 : [zipfs] zzzz Pol_Rebuild_def_v1.62.scs: read ok, 1024 entries [0x7563d8e7]
00:00:13.775 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzz Pol_Rebuild_map_v1.62.scs
00:00:14.243 : [zipfs] zzzz Pol_Rebuild_map_v1.62.scs: read ok, 284 entries [0x7a58bad6]
00:00:14.243 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzz Pol_Rebuild_v1.62.scs
00:00:16.284 : [zipfs] zzzz Pol_Rebuild_v1.62.scs: read ok, 8084 entries [0x51788fd7]
00:00:16.284 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_eng.scs
00:00:16.293 : [zipfs] C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_eng.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:16.293 : [zipfs] zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_eng.scs: read ok, 393 entries [0xac702579]
00:00:16.293 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs
00:00:16.449 : [zipfs] zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs: read ok, 14443 entries [0xeb09d267]
00:00:16.449 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs
00:00:21.742 : [zipfs] zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs: read ok, 6070 entries [0xffc923ad]
00:00:21.742 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs
00:00:21.751 : [zipfs] C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:21.751 : [zipfs] zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs: read ok, 393 entries [0xf2206c1e]
00:00:21.751 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzrailway_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5_traffic.scs
00:00:21.760 : [zipfs] zzzzzrailway_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5_traffic.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x5903938d]
00:00:21.760 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzztruck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.6.scs
00:00:22.070 : [zipfs] C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzztruck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.6.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:22.070 : [zipfs] zzzzztruck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.6.scs: read ok, 2853 entries [0x5e1c56e]
00:00:22.070 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.7.scs
00:00:23.918 : [zipfs] C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.7.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:23.918 : [zipfs] zzzzzzai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.7.scs: read ok, 8273 entries [0xaa518877]
00:00:23.918 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzbus_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1.scs
00:00:24.144 : [zipfs] C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzbus_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:24.144 : [zipfs] zzzzzzbus_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1.scs: read ok, 568 entries [0xc6c6a8cb]
00:00:24.144 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzpainted_truck_traffic_by_Jazzycat_v1.3.1.scs
00:00:25.256 : [zipfs] zzzzzzpainted_truck_traffic_by_Jazzycat_v1.3.1.scs: read ok, 1998 entries [0x8d8279c5]
00:00:25.256 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzNewTrailerWeight.scs
00:00:25.258 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzNewTrailerWeight.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0xa4b3dcd3]
00:00:25.258 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzPhysics_Mod-1.12.1_v.1.0_(Dorado).scs
00:00:25.306 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzPhysics_Mod-1.12.1_v.1.0_(Dorado).scs: read ok, 82 entries [0xba8f2bcd]
00:00:25.306 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzamerican_truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.0.scs
00:00:25.356 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzamerican_truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.0.scs: read ok, 545 entries [0x92d0509c]
00:00:25.356 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzsounds.scs
00:00:25.398 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzsounds.scs: read ok, 484 entries [0x7fbb561]
00:00:25.398 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzz_Route_Advisor_Minimalistic_by_Nikon_1.11.scs
00:00:25.399 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzz_Route_Advisor_Minimalistic_by_Nikon_1.11.scs: read ok, 13 entries [0x8823d6cd]
00:00:25.399 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzIWR20HD_r4.scs
00:00:25.868 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzIWR20HD_r4.scs: read ok, 256 entries [0x55831532]
00:00:25.868 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs
00:00:25.962 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs: read ok, 240 entries [0x7f8faf45]
00:00:25.962 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4fixmap.scs
00:00:25.972 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4fixmap.scs: read ok, 2 entries [0xe3b39957]
00:00:53.040 : Profile 'Сынь Чо' created.
00:00:53.041 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:53.041 : uset s_music_volume "0.8"
00:00:53.041 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:53.041 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_input_configured "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_adviser "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_tutorial "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_police "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:53.042 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:53.042 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:53.042 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:53.042 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:53.042 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_fuel_simulation "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_hshifter_layout "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_trans "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:53.998 : [inp] Initial evaluation
00:00:53.998 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:54.000 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:00:54.001 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:00:54.002 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.default
00:00:54.002 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:00:54.003 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:00:54.004 : [inp] No steering axis found, fallback selection
00:00:54.004 : [inp] Trying to find a valid combination
00:00:54.004 : [inp] No combination found.
00:00:54.005 : [inp] Applying input.steer.default
00:00:54.006 : [inp] Applying input.pedals.default
00:00:54.007 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:00:54.007 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:00:54.008 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.default
00:00:54.008 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:00:54.008 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:00:56.480 : [inp] Looking for new devices
00:00:56.510 : [inp] Device change detected
00:00:56.980 : [inp] Initial evaluation
00:00:56.980 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:56.981 : [inp] Applying input.steer.default
00:00:56.982 : [inp] Applying input.pedals.default
00:00:56.982 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:00:56.982 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:00:56.983 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.default
00:00:56.983 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:00:56.983 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:00:57.897 : Wizard skipped.
00:00:58.313 : game
00:00:58.665 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet
00:00:58.793 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/model/skybox/skybox.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:59.137 : Loaded trailers: 595
00:00:59.145 : Loaded small traffic vehicles: 104
00:00:59.158 : Loaded truck traffic vehicles: 140
00:00:59.187 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/def/vehicle/trailer/wagon_traffic.sii" in the read_only mode
00:00:59.187 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/vehicle/trailer_traffic_storage.railway.sii', line 4:
00:00:59.187 : <ERROR> Failed to open the file '/def/vehicle/trailer/wagon_traffic.sii'.
00:00:59.187 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/trailer_traffic_storage.railway.sii)
00:00:59.187 : Loaded traffic trailers: 390
00:00:59.194 : Loaded addon hookups: 16
00:00:59.205 : Loading resource server data ....
00:00:59.205 : Loading road data ....
00:00:59.208 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/world/road_look.eurebuild.sii', line 283:
00:00:59.208 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name 'road.look31' is already taken by an existing unit (of type 'road_look').
00:00:59.208 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/world/road_look.eurebuild.sii)
00:00:59.212 : <ERROR> management\core_resource_server.cpp(500): ?init_full@core_resource_server_u@prism@@UAEXXZ: Data error.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] running on x86 / Windows 7 x64 (version 6.1)
00:00:00.000 : [sys] DirectX version :
00:00:00.000 : [sys] Command line: E:\Игры\Euro Truck Simulator steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x86\eurotrucks2.exe
00:00:00.000 : [cpu] CPU0: GenuineIntel [ Intel® Core i5-2550K CPU @ 3.40GHz] with 4 cores (4 threads) at ~3392MHz.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using 3 worker thread(s)
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using QPC / TSC invariant timer, frequency 3312851Hz
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical total: 8139M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical avail: 5489M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual total: 4095M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual avail: 3940M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Trying to allocate memory pool (409600K)
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Allocated 5 temporary loading buffer(s)
00:00:00.004 : [steamctrl] Initialized Steam controller subsystem with config (E:/Игры/Euro Truck Simulator steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/controller.vdf)
00:00:00.007 : Disabling color wrap as both color strings are empty
00:00:00.061 : [hashfs] base.scs: Mounted and validated, 42650 entries (7C6B25DE055B4F281F48A662749C7DDD8325DCDC3B093845C4DE77B2B2BE667)
00:00:00.062 : [hashfs] core.scs: Mounted and validated, 4 entries (6D1A52FDF4D3D4ED62BBCBBB8FE033AA748788130D0D252CF7D329CCA7BC94F)
00:00:00.120 : [hashfs] def.scs: Mounted and validated, 4962 entries (99851101BDC9F04912A6E34763254277B8AD5C5608307F6948C4A429EFFC17D)
00:00:00.189 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Mounted and validated, 168 entries (01DCF4FE0CDC2E56322ED9DC27894351E92BE9DA6608DCB5977B83518E2C4AF)
00:00:00.190 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Mounted and validated, 1 entries (138DA5F1CB71A9BD09AE706BA487F467F75FC4C57D350C054ECBF7C53EC2D71)
00:00:00.190 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2'.
00:00:00.191 : exec /home/config.cfg
00:00:00.191 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
00:00:00.192 : uset r_full_resolution_corrections "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_force_color_shadowmaps "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_hw_info "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_line_sort "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_cargo_sort "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_tooltip_delay "0.4"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_global_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_desktop_fadeout "60"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_wireframe "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_right "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_left "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_multimon_mode "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_segment_cache_static_buffers "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_segment_cache_behavior "3"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_use_depth_bounds "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_show_light_pixel_coverage "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_deferred_debug "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_mirror_scale_y "1.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_mirror_scale_x "1.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_scale_y "0.566406"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_scale_x "0.8"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_normal_maps "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_sunshafts "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_color_saturation "1.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_color_yellow_blue "0.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_color_magenta_green "0.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_color_cyan_red "0.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_color_correction "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_dof_filter_size "0.5"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_dof_transition "400.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_dof_start "200.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_dof "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_mlaa_threshold "1.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_mlaa "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_hdr "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_fake_shadows "2"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size "4096"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_sun_shadow_quality "3"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_mirror_view_distance "160"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_deferred_mirrors "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_deferred "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_nowmi "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_startup_progress "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_setup_done "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_gamma "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_manual_stereo_buffer_scale "1.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game "100"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov "80"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game "0.5"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist "0.8"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_manual_stereo_in_menu "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_nv_stereo_mode "2"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_no_frame_tracking "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_msaa "0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_fullscreen "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_mode "1280x1024x32x0"
00:00:00.193 : uset r_path ""
00:00:00.193 : uset r_device "dx9"
00:00:00.193 : uset i_virtual_cursor_speed "500.0"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_trackir "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_pedestrian "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_light_span_factor "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_light_distance_factor "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_vehicle_flare_lights "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_auto_traffic_headlights "1"
00:00:00.193 : uset g_traffic "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_kdop_preview "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_developer "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_wc_fps "0.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_wc_radius "-1.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_steam_browser "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_steam_screenshots "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_artist_id "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_news "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_colbox "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_radio_mode "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_ignore_low_fps "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_truck_light_quality "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_truck_light_specular "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_gfx_all_scales "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_gfx_advanced "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_gfx_quality "-1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_hq_3d_screenshot "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_menu_aa_limit "8"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_additional_water_fov "20.0f"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_rain_reflect_hookups "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_rain_reflect_actor "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_rain_reflect_traffic "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_rain_reflect_cache "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_rain_reflection "3"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_reflection "3"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_grass_density "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_veg_detail "2"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_minicon "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_console "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_fps "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset g_stream_exts ".ogg;.mp3"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_vsync "1"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "0.2"
00:00:00.194 : uset r_texture_detail "0"
00:00:00.194 : uset t_averaging_window_length "20"
00:00:00.198 : [lang] Language autodetection: 419
00:00:00.206 : Selected language: ru_ru
00:00:00.206 : Euro Truck Simulator 2 init ver. (rev. a8bcd4592461)
00:00:00.212 : [net] LOG INFO: Started
00:00:00.213 : Setting UI reference mode to: 1440x900...
00:00:00.213 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx9
00:00:00.221 : [dx9] NVAPI initialized
00:00:00.241 : [dx9] Direct3D9Ex detected.
00:00:00.241 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
00:00:00.266 : [dx9] Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 / 1990 (2048) MB (nvd3dum.dll,, 20141029)
00:00:00.267 : [dx9] Using SM3X rendering path
00:00:00.267 : [gfx] Trying to set 1280x1024 32bpp 60Hz (fullscreen)
00:00:00.331 : [dx9] SLI not found.
00:00:00.331 : [dx9] Stereo fully allowed.
00:00:00.331 : [dx9] Unable to initialize stereo (-140), the stereo driver might be not installed
00:00:00.331 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
00:00:00.455 : [al] device: OpenAL Soft
00:00:00.455 : [al] context extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_loopback
00:00:00.464 : [al] vendor: OpenAL Community
00:00:00.464 : [al] version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.14
00:00:00.464 : [al] renderer: OpenAL Soft
00:00:00.464 : [al] extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFTX_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points
00:00:00.464 : [snd] Started sound update thread
00:00:00.485 : [di8] Initializing device '@@keyboard@@' as 'keyboard'
00:00:00.486 : [di8] Initializing device '@@i_mouse@@' as 'mouse'
00:00:00.881 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 725 entries (FE41BCF5BD63FF5573EF4C707E11A58D611225F851692F9205249795A1C1E8F)
00:00:00.895 : dispatch
00:00:00.895 : exit
00:00:02.849 : [ui] Controller setup start
00:00:02.851 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:02.851 : [ui] Controller setup done
00:00:03.087 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 725 entries (FE41BCF5BD63FF5573EF4C707E11A58D611225F851692F9205249795A1C1E8F)
00:00:03.090 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_music_enabled "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_music_volume "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_save_idx "2"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_adviser "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_fatigue "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_police "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:03.090 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:03.090 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:03.090 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset s_reverse_enabled "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_fuel_simulation "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "0"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:00:03.090 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_brake_intensity "0.333333"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_trans "1"
00:00:03.091 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:10.147 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/promods-def-v171.scs
00:00:10.177 : [zipfs] promods-def-v171.scs: read ok, 1536 entries [0xb858583c]
00:00:10.177 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/promods-map-v171.scs
00:00:10.590 : [zipfs] promods-map-v171.scs: read ok, 1102 entries [0xab53687d]
00:00:10.590 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/promods-v171.scs
00:00:13.764 : [zipfs] promods-v171.scs: read ok, 24674 entries [0xf7d806ea]
00:00:13.764 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzz Pol_Rebuild_def_v1.62.scs
00:00:13.775 : [zipfs] zzzz Pol_Rebuild_def_v1.62.scs: read ok, 1024 entries [0x7563d8e7]
00:00:13.775 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzz Pol_Rebuild_map_v1.62.scs
00:00:14.243 : [zipfs] zzzz Pol_Rebuild_map_v1.62.scs: read ok, 284 entries [0x7a58bad6]
00:00:14.243 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzz Pol_Rebuild_v1.62.scs
00:00:16.284 : [zipfs] zzzz Pol_Rebuild_v1.62.scs: read ok, 8084 entries [0x51788fd7]
00:00:16.284 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_eng.scs
00:00:16.293 : [zipfs] C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_eng.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:16.293 : [zipfs] zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_eng.scs: read ok, 393 entries [0xac702579]
00:00:16.293 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs
00:00:16.449 : [zipfs] zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs: read ok, 14443 entries [0xeb09d267]
00:00:16.449 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs
00:00:21.742 : [zipfs] zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs: read ok, 6070 entries [0xffc923ad]
00:00:21.742 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs
00:00:21.751 : [zipfs] C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:21.751 : [zipfs] zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs: read ok, 393 entries [0xf2206c1e]
00:00:21.751 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzrailway_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5_traffic.scs
00:00:21.760 : [zipfs] zzzzzrailway_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.5_traffic.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x5903938d]
00:00:21.760 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzztruck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.6.scs
00:00:22.070 : [zipfs] C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzztruck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.6.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:22.070 : [zipfs] zzzzztruck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.6.scs: read ok, 2853 entries [0x5e1c56e]
00:00:22.070 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.7.scs
00:00:23.918 : [zipfs] C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.7.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:23.918 : [zipfs] zzzzzzai_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.7.scs: read ok, 8273 entries [0xaa518877]
00:00:23.918 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzbus_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1.scs
00:00:24.144 : [zipfs] C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzbus_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:00:24.144 : [zipfs] zzzzzzbus_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.1.scs: read ok, 568 entries [0xc6c6a8cb]
00:00:24.144 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzpainted_truck_traffic_by_Jazzycat_v1.3.1.scs
00:00:25.256 : [zipfs] zzzzzzpainted_truck_traffic_by_Jazzycat_v1.3.1.scs: read ok, 1998 entries [0x8d8279c5]
00:00:25.256 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzNewTrailerWeight.scs
00:00:25.258 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzNewTrailerWeight.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0xa4b3dcd3]
00:00:25.258 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzPhysics_Mod-1.12.1_v.1.0_(Dorado).scs
00:00:25.306 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzPhysics_Mod-1.12.1_v.1.0_(Dorado).scs: read ok, 82 entries [0xba8f2bcd]
00:00:25.306 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzamerican_truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.0.scs
00:00:25.356 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzamerican_truck_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat_v1.0.scs: read ok, 545 entries [0x92d0509c]
00:00:25.356 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzsounds.scs
00:00:25.398 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzsounds.scs: read ok, 484 entries [0x7fbb561]
00:00:25.398 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzz_Route_Advisor_Minimalistic_by_Nikon_1.11.scs
00:00:25.399 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzz_Route_Advisor_Minimalistic_by_Nikon_1.11.scs: read ok, 13 entries [0x8823d6cd]
00:00:25.399 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzIWR20HD_r4.scs
00:00:25.868 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzIWR20HD_r4.scs: read ok, 256 entries [0x55831532]
00:00:25.868 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs
00:00:25.962 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzIWR_r4.scs: read ok, 240 entries [0x7f8faf45]
00:00:25.962 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/серж/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4fixmap.scs
00:00:25.972 : [zipfs] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzIWRr4fixmap.scs: read ok, 2 entries [0xe3b39957]
00:00:53.040 : Profile 'Сынь Чо' created.
00:00:53.041 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:00:53.041 : uset s_music_volume "0.8"
00:00:53.041 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:00:53.041 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_input_configured "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_adviser "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_tutorial "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_police "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:53.041 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:53.042 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:53.042 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:53.042 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:53.042 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:53.042 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_fuel_simulation "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_hshifter_layout "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_trans "0"
00:00:53.042 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:53.998 : [inp] Initial evaluation
00:00:53.998 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:54.000 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:00:54.001 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:00:54.002 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.default
00:00:54.002 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:00:54.003 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:00:54.004 : [inp] No steering axis found, fallback selection
00:00:54.004 : [inp] Trying to find a valid combination
00:00:54.004 : [inp] No combination found.
00:00:54.005 : [inp] Applying input.steer.default
00:00:54.006 : [inp] Applying input.pedals.default
00:00:54.007 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:00:54.007 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:00:54.008 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.default
00:00:54.008 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:00:54.008 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:00:56.480 : [inp] Looking for new devices
00:00:56.510 : [inp] Device change detected
00:00:56.980 : [inp] Initial evaluation
00:00:56.980 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:56.981 : [inp] Applying input.steer.default
00:00:56.982 : [inp] Applying input.pedals.default
00:00:56.982 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:00:56.982 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:00:56.983 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.default
00:00:56.983 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:00:56.983 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:00:57.897 : Wizard skipped.
00:00:58.313 : game
00:00:58.665 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet
00:00:58.793 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/model/skybox/skybox.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:59.137 : Loaded trailers: 595
00:00:59.145 : Loaded small traffic vehicles: 104
00:00:59.158 : Loaded truck traffic vehicles: 140
00:00:59.187 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/def/vehicle/trailer/wagon_traffic.sii" in the read_only mode
00:00:59.187 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/vehicle/trailer_traffic_storage.railway.sii', line 4:
00:00:59.187 : <ERROR> Failed to open the file '/def/vehicle/trailer/wagon_traffic.sii'.
00:00:59.187 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/trailer_traffic_storage.railway.sii)
00:00:59.187 : Loaded traffic trailers: 390
00:00:59.194 : Loaded addon hookups: 16
00:00:59.205 : Loading resource server data ....
00:00:59.205 : Loading road data ....
00:00:59.208 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/world/road_look.eurebuild.sii', line 283:
00:00:59.208 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit name 'road.look31' is already taken by an existing unit (of type 'road_look').
00:00:59.208 : <ERROR> load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/world/road_look.eurebuild.sii)
00:00:59.212 : <ERROR> management\core_resource_server.cpp(500): ?init_full@core_resource_server_u@prism@@UAEXXZ: Data error.
- 0
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
☭ Taran KZ ☭
Отправлено 10 Ноябрь 2014 - 18:13

☭ Taran KZ ☭
- 31 669 сообщений
- 6135 благодарностей
- 122 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Саня
- Версия ETS2:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ETS2:Renault T
- Версия ATS:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ATS:Kenworth K100
Любимая игра:

оставь либо этот
/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_eng.scsлибо этот
/zzzztrailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scsа вылет по одной из карт, смотря в каком районе был
/zzzz Pol_Rebuild_def_v1.62.scsобнови до последней вот и вылет
- 0
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Сынь Чо
Отправлено 10 Ноябрь 2014 - 18:18

Сынь Чо
- 73 сообщений
- 1 благодарностей
- 0 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Сергей
- Версия ETS2:ETS2:1.14.1(Steam)
- Грузовик в ETS2:daf

Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
Лёха 565
Отправлено 10 Ноябрь 2014 - 23:12

Лёха 565
- 2 313 сообщений
- 495 благодарностей
- 1 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Алексей
- Версия ETS2: + Going East+Scandinavia
- Грузовик в ETS2:Scania S 730
- Версия ATS:ver.
- Грузовик в ATS:Volvo Vnl
Любимая игра:

вылета не было но игра зависла и
Скрытый текст
************ : log created on : Monday November 10 2014 @ 23:14:25
00:00:00.000 : [sys] running on x86 / Windows 7 x64 (version 6.1)
00:00:00.000 : [sys] DirectX version :
00:00:00.000 : [sys] Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x86\eurotrucks2.exe
00:00:00.000 : [cpu] CPU0: AuthenticAMD [AMD A6-3420M APU with Radeon HD Graphics] with 4 cores (4 threads) at ~1497MHz.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using 3 worker thread(s)
00:00:00.000 : [sys] and 3 worker threads for IO.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using QPC / TSC invariant timer, frequency 1462255Hz
00:00:00.001 : [mem] physical total: 5608M
00:00:00.001 : [mem] physical avail: 3024M
00:00:00.001 : [mem] virtual total: 4095M
00:00:00.001 : [mem] virtual avail: 3912M
00:00:00.001 : [mem] Trying to allocate memory pool (409600K)
00:00:00.001 : [mem] Allocated 5 temporary loading buffer(s)
00:00:00.019 : [steamctrl] Initialized Steam controller subsystem with config (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/controller.vdf)
00:00:00.188 : [hashfs] base.scs: Mounted and validated, 44931 entries (780699551219F147A3E62563D76BEDD2DA18F54D5BD152CC2D7031B579B3D8F)
00:00:00.191 : [hashfs] core.scs: Mounted and validated, 4 entries (C5F494067DB32AF913181386008BA036AC6E6CC3D5C84397FE7BF28AECF3336)
00:00:00.359 : [hashfs] def.scs: Mounted and validated, 5515 entries (62D4E75B6BFFC652F33E2F19C55750F29FB070279D59D17C38CCB95DE59918F)
00:00:00.475 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Mounted and validated, 168 entries (657A9266B9015B06C05BF47B85C6FC97E0D4D7E5D8AF76BAE4C1CFD970DEBD4)
00:00:00.477 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Mounted and validated, 1 entries (4BFEB815E77CFAA4E0C2BC9ADB846F7564AA966DEEBDA301E0243CC23ED70C1)
00:00:00.478 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2'.
00:00:00.479 : exec /home/config.cfg
00:00:00.479 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
00:00:00.479 : uset r_full_resolution_corrections "0"
00:00:00.480 : uset r_force_color_shadowmaps "0"
00:00:00.480 : uset g_hw_info "1"
00:00:00.480 : uset g_line_sort "0"
00:00:00.480 : uset g_cargo_sort "0"
00:00:00.480 : uset g_tooltip_delay "0.4"
00:00:00.480 : uset g_global_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:00.480 : uset g_desktop_fadeout "60"
00:00:00.480 : uset r_wireframe "0"
00:00:00.480 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_right "0"
00:00:00.480 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_left "0"
00:00:00.480 : uset r_multimon_mode "0"
00:00:00.480 : uset r_segment_cache_static_buffers "1"
00:00:00.480 : uset r_segment_cache_behavior "3"
00:00:00.480 : uset r_use_depth_bounds "1"
00:00:00.480 : uset r_show_light_pixel_coverage "0"
00:00:00.480 : uset r_deferred_debug "0"
00:00:00.480 : uset r_mirror_scale_y "1"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_mirror_scale_x "1"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_scale_y "1.25"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_scale_x "1.25"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_normal_maps "1"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_sunshafts "0"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_color_saturation "1.0"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_color_yellow_blue "0.0"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_color_magenta_green "0.0"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_color_cyan_red "0.0"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_color_correction "1"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_dof_filter_size "0.5"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_dof_transition "400.0"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_dof_start "200.0"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_dof "1"
00:00:00.481 : uset r_mlaa_threshold "1.0"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_mlaa "1"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_hdr "1"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_fake_shadows "2"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size "2048"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_sun_shadow_quality "2"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_mirror_view_distance "120"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_deferred_mirrors "1"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_deferred "1"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_nowmi "1"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_startup_progress "0"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_setup_done "1"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_gamma "1"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_manual_stereo_buffer_scale "1.0"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game "100"
00:00:00.482 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov "80"
00:00:00.483 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game "0.5"
00:00:00.483 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist "0.8"
00:00:00.483 : uset r_manual_stereo_in_menu "1"
00:00:00.483 : uset r_nv_stereo_mode "2"
00:00:00.483 : uset r_no_frame_tracking "0"
00:00:00.483 : uset r_msaa "0"
00:00:00.483 : uset r_fullscreen "1"
00:00:00.483 : uset r_mode "1366x768x32x0"
00:00:00.483 : uset r_path ""
00:00:00.483 : uset r_device "dx9"
00:00:00.483 : uset i_virtual_cursor_speed "500.0"
00:00:00.483 : uset g_trackir "1"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_pedestrian "1"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_light_span_factor "0.5"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_light_distance_factor "0.5"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_vehicle_flare_lights "1"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_auto_traffic_headlights "1"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_traffic "1"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_kdop_preview "0"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug "0"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_developer "1"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_wc_fps "0.0"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_wc_radius "-1.0"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_steam_rich_presence "1"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_steam_browser "1"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_steam_screenshots "2"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_artist_id "0"
00:00:00.484 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_news "1"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_colbox "0"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_radio_mode "1"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_ignore_low_fps "0"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_truck_light_quality "1"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_truck_light_specular "1"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_gfx_all_scales "0"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_gfx_advanced "1"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_gfx_quality "-1"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_hq_3d_screenshot "0"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_menu_aa_limit "8"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_additional_water_fov "20.0f"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_rain_reflect_hookups "1"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_rain_reflect_actor "1"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_rain_reflect_traffic "1"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_rain_reflect_cache "1"
00:00:00.485 : uset g_rain_reflection "3"
00:00:00.486 : uset g_reflection "1"
00:00:00.486 : uset g_grass_density "0"
00:00:00.486 : uset g_veg_detail "1"
00:00:00.486 : uset g_minicon "1"
00:00:00.486 : uset g_console "1"
00:00:00.486 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
00:00:00.486 : uset g_fps "0"
00:00:00.486 : uset g_stream_exts ".ogg;.mp3"
00:00:00.486 : uset r_vsync "1"
00:00:00.486 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "1"
00:00:00.486 : uset r_texture_detail "1"
00:00:00.486 : uset t_averaging_window_length "20"
00:00:00.498 : [lang] Language autodetection: 419
00:00:00.524 : Selected language: ru_ru
00:00:00.524 : Euro Truck Simulator 2 init ver. (rev. 8e177abd8473)
00:00:00.540 : [net] LOG INFO: Started
00:00:00.542 : Setting UI reference mode to: 1440x900...
00:00:00.542 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx9
00:00:00.596 : [dx9] NVAPI not detected. (-2)
00:00:00.596 : [dx9] Direct3D9Ex detected.
00:00:00.596 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
00:00:00.603 : [dx9] Adapter #0: AMD Radeon HD 6520G / 1500 (0) MB (aticfx32.dll,, )
00:00:00.604 : [dx9] Using SM3X rendering path
00:00:00.606 : [gfx] Trying to set 1366x768 32bpp 60Hz (fullscreen)
00:00:00.979 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
00:00:01.538 : [al] device: OpenAL Soft
00:00:01.539 : [al] context extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_loopback
00:00:01.586 : [al] vendor: OpenAL Community
00:00:01.586 : [al] version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.14
00:00:01.586 : [al] renderer: OpenAL Soft
00:00:01.586 : [al] extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFTX_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points
00:00:01.586 : [snd] Started sound update thread
00:00:01.623 : [di8] Initializing device '@@keyboard@@' as 'keyboard'
00:00:01.629 : [di8] Initializing device '@@i_mouse@@' as 'mouse'
00:00:01.689 : [di8] Initializing device 'DEFENDER WHEEL' as '{E72BA7E0-E463-11E3-8002-444553540000}|{00030E8F-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}'
00:00:01.696 : [di8] FF Constant force supported
00:00:01.696 : [di8] FF Ramp force supported
00:00:01.696 : [di8] FF Square force supported
00:00:01.696 : [di8] FF Sine force supported
00:00:01.696 : [di8] FF Triangle force supported
00:00:01.697 : [di8] FF SawtoothUp force supported
00:00:01.697 : [di8] FF SawtoothDown force supported
00:00:01.697 : [di8] FF Spring force supported
00:00:01.697 : [di8] FF Damper force supported
00:00:01.697 : [di8] FF Inertia force supported
00:00:01.697 : [di8] FF Friction force supported
00:00:01.698 : [di8] FF Axis 'x' 'X axis' reports force 10N with resolution of 256
00:00:01.698 : [di8] FF Axis 'y' 'Y axis' reports force 10N with resolution of 256
00:00:02.203 : [net] LINK ERRO: Not found.
00:00:02.443 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 726 entries (81CE94359E40634A2AF6481472C355DA3EC3A4DC4AD5EAAE4501E859586C937)
00:00:02.452 : [hashfs] dlc_fantasy.scs: Mounted and validated, 276 entries (9952D8C23F1BB81E8FC564625DFE2012A0AB85C6E18C0A1AE3523C8D049BE83)
00:00:02.460 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bz.scs: Mounted and validated, 171 entries (945124E222E020A602D1914B2FC36144C7C6DBB5E5D718D595F0B1357BA7207)
00:00:02.467 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ca.scs: Mounted and validated, 207 entries (838671228FF35AFD696F5AC2C007D654C51306F34DABFA81DC1EDDEC281898B)
00:00:02.475 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cz.scs: Mounted and validated, 224 entries (99EA0CFC6009F2469D3E5C495E3E6E6C59192A053A538FCB70388A909918585)
00:00:02.484 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_de.scs: Mounted and validated, 233 entries (0C28852B6081D66FE3258856D1A6DFB914E3E1B1B3D947E091697C5140E0B38)
00:00:02.492 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fr.scs: Mounted and validated, 245 entries (6C06087DDBE3AC230EC76FAE18F397C828AAEE7CA753AC7B1B43E4DF581CCC6)
00:00:02.499 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ie.scs: Mounted and validated, 195 entries (50C60797BCA5D4E6B22C5653629774B8D7EC5F82050EE76E8DEF7FC0124CEF5)
00:00:02.507 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pl.scs: Mounted and validated, 187 entries (A7EF95A7DE3CA4DBF57F4BE719B4FAEE0A233601FBA1D88DDD772E4C773BD90)
00:00:02.515 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sc.scs: Mounted and validated, 221 entries (404A57CED3CB322B122C72CC12ADE21E473A46D47D4CEE1A724254A593C5C35)
00:00:02.522 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_uk.scs: Mounted and validated, 192 entries (3A208B13716C71C5B86E9776D405301308125174D5C2738FC42EFC0BDCF78CB)
00:00:02.530 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_us.scs: Mounted and validated, 214 entries (FAC27BB18D945CB0DFB29891725BB88E31DC9400069088E6347D6084D42695A)
00:00:02.541 : [hashfs] dlc_halloween.scs: Mounted and validated, 338 entries (2204F6126D52E90447D10720233D3053DE5AF8BF7F22144B2F07B3B53A0FE99)
00:00:02.549 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics.scs: Mounted and validated, 202 entries (FF966240DCE18A3759C9C89AB193EE1CAC6BE29A09EC70C67797069AFD5D1FE)
00:00:02.559 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics2.scs: Mounted and validated, 235 entries (FED1E095EC520C4BDF0D41C65AE90E794BA82A1FCA10A32ABCC7CE3E05D16C3)
00:00:02.571 : [hashfs] dlc_nature.scs: Mounted and validated, 443 entries (FFEDA0D80E69C70C2BFB63AF51622221ECC403CC484C7C16393DACC7A89EFEF)
00:00:02.771 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Mounted and validated, 410 entries (6DAEAB60FA48EF9181E184B93FADE73090EDDAD766B26F7AED4D8B3BE985368)
00:00:02.783 : [hashfs] dlc_winter.scs: Mounted and validated, 441 entries (1AE0969BFEF4AE04ACC876D6368058A9D1B431C0E3A4F19B24472322A045A82)
00:00:03.648 : dispatch
00:00:03.648 : exit
00:00:08.696 : [ui] Controller setup start
00:00:08.701 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:08.701 : [inp] Analyzing "DEFENDER WHEEL" "di8.'{E72BA7E0-E463-11E3-8002-444553540000}|{00030E8F-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}'"
00:00:08.720 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:00:08.723 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:00:08.728 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.default
00:00:08.730 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:00:08.732 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:00:08.742 : [inp] Classified as: unknown
00:00:08.743 : [ui] Ignoring '{E72BA7E0-E463-11E3-8002-444553540000}|{00030E8F-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}' ('DEFENDER WHEEL') from UI control: blacklisted
00:00:08.743 : [ui] Controller setup done
00:00:09.233 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 726 entries (81CE94359E40634A2AF6481472C355DA3EC3A4DC4AD5EAAE4501E859586C937)
00:00:09.290 : [hashfs] dlc_fantasy.scs: Mounted and validated, 276 entries (9952D8C23F1BB81E8FC564625DFE2012A0AB85C6E18C0A1AE3523C8D049BE83)
00:00:09.297 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_bz.scs: Mounted and validated, 171 entries (945124E222E020A602D1914B2FC36144C7C6DBB5E5D718D595F0B1357BA7207)
00:00:09.304 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ca.scs: Mounted and validated, 207 entries (838671228FF35AFD696F5AC2C007D654C51306F34DABFA81DC1EDDEC281898B)
00:00:09.312 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_cz.scs: Mounted and validated, 224 entries (99EA0CFC6009F2469D3E5C495E3E6E6C59192A053A538FCB70388A909918585)
00:00:09.320 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_de.scs: Mounted and validated, 233 entries (0C28852B6081D66FE3258856D1A6DFB914E3E1B1B3D947E091697C5140E0B38)
00:00:09.327 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_fr.scs: Mounted and validated, 245 entries (6C06087DDBE3AC230EC76FAE18F397C828AAEE7CA753AC7B1B43E4DF581CCC6)
00:00:09.334 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_ie.scs: Mounted and validated, 195 entries (50C60797BCA5D4E6B22C5653629774B8D7EC5F82050EE76E8DEF7FC0124CEF5)
00:00:09.341 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_pl.scs: Mounted and validated, 187 entries (A7EF95A7DE3CA4DBF57F4BE719B4FAEE0A233601FBA1D88DDD772E4C773BD90)
00:00:09.349 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_sc.scs: Mounted and validated, 221 entries (404A57CED3CB322B122C72CC12ADE21E473A46D47D4CEE1A724254A593C5C35)
00:00:09.355 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_uk.scs: Mounted and validated, 192 entries (3A208B13716C71C5B86E9776D405301308125174D5C2738FC42EFC0BDCF78CB)
00:00:09.363 : [hashfs] dlc_flags_us.scs: Mounted and validated, 214 entries (FAC27BB18D945CB0DFB29891725BB88E31DC9400069088E6347D6084D42695A)
00:00:09.373 : [hashfs] dlc_halloween.scs: Mounted and validated, 338 entries (2204F6126D52E90447D10720233D3053DE5AF8BF7F22144B2F07B3B53A0FE99)
00:00:09.382 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics.scs: Mounted and validated, 202 entries (FF966240DCE18A3759C9C89AB193EE1CAC6BE29A09EC70C67797069AFD5D1FE)
00:00:09.391 : [hashfs] dlc_metallics2.scs: Mounted and validated, 235 entries (FED1E095EC520C4BDF0D41C65AE90E794BA82A1FCA10A32ABCC7CE3E05D16C3)
00:00:09.402 : [hashfs] dlc_nature.scs: Mounted and validated, 443 entries (FFEDA0D80E69C70C2BFB63AF51622221ECC403CC484C7C16393DACC7A89EFEF)
00:00:09.577 : [hashfs] dlc_trailers.scs: Mounted and validated, 410 entries (6DAEAB60FA48EF9181E184B93FADE73090EDDAD766B26F7AED4D8B3BE985368)
00:00:09.589 : [hashfs] dlc_winter.scs: Mounted and validated, 441 entries (1AE0969BFEF4AE04ACC876D6368058A9D1B431C0E3A4F19B24472322A045A82)
00:00:09.757 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:09.758 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:09.758 : uset s_sfx_volume "1"
00:00:09.758 : uset s_music_volume "0.0855263"
00:00:09.758 : uset s_master_volume "1"
00:00:09.758 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:09.758 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:09.758 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:09.758 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:09.758 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:09.758 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:09.758 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:09.758 : uset g_currency "1"
00:00:09.758 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.37"
00:00:09.758 : uset g_save_idx "6"
00:00:09.758 : uset g_adviser "2"
00:00:09.758 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:09.758 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:09.759 : uset g_fatigue "0"
00:00:09.759 : uset g_police "0"
00:00:09.759 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:09.759 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:09.759 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:09.759 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:09.759 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:09.759 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:09.759 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:09.759 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:09.759 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:09.759 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:09.759 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:09.759 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:09.759 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:09.760 : uset g_cam_blinker "1"
00:00:09.760 : uset g_cam_steering_value "1.0"
00:00:09.760 : uset g_cam_steering "1"
00:00:09.760 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:00:09.760 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "1"
00:00:09.760 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:09.760 : uset g_fuel_simulation "1"
00:00:09.760 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:09.760 : uset g_reg_setting ""
00:00:09.760 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "0"
00:00:09.760 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:00:09.760 : uset g_axle_drop_auto "1"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_trailer_stability "1"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_brake_intensity "0.936209"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_hshifter_layout "3"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_trans "0"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:00:09.761 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
00:00:10.243 : [net] LINK ERRO: Not found.
00:00:11.159 : loading 'mp_launch_helper' 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/bin/win_x86/plugins/mp_launch_helper.dll'
00:01:06.421 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs
00:01:16.619 : [zipfs] 01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 20538 entries [0xd6d4798e]
00:01:24.051 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs
00:01:24.921 : [zipfs] 01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 20538 entries [0xd6d4798e]
00:01:24.921 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs
00:01:29.607 : [zipfs] 02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 9035 entries [0xb7988264]
00:01:34.284 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs
00:01:35.165 : [zipfs] 01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 20538 entries [0xd6d4798e]
00:01:35.165 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs
00:01:35.548 : [zipfs] 02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 9035 entries [0xb7988264]
00:01:35.549 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/03_no_trailer_traffic_military.scs
00:01:35.550 : [zipfs] 03_no_trailer_traffic_military.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x4828b64]
00:01:37.311 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs
00:01:38.189 : [zipfs] 01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 20538 entries [0xd6d4798e]
00:01:38.190 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs
00:01:38.570 : [zipfs] 02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 9035 entries [0xb7988264]
00:01:38.570 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/03_no_trailer_traffic_military.scs
00:01:38.571 : [zipfs] 03_no_trailer_traffic_military.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x4828b64]
00:01:38.571 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/conter.zip
00:01:38.889 : [zipfs] conter.zip: read ok, 110 entries [0x4fbb7d32]
00:01:40.702 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs
00:01:41.581 : [zipfs] 01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 20538 entries [0xd6d4798e]
00:01:41.581 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs
00:01:41.963 : [zipfs] 02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 9035 entries [0xb7988264]
00:01:41.963 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/03_no_trailer_traffic_military.scs
00:01:41.963 : [zipfs] 03_no_trailer_traffic_military.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x4828b64]
00:01:41.964 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/conter.zip
00:01:41.967 : [zipfs] conter.zip: read ok, 110 entries [0x4fbb7d32]
00:01:41.968 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs
00:01:51.432 : [zipfs] trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs: read ok, 14443 entries [0xeb09d267]
00:01:53.736 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs
00:01:54.615 : [zipfs] 01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 20538 entries [0xd6d4798e]
00:01:54.616 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs
00:01:55.000 : [zipfs] 02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 9035 entries [0xb7988264]
00:01:55.000 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/03_no_trailer_traffic_military.scs
00:01:55.001 : [zipfs] 03_no_trailer_traffic_military.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x4828b64]
00:01:55.001 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/conter.zip
00:01:55.006 : [zipfs] conter.zip: read ok, 110 entries [0x4fbb7d32]
00:01:55.006 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs
00:01:55.517 : [zipfs] trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs: read ok, 14443 entries [0xeb09d267]
00:01:55.517 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs
00:02:09.823 : [zipfs] trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs: read ok, 6070 entries [0xffc923ad]
00:02:11.973 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs
00:02:12.865 : [zipfs] 01_eastern_express_ver_4_0_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 20538 entries [0xd6d4798e]
00:02:12.865 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs
00:02:13.250 : [zipfs] 02_morozov_exp_3_6_ets2_1_14.scs: read ok, 9035 entries [0xb7988264]
00:02:13.250 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/03_no_trailer_traffic_military.scs
00:02:13.251 : [zipfs] 03_no_trailer_traffic_military.scs: read ok, 3 entries [0x4828b64]
00:02:13.251 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/conter.zip
00:02:13.255 : [zipfs] conter.zip: read ok, 110 entries [0x4fbb7d32]
00:02:13.255 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs
00:02:13.766 : [zipfs] trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part1.scs: read ok, 14443 entries [0xeb09d267]
00:02:13.766 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs
00:02:14.079 : [zipfs] trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_part2.scs: read ok, 6070 entries [0xffc923ad]
00:02:14.079 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs
00:02:14.154 : [zipfs] C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs: www.jazzycat.ucoz.net
00:02:14.154 : [zipfs] trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v2.8_rus.scs: read ok, 393 entries [0xf2206c1e]
00:02:26.454 : Profile '[ЮгРуси]леха 161 RUS' created.
00:02:26.457 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:02:26.457 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:02:26.457 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
00:02:26.457 : uset s_music_volume "0.8"
00:02:26.458 : uset s_master_volume "1.0"
00:02:26.458 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:02:26.458 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:02:26.458 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
00:02:26.458 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:02:26.458 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:02:26.458 : uset g_input_configured "0"
00:02:26.458 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:02:26.458 : uset g_currency "0"
00:02:26.458 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
00:02:26.458 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:02:26.458 : uset g_adviser "1"
00:02:26.458 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "1"
00:02:26.459 : uset g_tutorial "1"
00:02:26.459 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:02:26.459 : uset g_police "1"
00:02:26.459 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:02:26.459 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:02:26.459 : uset g_hmd_no_3d_background "0"
00:02:26.459 : uset g_hmd_no_special_menu "0"
00:02:26.459 : uset g_hmd_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:02:26.459 : uset g_hmd_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:02:26.459 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:02:26.459 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:02:26.459 : uset i_hmd_max_prediction "0.1"
00:02:26.459 : uset i_hmd_min_prediction "0.0"
00:02:26.459 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:02:26.459 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:02:26.459 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:02:26.460 : uset g_cam_blinker "0"
00:02:26.460 : uset g_cam_steering_value "1.0"
00:02:26.460 : uset g_cam_steering "0"
00:02:26.460 : uset g_cruise_control_grid "5.0"
00:02:26.460 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:02:26.460 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:02:26.460 : uset g_fuel_simulation "0"
00:02:26.460 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:02:26.460 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:02:26.460 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "1"
00:02:26.460 : uset g_hud_speed_limit "1"
00:02:26.461 : uset g_axle_drop_auto "1"
00:02:26.461 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:02:26.461 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:02:26.461 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:02:26.461 : uset g_trailer_stability "0.5"
00:02:26.461 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0"
00:02:26.461 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:02:26.461 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:02:26.461 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:02:26.461 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:02:26.461 : uset g_mph "0"
00:02:26.461 : uset g_hshifter_layout "0"
00:02:26.461 : uset g_trans "0"
00:02:26.462 : uset g_lang "ru_ru"
00:02:26.462 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
00:02:27.445 : [inp] Initial evaluation
00:02:27.445 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:02:27.445 : [inp] Analyzing "DEFENDER WHEEL" "di8.'{E72BA7E0-E463-11E3-8002-444553540000}|{00030E8F-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}'"
00:02:27.463 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:02:27.467 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:02:27.471 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.default
00:02:27.473 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:02:27.475 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:02:27.484 : [inp] Classified as: unknown
00:02:27.503 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:02:27.507 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:02:27.512 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.default
00:02:27.513 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:02:27.516 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:02:27.525 : [inp] No steering axis found, fallback selection
00:02:27.525 : [inp] Trying to find a valid combination
00:02:27.525 : [inp] Trying di8.'{E72BA7E0-E463-11E3-8002-444553540000}|{00030E8F-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}'
00:02:27.534 : [inp] Applying input.steer.generic.joy.absolute
00:02:27.546 : [inp] Applying input.pedals.generic.joy
00:02:27.548 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:02:27.552 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:02:27.556 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.default
00:02:27.558 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:02:27.560 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:02:27.569 : [inp] Selected
00:02:29.984 : [inp] Looking for new devices
00:02:30.056 : [inp] Device change detected
00:02:30.501 : [inp] Initial evaluation
00:02:30.501 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:02:30.502 : [inp] Analyzing "DEFENDER WHEEL" "di8.'{E72BA7E0-E463-11E3-8002-444553540000}|{00030E8F-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}'"
00:02:30.519 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:02:30.524 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:02:30.529 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.default
00:02:30.530 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:02:30.533 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:02:30.542 : [inp] Classified as: unknown
00:02:30.551 : [inp] Applying input.steer.generic.joy.absolute
00:02:30.564 : [inp] Applying input.pedals.generic.joy
00:02:30.566 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:02:30.570 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:02:30.575 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.default
00:02:30.576 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:02:30.579 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:02:33.073 : Steering controller type unknown, asking user
00:02:34.869 : [inp] Applying input.steer.generic.joy.absolute
00:02:34.883 : [inp] Applying input.pedals.generic.joy
00:02:34.886 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:02:34.890 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:02:34.895 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.default
00:02:34.896 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:02:34.899 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:02:34.909 : H-shifter HW not detected
00:02:58.557 : game
00:02:59.197 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet
00:02:59.756 : Loaded trailers: 620
00:02:59.767 : Loaded small traffic vehicles: 30
00:02:59.777 : Loaded truck traffic vehicles: 21
00:02:59.877 : Loaded traffic trailers: 387
00:02:59.880 : Loaded addon hookups: 16
00:02:59.883 : Loading resource server data ....
00:02:59.883 : Loading road data ....
00:02:59.982 : Loading terrain data ....
00:03:00.019 : Loading railing data ....
00:03:00.064 : Loading building data ....
00:03:00.092 : Loading model data ....
00:03:00.171 : Loading prefab data ....
00:03:03.548 : Loading traffic rule data ....
00:03:03.554 : Loading sign data ....
00:03:03.653 : Loading city data ....
00:03:03.719 : Loading traffic semaphore data ....
00:03:03.729 : Loading traffic signs data ....
00:03:03.744 : Loading vegetation data ....
00:03:03.784 : Loading hinges data ....
00:03:03.807 : Loading stamp data ....
00:03:03.828 : Loading movers data ....
00:03:03.836 : Loading ferry data ....
00:03:03.845 : Loading country data ....
00:03:03.928 : Loading sound item data ....
00:03:03.933 : Loading live stream data ....
00:03:03.936 : Loading game condition data ....
00:03:03.950 : Loading trigger action data ....
00:03:03.967 : Loading cutscene data ....
00:03:04.034 : Loading cargo data ....
00:03:04.075 : [unit] File '/def/cargo/bricks.sii', line 5:
00:03:04.075 : Included at '/def/cargo.jazzycat.sii', line 3:
00:03:04.075 : [unit] The unit name 'cargo.bricks' is already taken by an existing unit (of type 'cargo_data').
00:03:04.075 : load_filtered_unit_array() - Failed to load units from file (/def/cargo.jazzycat.sii)
00:03:04.081 : Cargo 'cargo.acetylene': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.082 : Cargo 'cargo.acid': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.082 : Cargo 'cargo.alualk': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.082 : Cargo 'cargo.ammunition': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.083 : Cargo 'cargo.apples': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.084 : Cargo 'cargo.arsenic': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.085 : Cargo 'cargo.beverages': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.086 : Cargo 'cargo.bricks': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.087 : Cargo 'cargo.cement': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.088 : Cargo 'cargo.cheese': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.089 : Cargo 'cargo.chemicals': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.090 : Cargo 'cargo.chlorine': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.090 : Cargo 'cargo.clothes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.091 : Cargo 'cargo.coal': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.092 : Cargo 'cargo.concrete': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.092 : Cargo 'cargo.contamin': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.093 : Cargo 'cargo.cyanide': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.093 : Cargo 'cargo.diesel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.094 : Cargo 'cargo.digger1000': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.094 : Cargo 'cargo.digger500': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.095 : Cargo 'cargo.diggers': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.096 : Cargo 'cargo.dynamite': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.096 : Cargo 'cargo.electronics': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.098 : Cargo 'cargo.excavator': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.099 : Cargo 'cargo.explosives': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.099 : Cargo 'cargo.fertilizer': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.100 : Cargo 'cargo.fireworks': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.100 : Cargo 'cargo.flour': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.101 : Cargo 'cargo.fluorine': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.104 : Cargo 'cargo.frozen_food': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.105 : Cargo 'cargo.furniture': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.106 : Cargo 'cargo.glass_packed': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.106 : Cargo 'cargo.gravel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.107 : Cargo 'cargo.hipresstank': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.108 : Cargo 'cargo.hmetal': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.108 : Cargo 'cargo.hwaste': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.109 : Cargo 'cargo.hydrochlor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.109 : Cargo 'cargo.hydrogen': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.110 : Cargo 'cargo.icecream': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.111 : Cargo 'cargo.kerosene': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.112 : Cargo 'cargo.lead': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.112 : Cargo 'cargo.lpg': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.113 : Cargo 'cargo.magnesium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.114 : Cargo 'cargo.medicals': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.115 : Cargo 'cargo.mercuric': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.116 : Cargo 'cargo.neon': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.117 : Cargo 'cargo.nitrocel': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.117 : Cargo 'cargo.nitrogen': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.118 : Cargo 'cargo.oil': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.118 : Cargo 'cargo.oranges': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.119 : Cargo 'cargo.ore': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.120 : Cargo 'cargo.paper': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.120 : Cargo 'cargo.peas': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.121 : Cargo 'cargo.pesticide': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.122 : Cargo 'cargo.petrol': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.122 : Cargo 'cargo.phosphor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.123 : Cargo 'cargo.potahydro': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.124 : Cargo 'cargo.potassium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.124 : Cargo 'cargo.potatoes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.125 : Cargo 'cargo.rice': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.126 : Cargo 'cargo.sand': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.128 : Cargo 'cargo.sodchlor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.129 : Cargo 'cargo.sodhydro': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.129 : Cargo 'cargo.sodium': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.130 : Cargo 'cargo.sugar': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.130 : Cargo 'cargo.sulfuric': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.131 : Cargo 'cargo.tableware': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.132 : Cargo 'cargo.tomatoes': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.132 : Cargo 'cargo.toys': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.134 : Cargo 'cargo.tyres': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.136 : Cargo 'cargo.yogurt': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.152 : Cargo 'cargo.aircond': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.153 : Cargo 'cargo.driller': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.153 : Cargo 'cargo.helicopter': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.154 : Cargo 'cargo.tracks': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.154 : Cargo 'cargo.tractor': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.155 : Cargo 'cargo.tube': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.155 : Cargo 'cargo.yacht': vehicles list is not empty! The list should be defined using the new directory-based mechanism.
00:03:04.156 : Loading company data ....
00:03:05.531 : Resources load time: 6394ms (9 MB)
00:03:05.531 : Map '/map/rus.mbd' loading started ....
00:03:09.154 : Map successfully loaded.
00:03:09.177 : Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.dover)
00:03:09.178 : Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.tyne)
00:03:09.180 : Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.calais)
00:03:09.184 : Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.tyne)
00:03:09.184 : Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.ijmuiden)
00:03:09.186 : Map load time: 3655ms (82 MB)
00:03:09.190 : Game state load failed. Game state will be restored from the initial save.
00:03:11.232 : Economy reset - company mismatch
00:03:11.239 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:03:11.558 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.trameri.piter to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:03:11.558 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.transinet.belomorsk to iveco_jazzy(siktivkar)!
00:03:11.561 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.trameri.piter to damco_jazzy(v4)!
00:03:11.561 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.transinet.belomorsk to damco_jazzy(v4)!
00:03:11.561 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.trameri.piter to damco_jazzy(berlin)!
00:03:11.561 : More failures to find a route.
00:03:18.312 : Map link conflict for 0x3243CD9AC100274, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:03:18.379 : Map link conflict for 0x326C0A5B440015B, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:03:18.399 : Map link conflict for 0x326C0A61CC000D3, two items are probably using the same prefab
00:03:18.434 : Road network navigation caching finished.
00:03:18.505 : Garage update started.
00:03:19.412 : Garage update finished.
00:03:19.420 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/5BD0AED0B3D0A0D183D181D0B85DD0BBD0B5D185D0B02031363120525553/save/autosave/game.sii) ...
00:03:19.555 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:03:19.644 : Economy load time: 20508ms (24 MB)
00:03:19.949 : Game init finished. (116 MB)
00:03:49.143 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/5BD0AED0B3D0A0D183D181D0B85DD0BBD0B5D185D0B02031363120525553/save/autosave/game.sii) ...
00:03:49.290 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:03:49.297 : Another save is under way!
00:03:49.297 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:04:05.639 : Incompatible save game loaded.
00:04:13.557 : Nothing to activate
00:05:51.106 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:05:51.107 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:05:51.120 : Model in old format detected '/vehicle/trailer_eu/aero_dynamic/ui_shadow.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:06:52.340 : Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:06:52.340 : Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:13:34.921 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/5BD0AED0B3D0A0D183D181D0B85DD0BBD0B5D185D0B02031363120525553/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:13:35.089 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:16:47.858 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/5BD0AED0B3D0A0D183D181D0B85DD0BBD0B5D185D0B02031363120525553/save/autosave/game.sii) ...
00:16:48.020 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:19:37.095 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/5BD0AED0B3D0A0D183D181D0B85DD0BBD0B5D185D0B02031363120525553/save/autosave_job/game.sii) ...
00:19:37.278 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:21:46.083 : [music] DirectShow graph: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/music/001 Armin Van Buuren & Cindy Alma - Beautiful Life.mp3 -> MPEG-I Stream Splitter -> ffdshow Audio Decoder -> Default DirectSound Device
00:26:01.107 : [traffic] Vehicle 42 uses horn.
00:26:02.396 : [traffic] Vehicle 7 uses horn.
00:32:33.914 : Creating save-game file (/home/profiles/5BD0AED0B3D0A0D183D181D0B85DD0BBD0B5D185D0B02031363120525553/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) ...
00:32:34.085 : Game has been auto-saved.
00:38:52.045 : [music] DirectShow graph: C:/Users/user/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/music/002 Daddy Yankee - La Nueva Y La Ex.mp3 -> MPEG-I Stream Splitter -> ffdshow Audio Decoder -> Default DirectSound Device
00:41:06.182 : [music] DirectShow graph: WMAsfReader -> MP3 Decoder DMO -> Default DirectSound Device
- 0
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Отправлено 10 Ноябрь 2014 - 23:44

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Отправлено 11 Ноябрь 2014 - 05:39

- 6 707 сообщений
- 3822 благодарностей
- 344 тем создано
- 100 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Клоун
- Версия ETS2:ETS2
- Грузовик в ETS2:scan
- Грузовик в ATS:scan
Любимая игра:
kamaz608,кстате что бы игра не висела из-за музыки переводи музыку в формат ogg
Поблагодарили 1 Пользователь:
☭ Taran KZ ☭
Отправлено 11 Ноябрь 2014 - 05:48

☭ Taran KZ ☭
- 31 669 сообщений
- 6135 благодарностей
- 122 тем создано
- 0 баллов предупреждения
- Реальное имя:Саня
- Версия ETS2:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ETS2:Renault T
- Версия ATS:Steam Public Beta + All DLC + МР
- Грузовик в ATS:Kenworth K100
Любимая игра:

conter.zipубери его он старый и даёт ошибки

Миша228, не надо ничего переводить, МР 3 спокойно считывается
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